Well, I'm a bit disappointed in this latest version of this visual novel/game... First it's been over 3 months since I tried it's initial Episode 1 release, and yet they haven't even fixed all the text issues in Episode 1 with this release... Then add in all the bugs I ran into... Plus, half of Episode 2 was just more introduction, which should have been part of Episode 1... Plus, this thing has gone from what seemed to be a normal Visual Novel style, to going in a more Grind/Adventure style game play... And not even all the game play mechanics seem to be in place yet.. I'm also not a fan of the navigation being hidden in it's own menu rather then just placing the icons on the screen like most other VN/Games of this style do... I don't know, it just feels like this game is going in directions that feel a bit over the top and melodramatic with the story and new characters as well... Even with the few good things I ran into, it's all still a bit disappointing... I went ahead and updated my review...