I played until the Start of chapter 13 now. Just witnessed Alexi's death. Overall i like the characters and the settings, but well, what a shitshow the end of the last chapter was. At first:
It was Told Alexis had been a Soldier. So wtf does she fall for the same trick twice? - Victor escaped by Helicopter the last time and did this time too. Why not position someone with an Anti-Aircraft Missile Launcher nearby to shoot this Goddamn Helicopter out of the sky if it dares to take off...!? - Why not using a Hlicopter themselves to attack from the roof instead of doing the very same shit again they already did in the last base and not expecting the enemy to improve...!?
Cynically you could say she deserved to die for this idiocy. But i liked her too much to wish her that.
And where the Hell is the great unstoppable Power of the Mythic Vampire TKA? - He could not stop his girls from being hurt, he could not stop Victor from excaping... in the end he was not more effective than alexis and Rob - And we are talking about a trio of 3 Millennia Old vampires here (The statue in the museum depicting all 3 of them was from 30 B.C. so 2 thousand years ago, so the twins must be at least that old also) - so 3 millenial Vampires who even had time to prepare, wth the snipers taken out... could not do any more than running upstairs and dowdstairs through traps and getting themselves shot? - No climbing on the wall and going directly to the roof...? - No cutting the power of the complex this time?
Sorry, i understnd the need for dramaturgy, but this is ridiculous. Especially after learning that the whole Building is full of traps and Eve's warning, _someone_ should have noticed that this was all a setup and likely a trap.
Professionals in the security business or military don't behave that way. They are not that stupid. Why does nearly every game has protagonists and main cast that stumble into problems like innocent kittens right after birth and not use their brain for 5 minutes...!? There are tons of things that can go wrong in the world even if you try to account for everything (Reallife shows that every day) but creating tragedy by moronic behavior seems to be the new clichè. Also, that talk about "a good reason" of robs father for not saving alexis is equally ridiculous... what in devils name could be that important to sacrifice his own daughter-in-law and tossing his son into a mental breakdown? - If i were rob i would seek him out and punch him in the face, right after unleashing hell on victor. If they want a reaper, give them a reaper. Show Victor the wrath of a mage-vampire that avenges his wife. Hatred makes you strong, as the sith lords say... but you need focus for that. thats the point. focus in life, focus in death, focus in yor mind and focus in your emotions... not stumbling around like a zombie trying to dance to other people's tunes. Will we finally see a protagonist that takes fucking fate in his own hands and does what needs to be done? Or another moron blindly following other ppls designs and falling into their traps?
I am sad that it had to come to this. I mean Eve somewhat made it forseeable in her talk to Lilith. But seeing with my own eyes, that the People i leaned to like and respect during 11 chapters, turned out to be complete idiots in ch12 hurts quite a bit.
Not even talking about Rowen - first getting kicked by Andrew (while even being armed) and being completely useless and now the same the secnd time in this base... wtf? If you're not a fighter, stay at home, take on a support role or anything, but do not spout useless threats or rush to the front line...

Sorry, i am disappointed right now because this was completely unnecessary - even if Alexis is reborn, she could hardly be the same Alexis as before, so in the end the MC still lost his wife to idiocy and let the culprit get away... (the second time in a row in the same way... )