Hi all, I just want to give you guys an update since my last post.
First of all, thank you all for your feedbacks: it really helps me a lot into fixing issue and reviewing the actual model.
Next, let me give you a general update, then I'll answer to single posts as much as I can.
I fixed some remaining issues with the night processing algorithm in 0.2.4, but I won't publish another patch release as I'm already working on 0.3 and it will be a mess publishing even more versions right now. Since I feel your general feedback about economics and trainings curves, I'm currently working on these aspects in order to improve the existing gameplay. I'm still experimenting with numbers, but for sure 0.3 will be more balanced – and thus, easier – in the first days. This also means I'm trying to move difficulty on when the player can face it.
0.3 will also try to revise how player characteristic affects the actions, and make girls characteristics dynamic instead of static. This should make the trainings less boring.
All this considered, I'm moving baths/gloryhole and spa/massage sections and actions to 0.4 and 0.5, also because it will require girlpacks to implement such contents, and maybe it's too early. So this is what I expect to have in 0.3:
- Economics revamped
- Evolving of girls behavioural attributes
- Enhanced trainings
- Improved energy consumptions/refill for girls
- Cheats (money, player attributes, maybe girls train level?)
- Music + Volume settings
- Girls moods and completion of happiness attribute
- Option to force girls resting in dispositions
- Selection of player profile and attributes on start (as suggested by
- (If I have time) allow girlpacks to implement their own trainings (which of course won't work with VC girlpacks)
Considering my time, I would like to have 0.3 published before Christmas. Will see.
Now, going to single posts:
are saved files from the previous version (0.2.2) 100% compatible with the latest one?
kashmoneybang yes, as a general rule releases changing only the rightmost number will keep full compatibility over saves. In all the other cases, I will state when the upgrade is backward compatible or not.
How do i increase popularity
Arvind With the relevant upgrades. Check descriptions in the appropriate section.
Edit: I guess other options could be to have like a porn channel or toys or whatever in their rooms so they can increase their openness slowly themselves. Could be a good way to use more money once you stop having stuff to spend money on.
phlore101 that's a nice idea, I'll consider this for 0.4/0.5!
Is TUSC restricted to just vids like in VC or is/will it be possible to use pics too.
Plonk Same as VC, only videos.
what's the "Staff ready for next opening" ?
It's the number of girls capable of working for next turn. This involves (in 0.2):
- they have enough energy
- you can pay them salaries
In dispositions view the girls which are not available for next night have a lighter opacity. The energy is the orange bar.
I understand that it won't work with Windows 7?
I have no idea. I can't test or build for Windows 7, only 10. So, in case we're lucky and it works: nice! In case it doesn't: I'm so sorry but I have no way to produce win7 builds.
My suggestions:
- choose the name of your main character
- make the girls training less grindy
- implement the biography of the girls; its a good way to customize girls and make them more unique
Is there a way to customize the do/wouldn't-do-performances? The JSON_data of VC has no effect in TUSC.
I would like to build up a club with sex practices I like and ban some of the default performances...
Regarding suggestions:
- check on 0.3
- check on 0.3 (hopefully)
- this is one of those PITA features since I need to rework the UI to address bio text taking up a lot of space. So I can't promise anything
Regarding your question about won't do: in TUSC there are no "default" videos like it was in VC, thus the game will automatically address what a girl can and cannot do depending on girlpacks' contents. Long-story-short: to avoid a girl performing something, in 0.2 the only way is to remove the relevant videos folders. I might try to address the chance to enable/disable performances overall in the game with settings, but if I have to be honest it will probably come in 0.4, not 0.3