I believe you are referring to "Choir of the Gnomes(Dwarves) of the Curtain" and I think it's just Sauronich with some helpers.
Yeah, that's them. So they weren't the originals, either, and it's basically a Russian LARP* song?
*Other live RP activities besides boinking each other with foam swords and screaming 'Fireball!' included
Kinda, Takhisis is Tiamat and Paladine is secretly Bahamut.
Eh, it's not as if TSR/WotC have a terribly strong claim to these literary archetypes. Nor even the name in the case of Tiamat.
While two original creators of Dragonlance claim that they are not the same, it's tin excuse for WotC to not to sue them for stealing their Chromatic Dragon
Uh, Dragonlance (incl. Takhisis) predates WotC by a considerable margin. There were like at least four series of novels and a slew of RPG materials published before TSR went belly up and WotC became a thing. And Weis+Hickman were working
for TSR, with a lot of the iconic DL characters emerging from their tabletop group.
...later autors of Dragonlance AND D&D not only claimed they are the same, but also added as an offical info since 5E of DnD that Takhisis is just the name for Tiamat on Krynn.
I'd say it's WotC stealing Takhisis, not the other way around.

DL was one of the most popular settings back in 2E. And Tiamat = Takhisis was probably already 'official' in 4E.
I kinda liked Takhisis as her own thing, though...
Obliviously, "the same but not the same" Tiamat is also exist in the Pathfinder.
PF took everything they could get their mitts on.

Tiamat is a legit ancient legend, though, not something DnD has an exclusive license on.
I am just not a fun of content being cut instead of becoming optional.
Well, there's still a whole pile of 'cut' content. A final encounter with the Witch, betraying the Mistress, more Princess Violet, Arhin's 'girl fates'...
And for good reason. It took me two(?) months to finally get the "Цар Салтан" quest back in the game, and make it a bit more immersive. I have vague plans to get the battles with the Witch and Mistress back, but they're
way down on the list. The others are probably too much trouble for too little gain.
The big deal with TfD is that everything had to be re-implemented.
Everything. At best Eliont could re-use text scripts, but virtually all of the code had to be scrapped. He's been finished with the game for, uh, over two years now? And anything I add is just a cherry on top, because I do this for fun. No Patreon, no illusions of fame, ambitions as a full-on dev, a large playerbase, etc.
And regarding "Прощай", check the attachment
Yeah, it's pretty good, thanks! Added.

Not as good as the vocal version, but that one would get annoying as ambience pretty soon.