What is Kendra#s current relationship points480. Make sure you have done the steps 443 to 449. In the hospital room Kendra says that Jason seems to be fine. Click on "Tell that you feel dizzy".
Kendra thinks that Jason should stay for further observation. Kendra tells Janice that tonight is her shift and that she will take care of Jason personally.
I have already done 443 to 449, but the option ""Tell that you feel dizzy"." never pop out and Jason say sorry to kendra and go back to home on the next morning after hospitalization. However, the relationship with Kendra + 10 after the scence. Is there any requirement on the relationship point for the option"Tell that you feel dizzy"?
She should be 20 at the stage you're at. if she's higher then that is more likely the reason
Have you done the following
Met with Kendra in the park
Go to Julia's room when she's not there and searched the books
Gone back and met Kendra again in the park and gave her the book