Eh... There was an attempt, which is commendable, but it falls flat for many reasons. It already needs some clarifications(a line or two) about the characters over all, and just a few tidbits about what's actually happening and some minor bits of history. In other words, it needs some polish and padding as a whole, even as a v0.01 to give context to things.Not going to dismiss it yet though, but it's going to take some effort to win people over I think, as this is a severly uphill battle.
The main menu is a bit too fancyfied, and lacks clear directions for some. Personally I just dont care for the "artsy" nondescriptor main menus. Others might have problems navigating said menu, even with New Game being the obvious play button.
I'd also like the possibility to choose the MCs name, as I hate putting my immersion to MC names I do not like or care for. Not something absolutely needed, but it's up there with some other readers as a "make or break" thing.
If I've understood correctly, the MC is a son of a God. So in other words, demigod/half-god. Why the fuck is the MC that fucking pathetic and whipped when it comes to power and prowess
compared to some random soliders and a mage, that so far just seems like a higly skilled magic chick, no divinity? No normal mortal should be able to "walk it off" after a lashing from a demigod/half-god, even if that demigod/half-god is a basic weak ass bitch by
divine standards. Just does not fit the son of a god setting established.
Also, showing off the younger princess as a spoiled gilded whore, or town bisycle as
v1900 said

, whom seemingly would fuck anyone half-decent looking, is a bad move if you are
not planning her to be NTR(+Femdom given her vile conduct) mostly, especially taken into account how whipped the MC demigod/half-god is by
everyone but one or two people(Auda and Radomysl, but I suspect Mc is whipped by Radomysl in some form too.).
So far the game gives me vibes of flat out non-stop weak ass MC, whoms only reason to exist is to be thrown around to be used, abused, humiliated and cucked. I would love to see what tags lies in the "
Coming/Planned content" section, as if my suspicions are right, I'm not touching this again. But that, only time will reveal.
Good luck, and I hope to be proven wrong about my suspicions.
Edit: Fixed one, of probably many, typos.