I continue to adore this game and the story balance it is managing to hit. As these kinds of games are trying to evolve in the stories they tell and the narrative choices they present, a constant struggle is that a lot of them are still built from the wish fulfillment perspective. Which isn't a criticism in itself as that is why we play a lot of them. However, it often hinders the game, in my opinion, as at the same time they are trying to add depth and independence to the other character while at the same time everyone is defined how desperate they are to have sex with the MC.
The reason I'm bringing that up is that I can't think fo a game yet that has managed to juggle those two those aspects as this game and it's almost making me even more hopeful what these games can evolve to be. I think what it is able to do is that while there are plenty of sexual choices here, none of the female character feel like they are defined by their desire for the MC nor is the MC the solution to their problems. Actually, in many cases it is almost the opposite as the easy way out presented by the MC almost makes things worse as it doesn't address the core issues those women are dealing with. It's just an escape, yet at the same time there is a successful emotional connection. Really exceptional writing, at least so far.