Others The Klub 17 + Hook5 [V11 & VX + KE Update 1 + Hook5 Extended] [TK17 & Pervokptr]

4.00 star(s) 9 Votes
Oct 28, 2021
I recommend trying from the official site Phoenix Garden;
There is no restriction, points, or paywall content.
I have never seen any pay-walled content on exile...so not sure what you are referring to. If you call posting 5 comments or forum post "restrictions" that's a real stretch of the word. That said those "restrictions" are nothing when compared to the insane amount of content available. It is kind of insane. Pretty sure KE has more content then what was in ModsGarden. Imagine everyday there is something new being posted. You may get some "new" repost on Phoenix garden once or twice a week. But you get new fresh content on KE daily in multiples. It is sometimes is overwhelming. I feel if I do not check downloads daily I will miss something. Addons, Comics, Videos, Images....Sorry I just don't see anything even remotely close to that in PhoenixGarden. It seems like with the Mug gone...there is only like 2 people active.

Oh, and points are cool. LOL. People like points, achievements, rewards and all the little things you get when you are an active member on exile. Maybe Phoenixgarden should take a hint.

Klub Exile may not be "official" but it is definately the only place that matters if you are trying to get serious with TK17.


New Member
Mar 30, 2024
If I download this game, does it come with the same clothing and texture mods as the display photos? I tried to download some mods from the exile website but for some reason I can't download anything from there
In order to unlock downloads on KE, you have to ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in the community. Doing something as simple as making 5 posts will allow you to start downloading, and the more you interact with content, the forums and such, the more XP points you earn to get the exclusive stuff.

Also tek17 , THERE IS NO PAYWALLED CONTENT IN KE. Stop that false narrative already. It's been over three years. Get over yourself.


Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
If I download this game, does it come with the same clothing and texture mods as the display photos? I tried to download some mods from the exile website but for some reason I can't download anything from there
There are no paywalls in KE. The "restrictions" put limits on leechers, prevents spammers, promotes an engaged community, and incentivizes modders to produce new and free content daily.

I noticed you joined yesterday but have not yet made any post. Please take the time to read your PM from the admin or check the announcement in the download areas to help you out also....



Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
Hey folks Klub Exile is currently down. Our host seems to be having an Amazon AWS Outage. You can check status here:

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Active Member
Mar 11, 2018
Thanks guys for the answers and to clarify my comment, at no point did I say that there was paid content, I just said that I couldn't download anything, I didn't realize that I would have to actively participate in the forum to download the files:)



Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
Thanks guys for the answers and to clarify my comment, at no point did I say that there was paid content, I just said that I couldn't download anything, I didn't realize that I would have to actively participate in the forum to download the files:)

Understood, the message was not directed towards you. Sorry for any confusion.


Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
Can i use the redux pack with TK hook 5 vx?
The redux pack is version 7.5. You can use maybe 90% of the addons there but not everything.
  • Clothing and Shoes from that repack are usually fine
  • Script and GUI addons are almost never compatible.
  • Poses are compatible but will need to be converted to remove the orca mod from poses with them. VX has a built in Pose Converter, but do not use it with H5 enabled (not stable). Only use the built in pose converter with Vanilla OpenGL graphics. You only need to use it once anyway.
If you are currently running the Redux Pack and looking to move to VX, there is a pretty comprehensive migration guide here:


Apr 26, 2017
Hi guys, I'm new to this and just a tad confused.

So I downloaded Klub 17 V11 and The Klub 17 Hook5 VX.

Inside the "The Klub 17 Hook5 VX" there is the "GAME" file, and inside this "Game" file there is tk17v10.1.00_setup.exe and a zip folder "Hook5 Basic all files". The "Hook5 Basic all files" have 3 addition zip files: "StarterContent_04.04.18", "Hook5_Basic_3.07.2019" and "hook5_additional_allinone".

So I just want to get something straight. Do if I have already installed Klub 17 v11, do I just ignore the tk17v10.1.00.exe inside the VX folder? And once installed, do I simply extract all of "Hook5 basic all files" into the Binaries file of Klub 17 v11 directory? what about the other zip folders like "StarterContent_04.04.18" or "hook5_additional_allinone"? Do we need those?

Also in the VX folder, I see there is a folder named "Update" with the latest zip file named "TK17VXF_Update1.01P_KE1". Do I need to throw those into the Klub 17 v11 directory as well?


Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
Hi guys, I'm new to this and just a tad confused.

So I downloaded Klub 17 V11 and The Klub 17 Hook5 VX.

Inside the "The Klub 17 Hook5 VX" there is the "GAME" file, and inside this "Game" file there is tk17v10.1.00_setup.exe and a zip folder "Hook5 Basic all files". The "Hook5 Basic all files" have 3 addition zip files: "StarterContent_04.04.18", "Hook5_Basic_3.07.2019" and "hook5_additional_allinone".

So I just want to get something straight. Do if I have already installed Klub 17 v11, do I just ignore the tk17v10.1.00.exe inside the VX folder? And once installed, do I simply extract all of "Hook5 basic all files" into the Binaries file of Klub 17 v11 directory? what about the other zip folders like "StarterContent_04.04.18" or "hook5_additional_allinone"? Do we need those?

Also in the VX folder, I see there is a folder named "Update" with the latest zip file named "TK17VXF_Update1.01P_KE1". Do I need to throw those into the Klub 17 v11 directory as well?
So you only need 1 either VX or V11.

V11 is a straight forward install as it is in still in Beta. Hook5 does not work for V11, so everything that H5 comes with Graphics, Rooms, etc...will not be available. If your intent is to get the same graphics fidelity as the screens on the main page you need Hook5.

VX is also a straight forward install. But there are a ton of updates. To make it simple if you grabbed the main mega link on the front page you need to download the highlighted items


Install this first: tk17v10.1.00.exe

Now decide your Update Path. You need to install an update in the update folder. Klub Exile forked the game at Update P to add new features so if your intent is to use VX with Hook 5 go with the KE Update 1


Simply extract and overwrite the files in the games root.

Now you can install Hook5

Copy the Hook5BasicadnAdditional files over first. Then copy over the Hook5 Extended files. You still need to make sure you have all the prereq for it so if you want a more detailed install guide for Hook5 check here:


Active Member
Nov 21, 2020
Rick never "unstuck VX", we already had been working on it, underground.
What he did is stole the proto, and release his half bake version without our consent.
Long story short, we had to rework everything with Avarteas, because he made a mess with the code.
Avarteas had to basically rewrite everything. So Rick contribution was to delay us by almost a year.

Again, we're the ones that was involve since day 1, not you.
You never were part of the team, never worked on the game, I don't even remember seeing you in ModGarden.
You never set foot in our underground site, or secret area in the ModGarden.
News flash, we gave Pervo access to those, and work side by side with him.

And I don't need to show you anything, because at the end of the day, you're irrelevant. Always been, and always will.

Since we're at it, might as well separate the facts from the fiction you're spraying around.
I'm a coder since the 80's, and started alone on working on this mod. Once I join the team, I was elected Team Leader.
2 things you have wrong in your "FAQ", right from the start.

So instead of spreading misinformation, you should mind your own business. Because let's face it V11, is not your concern.
This is a pointless debate...you folks have been talking your version of Hook for years. Without showing anything. So probably around this same time next year you will still be saying the same thing.

Anyway, I will just leave this here for the community at large to marinate on. They know the truth.




May 29, 2017
Again, an attempt of disinformation; Since the beginning, our team clearly mention that V11 is the first step (like VX was),
and it will be followed by Hook64 (like Hook5 for VX, came much later after VX).

On that note, we have good news, White Rabbit is back!
He will be starting his work on a pre-Alpha for H64. More on this in the future...
It is not disinformation that right now without any working hook 5 V11 graphics are outdated. The day you have a working equal replacement it can maybe compare to VX.
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Active Member
Nov 21, 2020

Update time...

Not much going on this month so will keep this one short and sweet.


Yesssir!!! We have some new modders into the fold. Folks who have been with the community and have taken what they learned to skill up and share. Three members have now been upgraded to modders.

Content Expertise: Weapons

Content Expertise - Hair, Weapons, H5 Object Rooms

Content Expertise - Clothing and Weapons


I do want to give a plug to De_Lange_Jaap fellow Klub Exile and Thrixx member (Double Whamy). Yes I am a card caring Thrixx member, LOL. His latest video his True Love Series was beautifully done. He did a great job of showing the true potential of TK17 with Hook 5 and all the content folks have been pumping out. If you ever wondering what the art of the possible is...check his video .


And without further ado here are the new featured mods from Klub Exile. Just saying that Super Girl Outfit....work of art. This is KE so you know it is all brand new, all exclusive, no repost ;).



As a reminder you can always track new downloads on the , anyway until next time folks. Fap responsibly. LOL


Find TK17 Mods, Images, Comics, Videos and more on



Apr 24, 2019
I have an older PC, win 10, Older I7, 16GB Ram, 2GB Video. TK17 Hooks 5.

TK17 often hangs (no response) when I try to start. This can be from a fresh install. Any ideas I where to start, to trouble shoot, please.



Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 4, 2018
I have an older PC, win 10, Older I7, 16GB Ram, 2GB Video. TK17 Hooks 5.

TK17 often hangs (no response) when I try to start. This can be from a fresh install. Any ideas I where to start, to trouble shoot, please.

7.5 or VX?
4.00 star(s) 9 Votes