I know that the convo of the mod having new content is like beating a dead horse, but i had a talk in the chans and this is the answer i got was:
You can extract all the .wolf files and open the game in the editor just like the dev. If you want to add things like random NPC's appearing again and them remembering stuff you would have to script it. A lot of the code is in nipponese like every single variable name and db entry from the looks of it so the problem wouldnt be engine limitations, it would be deciphering moonrunes. From what I've seen mods mostly edit DB entries and art so far.
Stuff like:
Would simply involve making a new variable, finding the script I think they call the scripts themselves "events" for some reason that handles the give back clothes part and then and then setting the variable to true or false depending on the player choice. Add another entry in the Char Dialogue called "Greeting Last Nude" or some such and then edit the dialogue scripts/events/whatever to check said variable and pick the normal or the new greeting. This is basic stuff and it's not hard but moonrunes make it more complicated than it has to be for most.
I know that perfectly well.
"One such thing I wanted to do what have NPC's make a custom comment if the player has previously sent someone out nude before. But it's not possible, the game can't really remember things like that. "
I must've posted that before I realized how to do it, I added some unique "alternative dialogue" on my last test version. it works. That guy is right except he doesn't point out the inconveniences of Wolf's database button scripting system.
Add another entry in the Char Dialogue called "Greeting Last Nude" or some such and then edit the dialogue scripts/events/whatever to check said variable and pick the normal or the new greeting
There's barely any room for that, you need to essentially make a new "alternative dialogue" type entry.
Look, there is the engine itself, and then there's all the scripts running that make a "sub-engine". I've said it a thousand times before, this is in japanese, I don't know japanese, I have no intention of learning japanese. I modified these scripts by reverse engineering and pretty much shooting in the dark.
The modifications are not complex themselves, it's finding out where the fuck to put it because if you can't read japanese, you don't know what 95% of that stuff does and the only way to figure it out is by touching something up and then praying that you notice wtf changed.
I literally spent a whole day imitating a search algorithm to find where the variable determining if female genitalia should have an erect state or not (wetness). This involved downloading 1.35 BP and 1.35 Vanilla and then incrementally replacing half of the whole scripting code to then run the game and see if there's a change or not.
I did something similar for when I needed to add new character entries. it took me roughly the same time.
These modifications are minuscule, they're nothing, it should be a 2 minute thing, but it has to take countless hours of fumbling around because the whole thing is unintelligible.
Understand, the sub-systems in place are also designed to do a very specific thing. It's not possible to write your own thing in parallel and have the to subsystems merge, you need to understand what the scripts are doing to modify the scripts.
The example of commenting on the last person getting naked is a silly one and I did manage to do it in the end, although every iteration of alternative dialogue needs a new alternative dialogue super entry, linking that dialogue entry to every character. It's not possible without scripting to add a randomized comment, but the switch refers to a new DB entry that swaps say: "Hello! How are you" for "Hello! was that a naked woman?" or whatever.
This has to be done for every character in the game. It would be much cleaner to have a different system in place, TIGK uses a one character - one line approach.
YEEES you could go in and technically modify it, you could spend a few months just changing the approach the original devs took. You might as well be making a new game.
Except Wolf is a pretty dated engine and has actual limitations when it comes to graphic manipulation and other things.
In addition, things are not designed to be moddable. Even something as translating (non npc dialogue) is not neatly packed in variables you can modify in the same place. Translating involves hopping through the code and finding the lines spread around the code.
It probably could've changed something 6 or so months ago.
Nothing changed
What worries me about a new project is that it might be your average patreon "Forever indev" like, say, TiTS, which is like 8 years old or something despite being a text game that gets like 30+k per month
If I wanted to be a Dev Hell Patreon smoocher I would've already shilled my project around and made a Patreon. I have enough to show to hype this thing to kingdom come (ask Shipfu). I'm not doing it, or even making a presentation until it's somehow put together in a more developed state.
I'm not a slacker, I've been actually working every day on this thing, no weekends.
Initially I wanted to actually clone TIGK and make a serviceable more mod friendly thing. It evolved from there, to the point it became a plan for an extremely mod friendly 2.5D animated hyper modular system.
This is not a TIGK Clone, it has almost nothing to do with TIGK except the examine papers mechanic.
This is an original idea using a system that's never been tried before (2.5D hypermodular paperdoll) for very good reason.
The payload of having modular dialogue, modular outfits, modular everything controlled by tags and a few variables that can be extrapolated and combined in different ways for different effect is nuts.
This is why I'm dumping every bit of free time I have on the project.