I think they're lying about that myself.Also the discord thing will be removed, from what was said they were unaware that the coder had added that into the game.
Some random guy in a discord accused you of being a troll.Hopefully that's all it does and the information isn't being logged somewhere. That's still really filthy though, obviously people probably don't want that being displayed as a banner under their name to the world.
Maybe just switching Discord to not "display the currently running game as a status message" will solve it, but I'm not sure I'd trust it (shutting it down would work though I guess, at least in this specific instance).
Again I'd highly recommend properly sandboxing questionable programs (no network access or access to things running on your system) or going a step further and using them only in disconnected virtual machines, if this kind of thing concerns you anyway. I assume most of these games are not going to do anything like this to you, but eventually one will, like this one.
I love the geniuses who believe proclaiming it's okay for them to advertise to the world they are playing these games that somehow that is going to convince everyone else to be okay with that."Hi Discord Friends !! I'm currently NUTTING to some PORN games featuring Lolis & Incestuous relationships !!"
Yeah no. + what a hassle to turn it off, then turn it back on everytime. I want my friends to know I play League of Legends, GTA RP or other games like so they can join if they want. Not when I play porn games, there's no point in sharing that information
Anyway, glad the creator of this game took notice and is gonna remove it
Are you being intentionally obtuse. Playing a game through a platform and having that platform advertise that you're playing it is one thing, that's expected, but this is unexpected. Yes you can turn it off in Discord, I get that that is an option, but do you not agree that most people would not think they would have to, given that this has likely never come up for them before?Oh dear. I don't want to have people see I play Honnie pup on steam while on discord... Sooo scummy steam forced me... oh wait.. turn it off in the settings... Any steam game you play does the same... you got the choice.
Even if you knew in advance to turn it off, what an inconvenience. Would it not be better to have an option inside the game you could turn on if you wanted to share that you were playing the game with Discord (with confirmation of course) instead of having it assumed and having to disable Discord's activity feature instead?Yeah no. + what a hassle to turn it off, then turn it back on everytime. I want my friends to know I play League of Legends, GTA RP or other games like so they can join if they want. Not when I play porn games, there's no point in sharing that information
That's good news and I'm glad he walked it back, but I'm still going to run future releases in a box.Anyway, glad the creator of this game took notice and is gonna remove it
SeeSo is the outcry over the actual file found, or what it does or doesn't do with your discord? Launching the game meanwhile on discord doesn't change my status to playing it. It doesn't start post notices in chat about me playing it, and when I check my "game activity" it's not listed among any of the games I played since I first installed discord.. So is this a big nothing burger, or what gives?
I don't know why it's apparently not happening for you.I just checked, and it seems that the game is turning your discord status to display to the whole world that you're playing it. With his subscribestar link next to it.
If it wasn't for your message I would have never noticed, because I don't check Discord when I play games, I usually check after quitting the game.
So yeah, people who don't want everyone to know you're playing adult games, well close discord.. Or edit the script
init -20 python:
import discord_rpc
import time
def readyCallback(current_user):
print('Our user: {}'.format(current_user))
def disconnectedCallback(codeno, codemsg):
print('Disconnected from Discord rich presence RPC. Code {}: {}'.format(
codeno, codemsg
def errorCallback(errno, errmsg):
print('An error occurred! Error {}: {}'.format(
errno, errmsg
label start:
callbacks = {
'ready': readyCallback,
'disconnected': disconnectedCallback,
'error': errorCallback,
discord_rpc.initialize('836424375740923974', callbacks=callbacks, log=False)
startTime = int(time.time())
'details': 'Jugando',
'state': 'subscribestar.adult/asturdesigns',
'large_image_key': 'carga',
'start_timestamp': startTime
That's more a symptom of it not being particularly well coded, not an indication of benign behaviour.It doesn't start post notices in chat about me playing it, and when I check my "game activity" it's not listed among any of the games I played since I first installed discord.. So is this a big nothing burger, or what gives?
Couldn't have said it better myself.That's more a symptom of it not being particularly well coded, not an indication of benign behaviour.
RenPy games are very reasonably considered "safe". So going out of your way to add code to one to make it reach outside of the sandbox, doing it in version 2 when it was not in v1, not informing the existing players, not responding reasonably when it comes to light... those are the reasons why this is seen unfavourably.
If they put an explanation in the changelog, make it opt-in, and put a disclaimer in the game itself, then this would be much less of an issue.
Nice hack, however, given the reason for it being written; I'd suggest using an rpy file rather than the compressed rpyc. At least that way it's in plaintext and easier for people to view, should they be (quite reasonably) curious as to its content.Anyway, here's a patch for v2 that kills the discord integration. If they pull this crap again for v3 and this patch doesn't kill it, ping me and I'll hack it out again.
the kids might be virgins.Are there virgin girl/s in the game?
They said they were having trouble looking for a proper translator. English is a second language for them so they know their on the fly translation is not great. I'm more concerned about this discord crap. But that patch fivesteaks made might be just the ticket.this update is a complete mess with the language and writing
Nice job thanks. Engrish aside, there are nice renders. I would like to play it but someone mentioned there might be more questionable code? I wish the devs would say something. They started the project cause covid has made life hard for everyone including them. They were trying to make a few bucks.Couldn't have said it better myself.
Anyway, here's a patch for v2 that kills the discord integration. If they pull this crap again for v3 and this patch doesn't kill it, ping me and I'll hack it out again.