- Jan 17, 2021
- 84
- 19
Pick the flowers from the starting area, add 1+1+2 At the alchemy station In the basement.Ok anyone know how to make more Knock out bomb?
Can you still pick the plants after the initial quest to gather them?Pick the flowers from the starting area, add 1+1+2 At the alchemy station In the basement.
Yes. Go in the evening(s) once you've learned alchemy.Can you still pick the plants after the initial quest to gather them?
Nope,sadly.Haven't played this in a while. Can do you do anything with the princess and queen yet?
I opened up the game after a couple of weeks of shelving it and my saves were all there. It even highlighted the file (18) where I had last saved. I'm using the Windows version, which is the only official version released by the Dev. I will deduce you are as well given you stated your opinion on the game. Is the save folder still there or is that disappearing to? How many different file save slots did you use? Are the older ones showing and just not your latest/previous? While I don't recommend or rely upon auto-save, did that not even assist you?the shit is worth ... the old game save is gone and after three hours of playing after turning the game off and on again, there is no previous save
I opened up the game after a couple of weeks of shelving it and my saves were all there. It even highlighted the file (18) where I had last saved. I'm using the Windows version, which is the only official version released by the Dev. I will deduce you are as well given you stated your opinion on the game. Is the save folder still there or is that disappearing to? How many different file save slots did you use? Are the older ones showing and just not your latest/previous? While I don't recommend or rely upon auto-save, did that not even assist you?
I can understand being pissed off because I would be too. Gee, it even sucks that you enjoy the game and this issue is taking away that enjoyment. That aside, even the auto-save isn't working either or at least helpful? I've never heard (even asked someone else) of this issue with an RPGM game. Dang sure have never experienced it with this one. Is this the only Windows-based RPG game that this is happening with for you?the save was not automatic, the save location was the same.
The game itself is fun but it is pissing off every time you start it over and not to mention after a few hours of playing a day later start the game again for lack of record
Be level 5, hit him a bit, spam heal until you’re full HP, go back to hitting him, repeat. It’s shitty RPGM combat—there’s no secret to it.how can i beat the old gobbo?
I also recommend lobbing a knockout bomb at the beginning of combat to hopefully give you a couple of 'free hits' on old gobbo before he tries to blind you. Save scumming before you start the combat might not hurt either, that way you can just try again if it doesn't go your way, and have a bunch of healing potions on hand beforehand.Be level 5, hit him a bit, spam heal until you’re full HP, go back to hitting him, repeat. It’s shitty RPGM combat—there’s no secret to it.how can i beat the old gobbo?
Level 4 with the short sword can work too just so you know. Use a knockout bomb if you're eye-poked regardless of level (4 or 5) or which sword you have. Between all the responses you've received, you should have a pretty good strategy now. Other than that, it's a boss fight and it's just whatever the RNG throws your way. Good luck.how can i beat the old gobbo?
The picking of flowers to make knockout bombs is activated after you've learned alchemy. Go in the evening(s) to pick them.I also recommend lobbing a knockout bomb at the beginning of combat to hopefully give you a couple of 'free hits' on old gobbo before he tries to blind you. Save scumming before you start the combat might not hurt either, that way you can just try again if it doesn't go your way, and have a bunch of healing potions on hand beforehand.
I found three different knockout bombs in various places leading up to this event, and supposedly you may be able make more but I haven't tried out that suggestion as of yet as I don't remember the flowers being pickable after you do it the first time to set up that trap on the road.