So a few questions:
- Is there a way to remove guardians or powerups? They're seriously messing with trying to get it on with some of the enemies.
- What does the "unlocked" thing mean, clearly you don't start new runs with any of that stuff. Is it bugged or are those things added to the pool of available items?
- Any guides about what unlockables & conditions there are?
- Are there more weapons besides the umbrella and big sword?
- The broken lingerie description has been unfinished in every version I've played so far, what does it do?
- Does anything at all carry over from past runs?
- Any cheats to max "evil" without having to grind it every game?
- (and why the heck is sex always evil & corrupt in every game, they have nothing to do with one another x.x)
- Any other good-to-know tricks, tips, secrets etc, anything to get more control over the content and H-stuff specifically?
Thanks in advance!
2.Added to a pool, this game is a roguelike like risk of rain
3. not sure if theres any guides, off the top of my head theres A. Complete a virgin run B. beat the pig boss C. lose virginity that for sure add to pool
4. Not at this time, the big sword is brand new
5. Its SUPPOSED to up movement and dodge speed when torn clothes status is active, but its broken DO NOT TOUCH IT
6. No, just whatever unlockables you meet the conditions for
7. search the forum for the cheat mods, all "evil" does is increase breast size afaik (its evil because shes SUPPOSED to be a pure priestes devoted to the worlds god and not indulging in lust and sin)
8. if you're just here for the H, just play on easy, you get healing much more often and the game makes it so you take less dmage from everything. funnily enough, a corrupt/sex build is VERY viable, especially if you get the items that buff you uring an estrus state. makes for a fun glass cannon-y build