well, It seems we are at an impasse.Neme some of these "Tons" of games and we could have a conversation. otherwise wasted breath.
I think you have a very limited understanding of control.
Pimping your women means to have complete control over them (you can't sell what you don't own). Telling them who to fuck and them doing it, not because they want too, but because you told them too!
Let me guess you want to save them up like collectors figurines, safe in their original packaging? Terrified in case they discover the world outside the box?
I'm not going to kink shame those who simply don't want to share (everyone has their preference), but don't try to play it off as strong vs weak.
When I'm done with them, I'm done (I'm not marrying any of them), I'll reserve the right go back and fuck them again, my cock doesn't shrivel up if someone else has sex too, particularly if I'm the one controlling the who, the when and the how much (not that the "how much" is important, I mostly do it because I can).
Especially with characters like the Kevins, you're not only making profit, you're also gaining minions.
And try to stop kink shaming, you really aren't on firm ground. (at this point I'm not sure if you are trolling or just lacking comprehension).
If I wanted them as collection figures, I wouldn't have suggested the path that I suggested for Kelly.
But still, I don't see this conversation between the two of us going anywhere. We are both just talking over one another! So lets just STOP and let the dev decide whatever he wants to do.
We both are just wasting our time with this conversation.
Like I said before, I like you. You seem like a nice guy so take care.