The MEGA link to the Windows version actually links to the Mac version.Updated OP to v0.1.3c thanks @Dole for the links
This is a h-game or a book? I like good and clever storys but Im not here for reading. So which one?The game itself will be very text heavy...
Thanks, it's fixed now. All other win links were fine.The MEGA link to the Windows version actually links to the Mac version.
This is a h-game or a book? I like good and clever storys but Im not here for reading. So which one?
Tons of word for one scene not for me. I remember "innocent witch". Damn, endless reading. I couldnt read anymore and quit. x'D
The game is story heavy as is described, so if you are looking for some fast action, low text game I doubt you'll like this one. For now, there's only 4 girls with story only up to kissing part. There will be more scenes added in you kiss 3 girls and it's game over? i thought there would be some action :FeelsBadMan:
I see that hating the grandpa character is still least you won't meet mister shit stain
Could you please be more specific about the error or post a error track so I can find it and fix it for later releases?cladiua_not_erroor not defiend