Just played the game for the first time and it's really good, except the whole Naomi part.
The whole meet up in the bar and how MC is still in love with her (besides possibly be in love with several other girls).
Wallowing in self pity for a week, than getting it on with all the other girls, only to be again deeply in love with Naomi before he meets her...how should i say this, his love for her, or the other girls, feels really off/fake.
As for the LI's...there is pretty much only Penny i can see as such.
-Mira is ok i guess, thought i find her way to needy and overly fast attached to the MC.
Her relation to Damon i find just strange, as someone he just meet, yet somehow he involves her in all kind of personal matters and seems to be as close to her as if they known each other for half their lifes.
- Ada, Rose and Danielle are all still in love with their ex/current partners and the MC seems to be the 3rd wheel or backup option at best...for a romantic relationship i find none of them even a remotely good choice.
Honestly this point i really hope Ada will get back together with Chris, they are basically the love of their lifes for each other.
I really can't see this working out between her and MC, he will just end in the same situation as Rose.
Damon is overall likeable dude, but as the best friend he really sucks imo.
He has lot's of secrets from mc, i'm also sure he knows way more about his mother and her disappearance, than he admits towards the MC. His relation to that shady therapist, which i don't trust at all and kicked out of the house.
Also MC is old enough to make his own decisions, i really can't stand that Damon is always making decisions for him, cause he knows what is the best for him.
I'm really curious what happend to MC's mother, but no matter how good her reasons for leaving, short of her being murdered or abducted, i really hope we get a choice to say 'go to hell and never show ur face in front of me again', that is if we ever see/hear from her again.
Really liked the option we got for the father, thought he probably also knows more about why his wife left, or he doesn't really cares all that much...well at this point everyone seems to know more about the mother and why she left than the MC.