Others The Klub 17 + Hook5 [V11 & VX + KE Update 1 + Hook5 Extended] [TK17 & Pervokptr]

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May 23, 2019
Question (maybe someone already asked it, and maybe it's a silly one): for the simple "kissing" pose, there's a way.. to make it feel more realistic? Taking a really good artist out there for example, TTF, like he/she does? There's some other poses to download, or a way to fix it? Also, another one: I tried using the default shemale model (mostly messing around and trying to understand things since it's kinda my first time with this) and a pose with a female, a BJ.. and you can guess what I'm about to ask. The fact that the penis really didn't go inside the mouth but rather below. Is a matter of height of the chars? Or again, needs fixes or downloading other poses?

Hope I made myself clear, and sorry for being a newbie :confused:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Question (maybe someone already asked it, and maybe it's a silly one): for the simple "kissing" pose, there's a way.. to make it feel more realistic? Taking a really good artist out there for example, TTF, like he/she does? There's some other poses to download, or a way to fix it? Also, another one: I tried using the default shemale model (mostly messing around and trying to understand things since it's kinda my first time with this) and a pose with a female, a BJ.. and you can guess what I'm about to ask. The fact that the penis really didn't go inside the mouth but rather below. Is a matter of height of the chars? Or again, needs fixes or downloading other poses?

Hope I made myself clear, and sorry for being a newbie :confused:
Yep, standard poses from base game are made for when both characters have the same height, and no modifications like shorter legs. Also, some poses are made for characters wearing heels, some are not so it's also a factor. You can download more poses at Modsgarden.cc (but they are also mostly made for same size characters, but not all). You can create your own poses or modify existing ones if you choose Pose Edit on main starting screen of TK17. It's not easy to master creation or modifications of animations, but creating static poses is way easier. There's tutorials for everything at Modsgarden, but it's not always easy to find what you need in the beginning. Both the game and the forum need to invest some time in it, but you get awesome results once you've done it.
If you need any other answers or advices here, don't hesitate to ask me, I have a lot of experience with this game.
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May 23, 2019
Yep, standard poses from base game are made for when both characters have the same height, and no modifications like shorter legs. Also, some poses are made for characters wearing heels, some ar not so it's also a factor. You can download more poses at Modsgarden.cc (but they are also mostly made for same size characters, but not all). You can create your own poses or modify existing ones if you choose Pose Edit on main starting screen of TK17. It's not easy to master creation or modifications of animations, but creating static poses is way easier. There's tutorials for everything at Modsgarden, but it's not always easy to find what you need in the beginning. Both the game and the forum need to invest some time in it, but you get awesome results once you've done it.
If you need any other answers or advices here, don't hesitate to ask me, I have a lot of experience with this game.
Thanks for the answer, and thought as much! And yeah, I can guess how a pain in the ass can be creating animations especially if you're a beginner like me. So I take it that even the "Kissing" one was mostly made from scratch to be, somewhat, realistic right? Or at least it's enough even having a base animation that is what you want, and then you can just do some "little" arrangement with it?
You have a point even about the forum: it's not really "user-friendly" and navigate through it can definitely be tedious at times :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Tell me what version of TK17 you have. I know best TK17 7.5, can explain most stuff on VX (V10) and don't know much about R9X. About kissing pose, I guess you're referring to the one you see each time you open Freemode. There's probably others available in Poses section at MG. Try them and see if some fits better to your needs. You can modify either the basic one or the ones in MG. Just take some time to read basic knowledge about Pose edit. You can skip complex stuff about animation.

Regarding the forum, I'll tell you about the most usefull sections : Textures, Rooms, 3D addon mods. Of course Poses and maybe Models for you, but that's 2 things I can do myself.
But at the beginning you also have to read a lot in Guides and Help topic and maybe Game and update. Also take a look inside User Created threads or General threads, it can help your motivation seeing what some experienced users can do with the game.

Also, once you know the basics of the game, or even before, you'd need to choose a Hook so that your game looks better.
You have the choice between H3, H4, H5 free and H5 pay ($1). H3 is only if you have a computer from 25 years ago, H4 is ok but can be complex to install, and of course the newest and best versions are both H5 versions. I advise H5 pay version, it's not expensive and worth it. Try H5 free first to see if it's not too much for your computer, then buy the Patreon version.

The reason I tell you to choose quickly a Hook version, is because H5 and H4, use a different system and so you have to choose the appropriate version of each skin, clothes and rooms you can get at MG. And if you download thousand of stuff for H4 and you suddenly decide to move to H5, you'll have a lot of changes and corrections to make to your game. I know I did :D. Not horribly complex once you've started but very time consuming.
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May 23, 2019
Tell me what version of TK17 you have. I know best TK17 7.5, can explain most stuff on VX (V10) and don't know much about R9X. About kissing pose, I guess you're referring to the one you see each time you open Freemode. There's probably others available in Poses section at MG. Try them and see if some fits better to your needs. You can modify either the basic one or the ones in MG. Just take some time to read basic knowledge about Pose edit. You can skip complex stuff about animation.

Regarding the forum, I'll tell you about the most usefull sections : Textures, Rooms, 3D addon mods. Of course Poses and maybe Models for you, but that's 2 things I can do myself.
But at the beginning you also have to read a lot in Guides and Help topic and maybe Game and update. Also take a look inside User Created threads or General threads, it can help your motivation seeing what some experienced users can do with the game.

Also, once you know the basics of the game, or even before, you'd need to choose a Hook so that your game looks better.
You have the choice between H3, H4, H5 free and H5 pay ($1). H3 is only if you have a computer from 25 years ago, H4 is ok but can be complex to install, and of course the newest and best versions are both H5 versions. I advise H5 pay version, it's not expensive and worth it. Try H5 free first to see if it's not too much for your computer, then buy the Patreon version.

The reason I tell you to choose quickly a Hook version, is because H5 and H4, use a different system and so you have to choose the appropriate version of each skin, clothes and rooms you can get at MG. And if you download thousand of stuff for H4 and you suddenly decide to move to H5, you'll have a lot of changes and corrections to make to your game. I know I did :D. Not horribly complex once you've started but very time consuming.
About the version, sadly I can't tell you what it is exactly. Mostly because I've downloaded a repack right from here, from a user that quoted another reply which.. probably had something more, but apparently it got deleted for some reason. Anyway, the repack that I downloaded is this one and based on what I read from the user who mentioned that, it said

"This is the the second smallest (behind Slim Edition II [which is good, but TK4R has the gold]), has the best starter models, reshade setup. i mean bro, its instafap right out the gate. "
(Page 9, post #175)

And apparently as far as I could see and understand, this have already Hook5. Though don't know if the full or the free version, but right in the upper left corner there's a red writing saying "Basic version". Don't know if it's referring to the TK17 or the Hook5 honestly! And yes, the pose was mostly that and yeah, I took a wild guess and had a "ride" within the named section in which you can find things - although I didn't quite understand how to use the 3D replacer one's because apparently I probably need some other program? For creating the character with that type of body/face/etc.. because as far as I could read, that changes completely all of the models. While instead the one's within the 3D addons ones doesn't do that. I got it even about downloading the room and adding them, but the thing that doesn't work, are the poses. They said to copy them within the Mod -> PoseEdit but when I go and take a look if they're loaded, they aren't. And all of them have their own folders. Maybe this is mentioned where I have to look for the basics? Also, the ones that I downloaded weren't tagged for Hook5 or anything, matters?
And I think I can manage the Hook5. I mean.. I can easily play to the newest games at high, so I don't think there will be any problem with it hahahah. And for now, it's better if I learn the basics and everything before paying one dollar for something that maybe, say, in a couple of days or week I won't use anymore (I admit it, I'm not a patient person. I mean, I'm down for understanding stuff when needed but if something keeps going downward instead of upward, I can easily quit in no time). So if that basic version mentioned above is referring to the Hook, good, at least I have already something prepared in a certain sense! This is, if it's right what I have. If I need to download instead something else, just tell me!
And about what I downloaded so far, the rooms for example, I've definitely payed attention if some of them were for the Hook5 or not and in fact, most of them works so far. Like I said, it's the poses above that doesn't show for some reason :confused:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
If you can have 4 characters at the same time your version is related to VX (or R9X but I doubt it, since it would be a weird choice for a noob friendly repack), if only 3, it's related to 7.5. Basic version means you have H5 free, but since the version you downloaded here is kinda old, H5 free was updated since then.
Latest H5 Free here :
Also, if your version is related to VX, there was also updates since. You'll find them in Game and Updates section. If it's 7.5 related you probably have the latest one since final version is done for a while.

About 3D replacer mods : it's not the same regarding VX or 7.5. In 7.5, yes you can only use one at a time, and it will change the shape of all your models of the same gender of the replacer (simply remove the .txx file from your game and relaunch to go back to standard bodies). One thing to know is the game reads files in alphabetical order when launching so it's common to rename replacers to something like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!000.CustomBody.VersionHZ.txx just to be sure it's loaded before someting that will conflict/ignore it.

I use replacers sometimes if I need monsters or flat chested characters, but most of the time I only use one fixing a bug with male chest and genitals. I also have another system adding around 40 variations of faces and body shapes, which doesn't require an external program and allows you to use 3 of these replacers at the same time for 3 chars.
In VX this thing doesn't work, but you're supposed to be able to use various replacers at the same time. You also don't need an external program. Cannot tell you much more about it since I'm waiting for next VX version (beta 3) before trying it seriously. You'll have some reading to do at MG.

Folder structure is a bit different in VX and 7.5, I'll tell you for 7.5 you can probably deduce where poses go if you have VX.
Poses can go either in Community-->PoseEdit or in Save folder. Once ingame in pose browser, you'll find them in Community or User created poses folder if you put them in Save. Ingame you can also use solo, couple and 3some/4some folders which are not really folders but some kind of way to regroup pose by number of characters. In these folders, Community and User created are mixed, so just scroll down, and you should find your pose if you added it in one of the 2 correct folders.
You're talking about each poses having their own folder, in my experience they should be directly in PoseEdit or Save without folder : just the .pes file and the .png file of the miniature.

And no whichever Hook you're using doesn't matter for poses, only for textures, wether it's skins, rooms or clothes.

For rooms they will work most of the time (for 7.5 you need latest addon scripts in 3D addon mods section, for VX you don't) you just may not have the full 3D shaders magic if you didn't put the textures in the right places (most of the time it's just a folder inside Mod-->ActiveMod and not always but often, some other stuff going inside Mod-->ActiveMod-->_hook5data) Anyways most modders already arrange their files with the same folder structure so you shouldn't have to think too hard.
One other thing to know about rooms is about _level_definition.txt files (not mandatory, if there isn't one in your room folder, the game use default room settings defined in the main11.fx that is located in TheKlub17-->Binaries). If your rooms doesn't look as good or looks too different from the screenshots you saw at MG, it might be because you're missing some files referred to in level_defiition file. Mostly, envmaps. Do a search for envmaps in MG, they help with the look and lighting of a scene. There's also static objects who are part of certain rooms. If you download a room and it's mostly empty, it's because it uses H5 objects (static objects who can be anything from a bench, a vehicle, a still character or even a full building), which work only with H5 pay.
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May 23, 2019
If you can have 4 characters at the same time your version is related to VX, if only 3, it's related to 7.5. Basic version means you have H5 free, but since the version you downloaded here is kinda old, H5 free was updated since then.
Latest H5 Free here :
Also, if your version is related to VX, there was also updates since. You'll find them in Game and Updates section. If it's 7.5 related you probably have the latest one since final version is done for a while.

About 3D replacer mods : it's not the same regarding VX or 7.5. In 7.5, yes you can only use one at a time, and it will change the shape of all your models of the same gender of the replacer (simply remove the .txx file from your game and relaunch to go back to standard bodies). One thing to know is the game reads files in alphabetical order when launching so it's common to rename replacers to something like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!000.CustomBody.VersionHZ.txx just to be sure it's loaded before someting that will conflict/ignore it.

I use replacers sometimes if I need monsters or flat chested characters, but most of the time I only use one fixing a bug with male chest and genitals. I also have another system adding around 40 variations of faces and body shapes, which doesn't require an external program and allows you to use 3 of these replacers at the same time for 3 chars.
In VX this thing doesn't work, but you're supposed to be able to use various replacers at the same time. You also don't need an external program. Cannot tell you much more about it since I'm waiting for next VX version (beta 3) before trying it seriously. You'll have some reading to do at MG.

Folder structure is a bit different in VX and 7.5, I'll tell you for 7.5 you can probably deduce where poses go if you have VX.
Poses can go either in Community-->PoseEdit or in Save folder. Once ingame in pose browser, you'll find them in Community or User created poses folder if you put them in Save. Ingame you can also use solo, couple and 3some/4some folders which are not really folders but some kind of way to regroup pose by number of characters. In these folders, Community and User created are mixed, so just scroll down, and you should find your pose if you added it in one of the 2 correct folders.
You're talking about each poses having their own folder, in my experience they should be directly in PoseEdit or Save without folder : just the .pes file and the .png file of the miniature.

And no whichever Hook you're using doesn't matter for poses, only for textures, wether it's skins, rooms or clothes.

For rooms they will work most of the time (for 7.5 you need latest addon scripts in 3D addon mods section, for VX you don't) you just may not have the full 3D shaders magic if you didn't put the textures in the right places (most of the time it's just a folder inside Mod-->ActiveMod and not always but often, some other stuff going inside Mod-->ActiveMod-->_hook5data) Anyways most modders already arrange their files with the same folder structure so you shouldn't have to think too hard.
One other thing to know about rooms is about _level_definition.txt files (not mandatory, if there isn't one in your room folder, the game use default room settings defined in the main11.fx that is located in TheKlub17-->Binaries). If your rooms doesn't look as good or looks too different from the screenshots you saw at MG, it might be because you're missing some files referred to in level_defiition file. Mostly, envmaps. Do a search for envmaps in MG, they help with the look and lighting of a scene. There's also static objects who are part of certain rooms. If you download a room and it's mostly empty, it's because it uses H5 objects (static objects who can be anything from a bench, a vehicle, a still character or even a full building), which work only with H5 pay.
I can definitely have only three characters in one scene. So yep, I have the 7.5 and not the VX version here! And in fact, I had an older version of it. This one have some other new files that weren't within before, thanks for this!

So I understood correctly, fortunately. But yeah I don't really have any use for it as of now. I mean, my main goal here is probably (like everyone else who uses this) to try and see if I can make some Futa x Female stuff and such. I don't really care about making other related videos, so I guess that the head, body, etc.. that I find within the 3D addons section are fine just like that? Since I download them and then I can use it when I go to customize one of the chars? Also, if I click the "clone" button for any of the chars that is already inside, nothing happens right? I mean, like the word says it just duplicate the current char and then with that I can modify as I please. Am I correct?

This, my friend, was the answer that I needed. I followed your words and place the poses within the community folder and suddenly, I have everything. Then I guess whoever wrote on Modsgarden the fact that the poses goes within the Mod folder, should probably update something since can be quite misleading!

About rooms, so far the ones that I downloaded are just like the screenshots provided when shared, complete of lights, shadows, objects and so on (and so.. this means that I have the pay version of Hook? :unsure:) . So I take it that for now I copied (before downloaded) everything correctly in the right folders! For now, I think that I should probably "play around" a bit with the Pose Editor to see the various one's and fit them one another. And also I should probably download some head, body & so on textures for customizing the female characters. At least, I hope it's this "easy" xD


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
I can definitely have only three characters in one scene. So yep, I have the 7.5 and not the VX version here! And in fact, I had an older version of it. This one have some other new files that weren't within before, thanks for this!

So I understood correctly, fortunately. But yeah I don't really have any use for it as of now. I mean, my main goal here is probably (like everyone else who uses this) to try and see if I can make some Futa x Female stuff and such. I don't really care about making other related videos, so I guess that the head, body, etc.. that I find within the 3D addons section are fine just like that? Since I download them and then I can use it when I go to customize one of the chars? Also, if I click the "clone" button for any of the chars that is already inside, nothing happens right? I mean, like the word says it just duplicate the current char and then with that I can modify as I please. Am I correct?
Yes. As a rule never directly change basic characters, just clone and then modify whatever you want. Think about saving bodies, oufits and faces in customizer, so you can try them easily on other characters. The number for each category is limited to 60 if I remember correctly, but that's not really a problem when you start. Also if you use 3d replacers, keep in mind that if it's too different from base models (superfat ass or things like that) 99% of clothes won't fit to it and your model will have to remain naked. In best cases only a handful of clothes will be made for this replacer. So yeah, either keep using base models or at least replacers close to it. You can download characters in the Model section, they should not create any problem with clothes. They go in Save-->Models folder. (you'll see they are all in their own folder, just take a look in Save folder to understand the structure). If you download a model with a folder name already existing in Save-->Models, just rename it, never delete anything in windows explorer for characters, only ingame, because some models are impossible to delete ingame for good reason (they are base models, you can delete clones but not base), but you can still delete them in Windows unfotunately, which can cause problems you don't want.

This, my friend, was the answer that I needed. I followed your words and place the poses within the community folder and suddenly, I have everything. Then I guess whoever wrote on Modsgarden the fact that the poses goes within the Mod folder, should probably update something since can be quite misleading!

About rooms, so far the ones that I downloaded are just like the screenshots provided when shared, complete of lights, shadows, objects and so on (and so.. this means that I have the pay version of Hook? :unsure:) . So I take it that for now I copied (before downloaded) everything correctly in the right folders! For now, I think that I should probably "play around" a bit with the Pose Editor to see the various one's and fit them one another. And also I should probably download some head, body & so on textures for customizing the female characters. At least, I hope it's this "easy" xD
You can't have pay version because when you buy it, the guy making it sends you a little app, you generate a code with it, send it to him and then he sends you a version of H5 pay who will only work on your computer.

Enjoy playing with it and come back when you have new questions :)
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May 23, 2019
Yes. As a rule never directly change basic characters, just clone and then modify whatever you want. Think about saving bodies, oufits and faces in customizer, so you can try them easily on other characters. The number for each category is limited to 60 if I remember correctly, but that's not really a problem when you start. Also if you use 3d replacers, keep in mind that if it's too different from base models (superfat ass or things like that) 99% of clothes won't fit to it and your model will have to remain naked. In best cases only a handful of clothes will be made for this replacer. So yeah, either keep using base models or at least replacers close to it. You can download characters in the Model section, they should not create any problem with clothes. They go in Save-->Models folder. (you'll see they are all in their own folder, just take a look in Save folder to understand the structure). If you download a model with a folder name already existing in Save-->Models, just rename it, never delete anything in windows explorer for characters, only ingame, because some models are impossible to delete ingame for good reason (they are base models, you can delete clones but not base), but you can still delete them in Windows unfotunately, which can cause problems you don't want.

You can't have pay version because when you buy it, the guy making it sends you a little app, you generate a code with it, send it to him and then he sends you a version of H5 pay who will only work on your computer.

Enjoy playing with it and come back when you have new questions :)
Thank you for the help and the patience, but in the end I decided to quit. Not even one day I managed to resist in here with this "game" unfortunately. And it's too complicated navigating through that site in search for something, anything, for answers and such. So yeah, thanks again but I'm gonna stick with only Daz for now xD


Aug 31, 2017
Thank you for the help and the patience, but in the end I decided to quit. Not even one day I managed to resist in here with this "game" unfortunately. And it's too complicated navigating through that site in search for something, anything, for answers and such. So yeah, thanks again but I'm gonna stick with only Daz for now xD
(go here and resister to get all kinds of help and mods there)
Edit: Dont forget to use the chat box for the help..i promise i will(ahhh! someone will) help you there...
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Aug 31, 2017
(go here and resister to get all kinds of help and mods there)
Edit: Dont forget to use the chat box for the help..i promise i will(ahhh! someone will) help you there...
Thank you for the help and the patience, but in the end I decided to quit. Not even one day I managed to resist in here with this "game" unfortunately. And it's too complicated navigating through that site in search for something, anything, for answers and such. So yeah, thanks again but I'm gonna stick with only Daz for now xD
how you can be stick with DAZ if you cant handle this very easy and simple pose editor like this ?hope you are not joking;)


Aug 31, 2017
Very easy for you, probably. From my perspective, Daz is much more easier than this, that's it!
Lol,i meant to say about content not about skill.i dont think it is easier to get any DAZ models and content without money however a DAZ models can be import to this game.
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Aug 31, 2017
i dont know which version of game this could be but if the game exe name is TK17-114.001.exe then you are having 7.5.15..if the the exe name TK17-158.001.exe then it is V10..
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Aug 31, 2017
Please remove the name of pervokptr as a game developer in the first post.he is not a game developer ,he is just developing his patreon site (graphic shader only)for money.Developers are the team those are working with K17 and provides us to play for free.just imagine if the game wasnt there would you ask for hook ever?Lots of mod over there and not a single creator ask for money.they are working hard for free.writing a script for this game is equally harder like what he is doing for graphic.difference is ,he asking for money and team is not..
So please remove his name from the first page .
EDIT: True is neither he nor TK17 is the game developer ,its a crack version .if someone wants to play the original game,he have to pay lots of money per month and obviously less options then the TK17 version.
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Aug 31, 2017
Question (maybe someone already asked it, and maybe it's a silly one): for the simple "kissing" pose, there's a way.. to make it feel more realistic? Taking a really good artist out there for example, TTF, like he/she does? There's some other poses to download, or a way to fix it? Also, another one: I tried using the default shemale model (mostly messing around and trying to understand things since it's kinda my first time with this) and a pose with a female, a BJ.. and you can guess what I'm about to ask. The fact that the penis really didn't go inside the mouth but rather below. Is a matter of height of the chars? Or again, needs fixes or downloading other poses?

Hope I made myself clear, and sorry for being a newbie :confused:
This is due to body height slider.your female character was being adjusted with body(height) slider.
Solve:go to customization.double click on total body size icon of female character.


New Member
Jun 26, 2018
Yo! I got TK4RepackV2 and models that I have gotten off of modsgarden are not showing up for some reason. Any help?


Aug 31, 2017
Yo! I got TK4RepackV2 and models that I have gotten off of modsgarden are not showing up for some reason. Any help?
which version that you are playing Currently?sometimes its need to change the models number to show them in the game..go to Save/Models/Modelxxxx.change this last 4 digit of models those are not showing in the game.as an example, if its Model 1040 then Change it to 2040..good luck.
By the way ,if you are playing the current version VX or VX2 ,few models may not show in the game.


New Member
Sep 10, 2019
guys, I need help, when I downloaded the sberka tk17 v 3.0 final .rar. and when I unpack it, it gives me 2 folders : 1 game and 2 pack. So in 1 game folder there is a setup, so I installed it. I don't know what the hell to do with the 2 pack folder. How to install this pack ?..
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