It makes sense, but you have to understand the scale the game is using. Imagine it was a scale from 0 to 10, 0 is Beta, 10 is Alpha, 5 would be balanced. If you choose Beta, your character does not have any real fight in him, he is going to go along with the way things are, he has little perversion and no real desire to change things. If you choose Alpha, your character is full on corrupt, he is very controlling and is really interested in himself. If you shoot for the 5, the more balanced approach, the character is perverted enough to want to have an incestuous relationship with the different girls, and is motivated enough to make it happen while also still caring enough to want to protect the girls (instead of using them like the full Alpha.)
On another note, I enjoyed the update, but that
cliffhanger at the end..., I was already hit by the ending of the last update to Whispering Pines and now
I am stuck on a cliff in two enjoyable games until they update!