0.27 The Twist Walkthrough
Janice:500 Julia:370 Kelly:330 Emma:450 Rebecca:300 Adrianna:225 Rachel:450 Danielle:280 Kira:195 Kendra:20
452. Go to the beach and catch Danielle there. Repeat the whole scene. Make sure to finish the tit-fuck part.
453. Go to Danielle's house, knock on the door. After she will invite you inside, ask why she is still sleeping.
454. Go to Danielle's house after 20:00 and wait till you see lights at the window goes off. Sneak to the backyard.
455. Use PC at Jason's room and search for Danielle's stream.
456. Go to Danielle's house. After she invites you inside, ask for a drink.
457. Click on the small white paper under the bed.
458. Go Home. Use PC. Launch browser. Click on TwistCams icon.
459. Tip her for as much as you can.
460. Watch her CamShow again. Tip again as much as you can.
*Note* She is online at the same time as Janice is at bedroom.
461. Keep watching her shows and tipping her till your total tips will exceed $520.
462. Once your tips exceed $520 ask her to do a private show. She will refuse.
*Note* after earning "Top lover" title you will be able to choose which dildo to use.
463. Next day Danielle will apear at the school and asks to tell no one about her show.
464. Keep watching her shows and tipping.
465. After $750 total tips she will appear at school again.
*Note* After watching all(4) shows, she will start to appear in different outfits (3 types) randomly.
466. After $1000 total tips she will appear at school again and offers you to join her at her shows.
467. On Friday at 21:00 go to Danielle's house and knock on the door.
468. Once you'll have 85+ total energy, come back on Friday at 21:00. This time the show will be longer.
469. Repeating the scene, more sub-scenes will unlock. With each unlocked scene you may earn more money.
470. Once John comes back, stay away from Janice for a whole week. Complete the scene.
471. At the last day of John's stay at home, go to living room before 17:00 and take his airline tickets. (You must have 500+ score with Janice)
472. Come back to living room after 17:00. Also don't touch Janice for a whole week.
*Note* You will have two options: a) Let John stay. - if you choose this, John will be going away and coming back as before, but he won't be bothering anymore. Only the night living room scenes will be locked, because he will be sleeping there.
b) Kick him out. - if you choose this, John will leave and never comeback. He will leave everything even the car.
473. After event solving out John's problem, you will be able to repeat the scene with Janice/Julia at bedroom by interacting with Janice while she's taking a nap at days (at bedroom).
474. Go to pharmacy store after 20:00, enter watch the scene.
475. Go to pharmacy store after 20:00, from now on you can get one more scene (50% random).