It's not a question of porting, it's a question of, basically, remaking the game for Android.
Mainly because of the differences in user interface - touch screen functions instead of mouse & keyboard.
if KST makes an Android version, I imagine it'll be easier done when the game is at a stage where it's considered complete, which will cut down on the time needed for developing for another operating system.
Kind of like how the Mac version is only made when the Final release of each update is done.
The good thing is, Android/mobile devices capable of running more system intensive games have been becoming more common as the need for more visually & interactively impressive mobile games increases. Mobile versions of Fortnite and PUBG already exist.
When there's one with functions for a physical keyboard and mouse to be used, then I'll consider getting one
For people who already have mobile devices capable of running proper 3D games on their devices, there wouldn't/shouldn't be a problem running an Android version of this game, but it also depends on how large the audience for an Android version would be. If the audience were to be large enough, then it might be worth KST's time. If not, then it would be pretty pointless.