Can anyone share a full save for the latest version ? I lost it and I don't want to restart all the game

So, there's a super secret magical technique that you can use on forums and the internet in general. If you master this technique you can easily find what you're looking for rather than asking for someone else to find it for you and having to wait for them to do it.
It's called "Using the search function". If you look at the top right of the page here, you'll see there's a little box that says search. You can click on it and type something in, save or "full save" for example. Then, if you started inside a thread, you can have it search only the thread you're in. That will let you find if someone has already talked about your search, or in this case, posted the save you're looking for.
Here's a hint, they have and it took all of 5 seconds to find it using the search function. Note that the completed game version is a couple of years old (1.2), so older posts are still good for it.