This story might be viable if it were the early 1800s and Amy were a tavern wench. "Decisions" might have an effect on the ending, but they certainly don't have an impact on the following scene.
Normally I'd try a darker path then make another PT going the more innocent path, but as fucking idiotic as Gerald is, I was making every innocent decision and it effected nothing. I'd even roll it back, make the other decision to see if it was different, then go back to my original decision. Amy functionally gets raped and her following dialogue suggests that she's doing it all willingly. I'm not ok with that.
If I wanted a story where the "player" has no agency, I'd "play" a kinetic novel. Nothing about this game even reaches the bar of "good enough." If this game was tagged as a kinetic novel, I'd never have touched it and even if I had, I'd have no complaints. This just fails to achieve what it claims to attempt to do. All they had to do was remove the bs "decisions" and tell make sure the actual description of the decisions you are given are accurately described.