Checking up on this game and not seeing any updates for 8 months makes me sad.
Same. I was just thinking about this game a couple days ago, and wondering what had become of it. Disappointing to see the answer to that is apparently 'not much.'
At least the Patreon is still being updated, so maybe we'll get something eventually.
Yeah, me too. I wish the dev would hurry u- oh wait.
Seriously though, I'm not happy with the speed of development this year myself, though I would like to assure you that the project is alive and well. doesn't help that I tend to drop off of social media and aren't too good about making general 'life signs' updates, so let me take a moment to talk about what's been done over said past 8 months.
1. So first of all, not to make excuses but something to keep in mind with our admittedly slow pace is that this series is a side project for everyone involved and we all have either full time jobs or even other projects. (Examples: I have a day job, and Sacb0y whom did the art on Isabel's episode has like 4-5 other game projects he's on, which you can also find on these forums) I'm honestly still learning my way around managing this type of project, so I hope I can become faster and more efficient as I continue to learn the best way to go about everything.
2.Around the time I'd released this first episode I had decided that something I really wanted to do was have web-playable builds. I'd initially made this in Game Maker using a framework called VNgen. The windows version of the game works nearly flawlessly as far as I can tell. (The game itself isn't *perfect* but that's mostly on me.) When I ported it to HTML5 from game maker, it ran like shit. After poking around and failing at getting that port running properly, I'd ultimately remade the entire thing in Tyrano-Builder from the ground up. THAT took about 2 months; you'd probably think is a waste of time if you're happy with the download version, but the reception it received on Newgrounds alone proved to be worth the effort. Having a web build does a lot for getting the project a bigger audience and also making it easier to play.
3. The thing is Tyrano-builder ALSO sucks. I do not recommend it. A lot of it's features seemed nice on paper, and the fact that it's a native html5 tool is why I tried it out, but it seems to like to choke on HD res projects. I got a lot of bug reports on Newgrounds, mostly about the options failing to take (especially audio) and the occasional system that wouldn't load the game at all. Most of the stuff that was breaking are things that are built into Tyrano-builder itself, and somewhat out of my hands to fix in the first place. Also yes it was easy to use but SUPER slow to work with for entering large amounts of text. (which is pretty bad for a VN engine) So... I'm likely never using that thing again.
4. So, ruling out those tools, I'd decided I'd make the jump to Unity. Which was something I'd wanted to start using longer term anyway. (Seems like the best engine for when animation becomes an option on the table, for example) The thing is, making that switch halted my personal progress pretty hard since I was completely new to both it and coding in C#. Took a chunk of time just to get my bearings. Also had to try out different ways of implementing text dialogue, UIs, saving/loading, and such withing Unity to find what works well for what I want to do.
5. In the meantime, I hit some recruitment issues. I spent some time trying to find more artists and writers to work on this series with me, to speed things up more in the long term; but at the time it ate a lot of the time I could have otherwise spent learning Unity faster. Most of the writers I demoed were sadly not up to my standards, but I did make a couple new contacts. As for artists, I'm not going to call anyone out or name names, but I had like 4 people
say they were interested, but then drop out or ghost me after the fact. I had a hell of a time getting the ball rolling on the fairy episode thanks to that, but things are moving along now.
6. Coming out of that recruitment drive, I'd hired two artists whom are currently working with me. They're working on two entirely separate episodes with two new dateable characters, one of which being the fairy and the other being a new character so you'll have both of those to look forward to. I'm going to attach art of both of those dates for you to check out as a preview.
As you can see, the art styles are very different and wouldn't mix well; but that's why I'd planned from the start to build this as an episodic series instead of one big game: Not being an artist myself I knew I'd probably go through a few freelancers, so this way I can swap artstyles between episodes without it being a problem.
Currently, the plan is for the episode with Tainara (the Aquatic-looking girl) to be released this spring, with Amaryallis's episode (the fairy) to be released this Summer. (Bolded since that's what everyone just skimming this is probably looking to learn) The schedule shifting and push-back on the fairy episode is partially due to some feature creep on top of the earlier mentioned delays. I didn't think it was going to take a year before we started, but now that it's making progress, we've added some features and extra scenes to the original plan. We've committed to (what was originally a stretch goal) having both a male and female playable protagonist on that episode, then added some extra scenes and alternate endings to the plan. People whom felt that Isabel's episode didn't have enough choices or that they didn't matter enough should be pleased with the fairy episode. Tainara's chapter on the other hand is probably going to be a tad shorter than Isabel's to be honest, but has MUCH more lewd content, and some actual gameplay. (yeah, a minigame, hopefully an actually fun one, but I won't ram it down peoples throats if it doesn't turn out well)
8. Just for the record: I've personally made zero profits from the patreon and every bit of the money so far has been put towards art commissions, PLUS a sizeable chunk of my own money. I say that just because game creators are often accused of draging out development to milk the patreon, but I can definetly say that in my case, I'm just fucking slow. Part of the reason I haven't been posting a lot or marketing/pushing the game is my personal embarassment at the progress speed, and a lot of the art and information I DO have is spoiler-heavy which doesn't leave me with much to talk about.
9. While all this has been happening, I've been occasionally tapping artists to design more characters for later episodes of the series. I know it's kind of presumptuous to keep looking ahead like that while progress has been so slow on the current episodes, but things will go much faster moving forward If I can plan ahead more. Anyway, what that means is that I have some awesome character designs rolling out that I want to show off, so leading up to the release of the next episode, I'm going to be posing profiles for those characters on the Little Black Bestiary website. When that episode releases I'm going to have the next character poll for the 4th episode using those new character profiles as the vote options. Then I can start ordering the art for that episode while I finish working on the fairy episode over the spring/summer, and basically work on the future episodes in a rolling fashion in that way with 2 always being worked on at once which should keep the updates and content coming out much more regularly. The next character profile's actually slated to go on the site this weekend.
10. Btw there is a website now:
You must be registered to see the links
And THIS long-ass post is the kind of thing I should be posting to my own dev blog every few months. Note to self: Copy-paste this post into my dev blog and edit it a bit more this weekend.
Anyway sorry to keep you all waiting but I hope to make the wait worth it.