Well, the update truly is very short and it doesn't really compensate for the amount of time that passed, but i feel sorry for his patreons because i'm sure they expected a bigger update after waiting so much time, it's kind of a let down.
I am going to take some time to address the criticism about the size of the update. It is a legitimate gripe and I fell it deserves to be addressed as such.
I should start by saying that by number of renders and animations the update is not much smaller then our last one and is roughly in line with our other updates; the problem is in how those renders (and the related time and resources) were allocated.
I.e. our patrons already know we are been beating ourselves down for some time on how much time and resources we spent on the Jenny interactive photo shoot.
It ended up bloating to a point where it sucked up one third of the renders, all for something most players will simply breeze through in a second.
It was a fun little concept but admittedly not worth so much of our time.
Simply put, it was a mistake.
The second problem is, of course, the branching paths. There are two major splits in the update, one new and one that carries over from previous chapters, meaning in a single play-trough the player will only experience a fraction of everything we produced.
The good new here is that we learn from our mistakes. We're being reviewing how we go about our whole production when it comes to the game. Starting from our next update we plan to have a far more clearer idea of what we are going to do and how before we even render the first image as well as designated clear production milestones and sticking to a page by page script far more similar to what we do for our comics. It may stifle creativity a notch but it should translate to a better, more efficient use of our resources.