ANd I go back to what I said. Making these games is a HOBBY for a lot of developers, its no different then a hobby a regular Jane or Joe takes up. In this case this hobby is made and provided to those who wish to play it, because the developer is building it for that reason. They dont realize with or without funding how extensive developing a game really is, once you get 20-30% into the project it hits them how much energy/effort its going to take to see it through till the end. That hobby has become another just another job!
It could very well be the developer just isn't happy with how the game is progressing and would like to start over or even wants to do a redo. Thye need to stick with what they've got and finish the project, takes notes of things you would do differently and use it in another game.
Funding is isn't a demand, and people choose to fund a game should know by now (since those who play adult games are limited) that the project is likely to become abandoned at some point. If not the some developers start to lag on updates. THe funding is suppose to provide for the expense of development, software, custom assets, sprites, art if you don't do it yourself, ect.. not to fund your personal life. But this has pretty much been the very issue with all public funding sites.
And there's no question, these are PEOPLE and they have lives, family, personal issues are always going to pop up. Even if that is the case all they need to do is say is they are 'going thru personal issues, and ask people to respect their privacy'! A number of them dont say anything and just disappear. Things may pile up, stress from a new job or a current job, stress from personal issues, and your not always going to get them to explain themselves and most feel they shouldn't have too!
The other thing is a developer may have a good relationship with fans, but that starts to go away pretty quickly when your expected to answer the same rhetorical questions. The way this developer is acting is following the same path, he's not the only one to say one thing and do something else, I've seen this from other developers they claim an update then you get nothing for another month maybe longer, and developer is ignoring any complaints, or not responding as to why, and some feel they shouldn't nor are they going to provide a 'why' they expect you to wait until they are ready.