I see, that makes sense then, glad to help.
One other small flaw I saw that I forgot to mention is that the girls have a bit of a forgettable design. If you switch the hairstyles between the characters, you would not be able to tell which is which. I would reccomend adding small details to every character that distinguishes them. Customize their uniforms. Try to add to each character design a few details in a way that suits them, examples : If one character is a bit slutty, shorten her skirt and unbutton a bit of her shirt. If one is more uptight, give her a tie or glasses . If 2 characters are close friends, give them matching bracelets. Stuff like that, that both distinguishes them from the other characters, and adds to their own character. Best part: with the world reset, you wouldn't even have to redo the renders, IMO. If you really want to explain it away, just throw a line about their mind control erasing removing parts of their individualism.
Anyway, this are my cents. I really like the prologue. Just out of curiosity: How often will you update, and will this be more of a kinetic novel, or will choices have a long term effect ?