Spent hours getting to what I assume is near the end, only for it to crash and then black screen each time I try re-open it.
It's a very, very slow game and you're basically stuck watching (or skipping really) the same few "teasing" animations over and over. The actual gameplay is pretty fun, but it's really one of those games where the Dev was so focussed on making a half-decent game, he forgot to make a half-decent *porn* game.
The sex scenes are the same girl's model for each scene, so to hide that most of it is taken up by the fat guy's bloated body, hiding all but her legs and waist from view.
It's not bad, it truly could be great but I wouldn't recommend it. If you do play it, throw it on easy and use Cheat Engine to get through it.
The absolute worst is the Base defense missions, if there's a way to speed them up I don't know it, which means you're just sitting there AFK with all the monsters instantly dying as soon as they touch any of your girls, for 10+ minutes. It's amazing that the Dev thought that would be compelling gameplay, that someone would really want to play a tower defense for 15minutes at endgame, it's tedious, it's boring and if you can skip it or force the waves to rush you, then someone please tell me because goddamn, it's horrible.