Procrastinatus Well definitely count me in to support you when you open a patreon, because this project of your is sounding more awesome by the minute and if the quality of the mod is any indication (even despite the engine's limitations) then I have a lot of faith on your own vision of the formula.
The art quality is a lot better since I've had time to hone my skills.
As for the programming, trust on my autism, I intend to make it a highly moddable more or less self running simulation and won't settle down for less. Despite the complexity put in, it's also designed for the player to only mind a few factors as to not be overwhelmed by the variables at play.
Thanks for the faith
Since we're discussing possible mechanics and suggestions:
- Female MC/POV for lesbian content. If penetration is an issue, there could be a strap-on or dildo (you're already mentioned toys) to replace the penis. In a similar vein futanari would be nice as well.
Don't get me wrong, that's a terrific idea. But all of the scripted interactions are planned with the PC being someone very specific to satisfy a coherent story. I'd say I could add a non-canon mode for a female PC but switching to a dildo wouldn't be immersive enough when everyone still treats you like a guy.
Another problem is the way dialogue is going to work. I intend to make a huge dialogue database based on circumstance and listed by certain criteria. The game will fetch the most appropriate pieces of dialogue based on personality tags, disposition and other factors.
If a female PC mode was to be added then this monster of a database would bloat up generously.
Because I'm serious in developing this and have so much invested thus far, I feel reluctant to add flavor features that will slow down progress by a significant margin unless they're really really worth it.
So, good idea, unfortunately incompatible with all the design choices I've made so far.
- More slapping/spanking or even some light bdsm like whipping. In general more places around the body to grope and slap.
Those are planned features
I had a ton of places and interaction modes planned at first. The problem is while that sounds good on paper, it bloats up the UI and makes things confusing. As of now I've settled for a clever lite UI way to do it, and while there won't be as many different interactions, I am aiming for animation cycles drawn from a pool of animations.
This is partly to account for animation preference based on character features, like tits. Did I mention there are 16 cup sizes not including flat? that was hell to figure out without turning the main body system into a complete mess.
- The ability to say more stuff to the characters during examination, and have positive/negative reactions depending on their mood or personality. So in addition to the basic orders like turning around and undressing, things like praising them ("good girl/boy!", "you have a nice body!") or demeaning and humiliating stuff ("you're such a whore!", "what's with these indecent clothes?!").
There will be something pretty much like that. Very close to it, actually.
To further manipulate disposition you'll be provided with a talk wheel (limited number of interactions per examination). Without going too much into detail, the options are Chat, Compliment, Neg and Demean.
All take into account disposition stats to calculate a disposition change. It's hard to explain but suffice to say it makes sense.
This exists to give you a (cheap, early game) tool to manipulate character disposition (IE get close to them) or change your standing with them (make them fear/at ease with you, raise or lower their confidence).
The combination result of these 3 stats determines their disposition and changes how the program picks part of their dialogue.
I think this sounds about the same, doesn't it?