Complete The Three Charms R - The Twelve Monster Girls of Mahoroba


Feb 19, 2019
No I mean I've edited my post with a new link just today. It should work now.
Sorry for the confusion it looks like easy upload had some problem in my end that 1020 error is persisting( tried all the fix in net still nothing). That's why im asking if some can upload on mega or gdrive or other site.


Feb 19, 2019
Oh I see now. How weird, you're not on a VPN or anything that might block it?

Otherwise, let me see if it'll let me post the rar file.
many thanks! Im not using any vpn it might be easyupload blocked my IP for some unknown reason.


Found the reason Asian countries might be blocked in easy upload use vpn w/ america IP and it proceed to the site sorry for all the trouble. :censored:


Aug 3, 2020
Have you definitely had the event where Hakunen's mind-controlled by Daimyoukai? As a test, talk to the kitsune that's below Zashiki dancing (not the area where Zashiki drains you a bit when you look at her/walk past her, but close to the start of the Kitsune area). If you've triggered the event, you should get an item after talking to that kitsune.
How do I get the event? So far he goes up to D, then the purple pheremone effect happens, and he gets booted out with Yamatits and can't cross to the other side.


Jul 28, 2017
Also as an interesting aside, Now that I've finished most of the game, I've come across an in-game promotion for something called the "Mahoroba Brothel". From what I can tell it's some standalone thing the dev did as a follow-up from the second game with unique yokai, where Hakunen prostitutes himself for the girls. I think it's only available for ci-en subscribers but because ci-en's creator post search functionality is terrible, it's hard to get solid info on what happened to it. I don't suppose any of you guys have a paid subscription to Minwa's ci-en and have tried it.
So I actually went ahead and tried to check it out at Ci-En, and I think I found it... it looks like at some point the production on it shifted too something like a DLC thing for the third game? The version I got was pretty buggy, and didn't seem to have a lot of content, so I'm not sure if I did it right or not, but it doesn't seem to tie-in with 'R', at least not directly. But I can't read Japanese at all, so I have... almost no idea what's going on in the little of it I have played.

On a semi related note. Any updates on when the final translation will be released?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
So I actually went ahead and tried to check it out at Ci-En, and I think I found it... it looks like at some point the production on it shifted too something like a DLC thing for the third game? The version I got was pretty buggy, and didn't seem to have a lot of content, so I'm not sure if I did it right or not, but it doesn't seem to tie-in with 'R', at least not directly. But I can't read Japanese at all, so I have... almost no idea what's going on in the little of it I have played.
it was basically Minwa trying things out and it eventually evolved into the third game.
Jul 16, 2017
How do I get the event? So far he goes up to D, then the purple pheremone effect happens, and he gets booted out with Yamatits and can't cross to the other side.
Sounds like you've activated the event. It should just be a matter of going to the right places. If you can't find the kitsune, try investigating around the kitchen of Hakunen's house, if you get an item if you've activated the event.

So I actually went ahead and tried to check it out at Ci-En, and I think I found it
Interesting, thanks for taking a look. I was thinking of potentially making that the next thing I work on but if it's evolved into the third game as lazydude said, I'll leave it alone.

Is this the full translation?
No, that's the same partial I released 2-3 months back.

On a semi related note. Any updates on when the final translation will be released?
I'm wary of giving exact timeframes for the final translation, but here are things left for me to work on...

  • Ashime's night-crawling scene (almost done, fans of butt stuff and feminisation will appreciate this one)
  • Azuki's post-game night-crawling scene
  • Magatsu's second night-crawling scene
  • Dialogue when you have the "Cleared the last game option" activated
  • Fixing some line overage issues with Zashiki's second fight
  • Doing the credits (requires some editing in RPG Maker itself to make it work)
  • A lot of proofreading
  • Possibly fixing a crash bug from the original version in a particular h-scene
  • Giving the game a quick final once-over to give it any miscellaneous clean-ups necessary

If anyone's interested, I could speed up the editing process by putting up the translation in its rough state (when everything's done) and getting people to playtest for typos, grammar issues, line overages, missed lines, and so on. It might be a pain though, because I'll be relying on you to spot things, screenshotting if necessary and reporting them to me so I can fix them.

Edit: Added strikethroughs to things completed.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
Interesting, thanks for taking a look. I was thinking of potentially making that the next thing I work on but if it's evolved into the third game as lazydude said, I'll leave it alone.
yeah though there are a lot of events in it that didn't make in to the third game but does contain a good chunk of the third game (like half of the battles and h-event of the third game) but it's not hard to avoid that part of it as all of it is in the Gu jar


Jul 28, 2017
Interesting, thanks for taking a look. I was thinking of potentially making that the next thing I work on but if it's evolved into the third game as lazydude said, I'll leave it alone.
Ah, I'm not actually sure if that's still the case? Cause I actually found promo material for Mahoraba Brothel in the Third Game as well, that list it as a game still under development too? But... that might just be me misunderstanding something because of my wonky machine translation.

That said, all for crowd sourcing your play testing for editing and such, probably would cut down on that whole process I think.


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2017
Ah, I'm not actually sure if that's still the case? Cause I actually found promo material for Mahoraba Brothel in the Third Game as well, that list it as a game still under development too? But... that might just be me misunderstanding something because of my wonky machine translation.

That said, all for crowd sourcing your play testing for editing and such, probably would cut down on that whole process I think.
I assume minwa is planing on removing the Gu jar from it and continuing development
May 31, 2018
If anyone's interested, I could speed up the editing process by putting up the translation in its rough state (when everything's done) and getting people to playtest for typos, grammar issues, line overages, missed lines, and so on. It might be a pain though, because I'll be relying on you to spot things, screenshotting if necessary and reporting them to me so I can fix them.
I definitely am interested. I could trawl through and screengrab whatever I find too, since my save is right at the end of the last partial you released.
Jul 16, 2017
Alright, here we are, the final rough release of the translation. It's been a long road but we've finally about to cross the finish line. Now as I mentioned before, this release in theory contains the full translation with everything covered, but there's bound to be missed lines somewhere and it could do with proofreading. After messing around in the editor I realized why there is so much extra text that I can't find anywhere in the game, and that's because it appears the second game contains the entire first game within it along with all its assets, maps, and dialogue. Presumably, the dev did that so he could use the first game as a jumping-off point for the second without having to reimport assets and scripts. But boy did it cause a lot of confusion during the translation process.

So anyway, what does this all mean for you, the end-user? If you wish to simply play using the release, then feel free. But just keep in mind it's not going to have complete polish. It should be mostly fine but there'll probably be the occasional typo and JP line. Think of it as an early access beta release. Because "everything" might be too vague, I'll make a quick change-log.

Patching Process
  1. Decrypt all the game files using your decrypter of choice, I recommend Falo's decrypter. Make sure you put all the decrypted files into their corresponding game folders, don't just leave them in the "Export" folder or wherever the decrypter dumps them.
  2. Delete or rename the rgss3a file. My preferred method is to add a ".backup" file extension to it
  3. Copy the contents of the "Translation Release" folder from the rar into the main game folder
What's been done
  • All H scenes should be done
  • All map dialogue should be done
  • The "Cleared the last game" setting should be done, but I need playtesters to help catch anything I might've missed.
  • Relevant game images should all be translated
  • The readme should be translated
  • The 100% spoiler save readme should be translated
  • The scene with the boy trapped in the cage has been edited to include an explanation of what a ladder lottery is for us poor Westerners who've never heard of it before

What's not done/Needs to be checked by playtesters
  • I'm not savvy with RPG Maker so I couldn't figure out how to access the script causing the crash with the pollen-crazed Kitsune event (happens if you have her H-scene with little to no energy)
  • The final few h-scenes in particular need eyes on them to check for typos, mistakes, etc.
  • While I'm pretty sure I got all the "cleared the last game" lines, I have a sneaking suspicion some might still be lurking in there somewhere
  • Some h-scene dialogue changes depending on your energy level, I think I got most/all of them, but needs playtesting to confirm
  • I've had to manually edit the credits in RPG Maker. I've playtested it myself and there was no issue, but having others playtest would be reassuring that I haven't created a crash bug or something.

What happens from here?

I'm planning on reading through all the h-scenes again for a final check and to make any final adjustments on them. In the meantime, if playtesters can make a note of any and all mistakes, errors, etc, and compile them, I'll then update the patch files with those corrected lines before making a final final release.

Edit: Added patching process for those who are new to the translation.

File update: The credits scene translation fix and some missing final text in Zashiki's second fight I somehow managed to miss. Some misc translation tidy-ups as well as missing text for Yamachichi and some text around the cultivation shrine and field.
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Jul 16, 2017
Hey... could you also include an exe. File aswell?
Not sure what you mean. If you mean like a patcher that's bundled as an exe file to self-execute, I'm afraid I don't have the programming knowledge to create something like that. If you mean a copy of the game itself, I'm afraid I can't help you there either, sorry.


May 14, 2020
I can play the japanese version because it has the exe file but the patch doesnt saddly. It wont work if i just place the japanese exe file into the patched file, iv tried it but to no avail.