So, how do I access the .ini? Doesnt seem to have been installed for me? Like, Notepad++ finds it, but I cannot find it myself...
I don't know, check your file manager/directory settings maybe?
If you have 3 wings evolved, you can select all 3 options and evolve them at the same time, ending up with a total of 6 wings. Same happens with what I tried to do, with a < 1 requirement and 2 concurrent options. Any ideas?
Eh, maybe you should only be able to pick once per category for evolving. Try replacing the whole dragon.evo_setup() function in 'PlayableCharacter.rpy' with this:
def evo_setup(self,key):
evolving_allowed = True
if len(self.evo) < 3:
for k in self.evo.keys():
for category in ['head','wings','paws','special']:
if self.evo[k]['id'].startswith(category) and evolution[key]['id'].startswith(category):
notify('Can\'t evolve more than one ' + category + ' at once!')
evolving_allowed = False
if evolving_allowed:
self.evo[key] = copy(evolution[key])
self.evo[key]['id'] = key
self.evo[key]['exp'] = 0
Add your scale category where appropriate.
I'll attach a archive of my evolutions.yaml and the other two lair files I affected to add in the scales tab.
Yeah, my problem with all this is still that the scales are enroaching on head territory. And there are way too many evolutions with all this, max dragon level goes up by a third or so.
minor bug: the Dark Grove lair, the one you get from driving the Elves out of the forest, has no background music.
That's it normally, but if Debug mode is activated entering this lair produces an error stating that it's missing the music file:
I know, and recall there being even more problems with lair music. Fixed in the WIP version. You can convert the file from Ogg Vorbis to MP3, if you want a quick fix.
Other minor issues: My dragon has a different portrait in his dialogue (like when choosing a new lair etc) as he does everywhere else.
Was it like this from the start or did it change later? I think I fixed something along these lines at one point.
Certain battles, like getting attacked by an archer while flying around, resolve with no post-battle scene, no stamina loss etc after you win; battle ends and you just get kicked back to the map screen.
Good catch, will be fixed.
How do I unlock the Fiery Hatchery? The Lady gave me a quest for that one ages ago and I haven't managed to find it. Best idea I have is that you get it by beating the Golem...
No Golem, you need to raid a fire giant lair. That requires wings and luck.
...and rarely mountains? dont quote me on the mountains tho
No mountains. You aren't walking to where they live. Damn, I just quoted you. Sorry.
How do I get attack elements other than Fire and Physical? I think at some point my dragon had Sound as his basic attack (He's a Steel Dragon) but then lost it at some point and it's now Physical. I'd assume it's tied to heads but I did some testing around and it didn't change.
Heads, and some special evolutions like the stinger. You only lose elements of you mutate your heads away. You might get a bit confused because the game automatically picks the best element in combat.
Can you get more attack skills like Fireball somehow?
No. The skills are
really rudimentary.
Also do any of the minions use damage types other than Physical?
Right now, no. In the future, most definitely.
Can you get multiple pairs of paws and wings from Evolution like you can with heads?
Yes. Up to four pairs of each.
They're still there on the Evolution screen once you get one so I'd assume so, but who's ever heard of a centipede dragon?
You must not have looked at a lot of dragon pictures lately.
Also is it possible to entirely remove an Evolution from your dragon rather than just changing them into something else?
No. I suppose that
could be added, but I'm not really seeing the benefit.
Edit: Okay, maybe the RP aspect is the benefit. I'll add the option to 'devolve' down to a one-headed tiny dragon again, refunding half the XP in the process.
Supposedly the element changes to what you have that is best suited, and as most enemies have 0 phys resist it reverts to that.
It's actually somewhat random, if there's no clearly best element.
Also, as I mentioned in my comment, you can have more than 4 evolutions even if it is capped at 4, because concurrent evolutions exist
Removing that, as in the example.
This is just my knowledge, very fallible as I am not too familiar with the game
Nah, it's all good advice.
I tested it out against the Dwarven Steamgun - 95 Sound, 0 Physical resist according to its status screen. My dragon has a Steel head (Sound) and a Gold Head (Physical).
Gold head doesn't matter, since your body (size evolution) is always physical and provides baseline physical damage.
Clicking regular attack the battle screen seemingly at random displays either Physical or Sound damage, but the supposed Sound attacks still deal full damage so it seems like it's a display issue only.
If you look at it closely, there are two damages, Incoming and Received. Incoming is your best shot pre-resistances. Received is the
actual best damage. The damage type can change during calculations. So the full damage isn't from the sound attacks, it's from body-slamming.

It should display it as physical as well.
I've notice in other fights however that the battle screen sometimes claims your dragon did full damage but it was actually reduced.
What do you mean?
Back to grinding the Sky then, I suppose. I've already spent a lot of time there and was pretty sure I'd found everything.
Sky is
really barebones right now. I'm putting in an improvement where you can see a lot of other events from a distance, and descend upon them. And I'm moving the bulk of the 'hunt down X' functionality from the Trade Routes to the Sky.
Also, thanks for your help!
You're welcome.