
Game Developer
Jan 4, 2021
TrollerXD73 yes i will introduce an attribute and trait cap from the next version. But balancing what this limit might be will probably take more, as well as some input from the players.
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Jun 7, 2020
Certainly enjoyed what content there is so far, and can't wait for more. The discord link in the game doesn't seem to work, although perhaps the problem is on my end, I'd advise double checking that it is a permanent link.

Can't wait to see more content, the choices so far seem like they'll be impactful, which is key to any game of this sort. Welp, I'm looking forward to future releases, and I'll quickly throw in a suggestion of latex content, because if there is one thing I've seen on f95, there is a massive community for it, but few games that cover it.
If you get a bit of latex content in your game, it'll stand out far more.

Although I am most certainly biased in my saying that so... eh do whatever you want, you're the designer.
Will give a 5 star rating for now because I want to see where the game goes.


Apr 25, 2019
Game doesn't even load. I get

"Apologies! An error has occurred. You may be able to continue, but some parts may not work properly.

Error: Script error.."

With Both V1.3 and V1.2b


Game Developer
Jan 4, 2021
BubbaNoName does the console (right click / inspect on chrome) print something else in addition? If so could you paste it?
Which OS / browser do you have?


Mar 5, 2020
Hi, I'm trying to play on my phone using chrome and joiplay, but it never stop loading...


Game Developer
Jan 4, 2021
EvilRade I have some important work related deadlines that will keep me busy until somewhere in middle April. So hopefully soon thereafter.
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New Member
Dec 10, 2020
Very solid base with great potential but as yet little content. Im a sucker for more images btw. Look forward to future versions. Clearly a strong developer but some bugs such as "degree in [Object object]" and n is undefined (Firefox).


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2020
Seems like a well thought out start.

If you have anal with the girlfriend though it just get's stuck, once you're both maxed out on pleasure there's no more buttons to press and you hit a dead-end.

Also if you let the woman's girlfriend piss on you in the bathroom there's some errors about undefined labels (I think there's supposed to be a secret there, but it doesn't happen).

For the game options where it's got same sex or opposite sex then it'd be nice if that had a wider spectrum of things, as I'd not fuck a dude but I would fuck a sissy (and I noticed sissy stuff was mentioned)... so I initially left in same sex stuff just to not rule out traps, but then once you're a politician it wanted me to suck some guys dick and it just ended when I didn't (though when I swapped it to women only it ends after then anyhoo).


Game Developer
Jan 4, 2021
Thank you for all the comments so far! Today I have posted a new (small) update. As the game gets bigger, it becomes harder to test all routes each time. So please bear with me if there are any bugs. In case you find one, please post the steps to reproduce it either here or in the discord, as well as any console output that there might be.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
When you are male and you "want to watch you GF with another man" - the GF becomes male in the next step. (He instead of she).

Its a start but nothing more ... reminds me a bit of a light version of Female Agent.

Will have another look after some updates. currently it is more a demo.


Nov 27, 2019
Looks nice. But i have the doubt if the person in the bathroom is always a woman, though i disable the heterosexual content she always appears.
On the other side... would you make a walkthrough? I would like to know what scenes i missed.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2020
Setup my MC as female lesbian only. During the first available sex scene, hit a dead end. The MC arousal is at 8, her partner I guess at 10(full red bar), no more options except try to take lead, let her have lead. Cannot progress any further.


Game Developer
Jan 4, 2021
Trasher2018 thanks, I fixed it. It will be in the next release. Female Agent was one of my inspirations, indeed! But technically if you are happy to masturbate forever, the game will never end!

gabri3lp You're right, that seems to have been left hardcoded, I will find a way to fix it. As for a walkthrough, there's not a lot of scenes. I count six at the moment, seven if you include the one at the end, at home. I hope that at some point somebody might volunteer to do just that.

bamachine I tried to play your route, but here it seems to work. There are typically three outcomes, depending on who "comes first". If one of you is at 10 and the other is at <= 7, then only one of you comes. If both are at >= 9 you come at the same time. It seems strange that there were no options left. Is the scene that you refer to the one for the "stable" relationship path?
4.90 star(s) 8 Votes