Others None The memory a robot girl spins, #1 #2, Translation tools (Needed to tl game. Extra translator needed!)

Quite Frankly

Jul 25, 2017
If you are still translating, I wish you all the best in your efforts! (y)(y)(y)
I'm not translating, I found the application sizer and am now just using it with textractor and it allows me to organize the game on one side of the screen and the translated text on the other, it just doesn't make sense to me anymore to manually hunt thru the code and translate it.


May 2, 2018
I'm not translating, I found the application sizer and am now just using it with textractor and it allows me to organize the game on one side of the screen and the translated text on the other, it just doesn't make sense to me anymore to manually hunt thru the code and translate it.
Oh, thats interesting, how does that work? Does that mean the text is already translated and you are just moving it into the game, or is it something else?

Quite Frankly

Jul 25, 2017
On page 6 i posted a link to the sizer application I found a few weeks ago. This particular game is limited in how many options it gives you in game to size and resize but because of its engine its size is customizable by sizer to reshape it however is needed. On the left side i have textractor x86 running with 3 different translations, bing, google and deepL and right side the game application. Usually bing and google give an error and i'm left with just one of them but that is enough to understand the japanese characters.


Honestly what makes it playable though is the combination of both sizer and textractor imo because without sizer i was constantly flipping back and not efficiently utilizing the entire screen and its just frustrating.
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