probably you can use regedit to remove one of the quests or jump start the next flag piece. doesnt matter though it can get quite messy if you do the wrong thing and there is no guarantee that will make sure you tempering with the game via cheats/regedit will not cause other bugs.Ok.. i encountered a problem. im stealing medicine from the pharmacy right.. and at the same time i had the "carhack" quest where i was stealing the "red shady guys" "stash" and also the "deliver package". and for some what reason i can't give the "shady guy" the medicine i stole. it is in my inventory.. i completed the delivery and got the carhack but im now stuck with the medicine in my inventory. I se now that the walkthrough says that i should decline on the "job opportunity" and then forcus on the delivery or the carhack quest.. but this i did not do.
i guess it would not matter if it was not for a certain "but plugg" the comes while searching the cabinets (for the medicine)... my question here, is my save fucked? or can i work around this?
My advice is start a new game, play it clean and take it step by step, dont pile up on quest givers. You dont need to do speed run in a sex game mate.
Butt plug is chance based item for janice anal training usage. You can buy/steal it and still do the medicine quest.