I can understand that. The English itself isn't bad at all. It's the story telling that needs work. And I would be more than happy to help with that. Cause I like the idea of the game, the story just needs an overhaul to slow it down.
Tested it for you, it's better than before. A little easier to read on the lighter backgrounds. But tell me why does it have to be white? Is there any significance to the color of the text being white? Why not just make the text pink, or blue, or red, or any color other than black or white, or yellow cause usually that can become hard to read too. Honestly I would just go with either red or pink, both of which will pop out from the backgrounds. Oh and yes 90% transparency is likely too much. I wouldn't go above 80%.
You are never going to be able to please everyone. So you have to just do the best you can to write the best story you can.