This project, once again, shows exactly why i do never donate money on patreon or kickstarter and such.
I can understand all the kind of problems that the developer has. I really do.
But i, being and honest and honourable man, would close the Patreon page of the project until i fix my problems and "really resume the game's development."
Read the post the developer wrote. Let me simply quote his first point
" 1. So first of all, not to make excuses but something to keep in mind with our admittedly slow pace is that this series is a side project for everyone involved and we all have either full time jobs or even other projects. (Examples: I have a day job, and Sacb0y whom did the art on Isabel's episode has like 4-5 other game projects he's on, which you can also find on these forums) I'm honestly still learning my way around managing this type of project, so I hope I can become faster and more efficient as I continue to learn the best way to go about everything. "
He admits that it is a side project, he admits that they have little time because of jobs and other things, and he also admit that " he is still learning my way around managing this type of project, so I hope I can become faster and more efficient as I continue to learn the best way to go about everything. "
But nonetheless, the patreon page is open and they get the money each month.
Why do i have this feeling that they could be mocking people? I'm not saying that they do, it is just a legittimate question that i have in my mind.
If you value and respect your followers, close the patreon until real development resume again.
Else, people could ask themselves where are their money going.
" 8. Just for the record: I've personally made zero profits from the patreon and every bit of the money so far has been put towards art commissions, PLUS a sizeable chunk of my own money. "
Nice words. But anyone could say that. As Latin says: Verba volant, scripta manent. Words fly away. Even i can say that tomorrow i'll give away 1 million dollars.
Sadly, when money are involved, people need a little more than words to be assured that their donations are not wasted.
You do things or you do not do things, but if you start accepting money then you have to take responsibility of your actions.