
Apr 3, 2019
I really like this idea that the women dress up as men to avoid sexual harassment. That's hilarious. I will try to implement that if I can. And you are right in regards to Richard. Even though I am making my own game. Whatever system I use for flags I can adjust to fit whatever needs.

Yes. I don't want to pay for art in case the programming side of the game never gets completed for some reason. I had the good forethought to do that, because a bad situation has just happened. So I was making this game with a programmer who is a person I know in real life. We were both doing this as a hobby. But he can no longer continue doing this. So I now have no programmer, and I cannot program myself, and the game is incomplete. It was the exact thing I feared would happen. Development is currently paused.

But don't fear. I am dedicated, and do not want to waste almost 2 months of work. I am searching on freelance websites looking for a programmer to help me finish making the game. The bonus will be that they will possibly working on it full time if I can afford that, whereas my other programmer was doing it part time. The problem is the game just got a whole lot more expensive to make. As I now have to pay a programmers wages for probably a few months, then hire an artist as well and pay him. I will have to absolutely make sure this gets on Steam and GoG and everything else to get my money back from this now. I haven't hired the programmer yet, I have talked to a few, trying to see if any of them are willing to take a lower pay and do it part time instead, because that is much more affordable for me. And If I run out of money funding the programmer, then it's all useless without good art anyways.

So really, it might be a while before my game is released, or even before I have any screenshots to show. It's definitely not coming soon anyways.

On a positive note. I have now finished modding every single female characters outfit in ImpG. So whenever this next update comes out, I will post that in this thread and you can enjoy it.
thanks bro, people like you shine in this comunnity
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The Butler

Active Member
May 3, 2017
Small note regarding new updates about this game and the uncensor patch.
If a new version of the game come out I will be unable to update the patch for some time.
Recently my HDD died and I lost around 1TB of stuff (Games,musics,videos,work,mods) and modding tools together with it.
I already shipped a new HDD it should arrive by the end of this week, however it will still take some time since I have plenty of stuff to put in order.
So if a new game update comes out and the patch is still out-of-date that is the reason.

My New HDD just arrived. Now I'm starting to put things in order...
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Active Member
Dec 23, 2017
Don't worry man, it's understandable, hopefully everything goes smoothly in the process.


Jun 12, 2017
Miss read the tags. 'Pregnancy' -self goal was, trying to baby bump Hana... On everyday that had a (2)
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