the stupidity of this queen is beyond retarded, and actually made me hate it, and i love a good NTR and or goblin game
It's normal for pornography to be at least a
little contrived. I agree that it's weak writing when your audience
can't suspend their disbelief, but in works that base their entire appeal around the fetish rather than the plot it...sort of works, because the intended audience doesn't
care about whether or not the Queen rides the short bus. They'll get off to the scenario and the images and, more likely than not, come up with their own dialogue and even crazier scenarios in their imaginations.
I understand how you feel, though. The first time I encountered NTR it made me unbelievably pissed for a few days because I felt personally insulted at what I saw as "disgracefully weak writing." It wasn't until later that I realized the characters were one-dimensional
on purpose. To this day, weak writing kills my interest no matter how hot the visuals are.