Hahaha did you really say BB when it comes to story telling. Hahahaha. I don't know if I should take you serious now. As for your picks all solid (besides BB) but again I've seen the same comments I see now with their stories and worse those that just want to get straight to some fucking. At least you have some decent criticism that could be helpful to Aorrta.
Regarding BB, I'll admit that it's not great. But I think the point is that it still
exists, if you follow me? Sure, BB has a
lot of problems, and is almost the textbook stereotype poster boy of the clumsy porn game where you play an unlikeable douche who just wants to fuck all of his family, etc. but as bad as it is, it still
has a plot. It still
has pacing. And it still at least
has characters.
Now you can question the quality of these things in BB, but when it comes down to it I think my point overall is that Family Secret is almost a literal
void when it comes to these things. You can at least define the female family members in BB and tag attributes and personality traits to them. I defy anybody to actually describe what the character, personality and traits are of
any of the girls we've seen in Family Secret so far if you ignore horniness and anything generally related to sex and promiscuity. And physical attributes and occupation are not character traits.
Nor is there story here. It's just a bunch of moments that happen one after the other with no real logic or natural flow to them. Just a bunch of flimsy excuses to jump from one sexual encounter and/or moment of titillation to the next.
My point is, even the most done-to-death hackneyed and poorly done content that at least has some substance to it is better than something with
no real substance at all.