No offense, but it seems like there is a new "orcs raping elf girls" game every week now and I'm really having trouble telling them apart from each other.
What sets this game apart from the others? Sell me on this, please.
Eh. This one isn't particularly amazing or in depth. Basically, all the women (that I've encountered) have been elves of various builds. The art isn't bad but nothing about this game really stands out.
I should note that it's way less gruesome than Slave farm.
Honestly, it feels incomplete. For instance, while all the girls have pregnancy dialogue, only two have related pics. The blue haired fighter from early on has only one scene, as far as I can tell.
Gameplay wise, you cannot level up, and so using your captures and grinding gear is a must. That being said, it's not a difficult grind.
A lot of the bosses later on are pretty absurd, thankfully you can learn paralyze, which is easily the most OP spell in the game.
I kinda feel like there might actually be too many enemies on maps, just bulldozing through them can be a slog.
I also noticed that some skills seem to be weapon specific. But there isn't much indication of which weapon works with what beyond experimentation.
If you like pointy ears, well, it's free. Can't hurt to take a look. Otherwise you might want to take a pass.