Must have done something wrong, just tried to skip days to when he was home again and now it works.I just tested the walkthrough, it happened exactly as described, are you sure you didn't skip anything
John will not be in the living room until 20:00
Since you seem to know a lot and are being kind to help. How do you raise Danielle to above 80?
Walkthrough seems to say that it's need to be at 100/120 to succeed in part 348, but the massage on the beach only raise it to 80, and catching her in the park does nothing.
I have tried selecting "Touch them" but every time, 12/12 so far it fails.
Update: succeeded one time, getting her to 90, next 2 times failed, one success again and to fails.
So I cant see any way to progress, it just goes from 80 to 90 and back to 80.
If this is the only way to progress with her it is idiotic, you could spend the rest of your life getting nowhere.
Sorry for these questions, I'm really trying to like this game, but it annoys me that a lot of the content is "locked" behind guesswork, no hints, quests that unlocks but you cannot progress because the next part are miles away in content and you have no way to know that.
And also that you have to follow the walkthrough 1 to 1 if you want to get any coherent progression.
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