For crying out loud. I'm getting really tired of all the negativity. This game has been in development for over a year.These people always have an excuse. Everyone is always moving, or has trouble at work, or is sick. I know one artist on patreon who has to stop drawing their comic about once a month for a new broken hand/wrist/arm. You name an excuse, i've almost certainly seen it multiple times.
Not everyone is lying about these things, but i just don't care anymore. People either fulfill their end of the bargain in delivering quality content in a reasonable time frame given the funds they are receiving, or they don't. The details and the hows and why not's do not matter at all, and at this point as soon as someone starts talking about their problems, never again do they get a cent.
During that period I have seen a pretty steady release of content expect for the last few months. It may even have more content then some "finished" games.
Yeah I'm sure there are plenty of dudes out there that abuse the system and/or just dropped the ball. Not every post is an excuse for milking patreons maybe there just living there lives? I personally like to judge people by there previous track record and so far he was doing fine. So maybe we should wait a moment before we bring out the pitchforks?
The point is for most of these games are people who do this in their spare time! And thus it takes a lot of that time and effort. Nobody is able to predict if there personal circumstances will remain the same during the development of a game which can easily take 1-3 years.
I'm pretty sure it takes a lot more time and dedication then posting a couple of post complaining about everything based on assumption instead of facts.