Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

3.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
That's a genuine bug. :(

Fix: add
        if sacrifice_level < 1:
            sacrifice_level = 1
before line 9 of 'game\_story\events\summon.rpy. Make sure there are no tabs, only spaces, and exactly the same number as in the above code. If you don't, the gods of Python will smite your amateur attempts! :p

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
That's a genuine bug. :(

Fix: add
        if sacrifice_level < 1:
            sacrifice_level = 1
before line 9 of 'game\_story\events\summon.rpy. Make sure there are no tabs, only spaces, and exactly the same number as in the above code. If you don't, the gods of Python will smite your amateur attempts! :p
The children of Python could slap me blind right now but then again I have already had one or two libations :sneaky: I'll put it up there. Just fought my first Titan, god dam actually feels good now to beat them. They feel like Titans >:D

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
This just popped up just now whilst I was playing with one of the angels and where as I could ignore the others and the game would continue, this one just repeats the scene preventing me from continuing. :) I can still mate with her but "play with her" doesn't work. I think it has something to do with her affection I've notice that before she hits 111 affection I can play with her after that it crashes. I think it might to be with her accepting the dragon.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Damn, these bugs just keep coming. :oops: Well spotted. I forgot that you can drain girl stats when I wrote that...

Fix: 'find def girl_power_roll' in 'game\_script\characters\Girl.rpy and replace it with
        def girl_power_roll(self):
            return self.hp//10 + random.randint(int(self.attack),int(self.attack+self.attack_mastery))
It does have 'something' do do with whether she accepts his advances, namely whether she can beat them off. :)

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Damn, these bugs just keep coming. :oops: Well spotted. I forgot that you can drain girl stats when I wrote that...

Fix: 'find def girl_power_roll' in 'game\_script\characters\Girl.rpy and replace it with
        def girl_power_roll(self):
            return self.hp//10 + random.randint(int(self.attack),int(self.attack+self.attack_mastery))
It does have 'something' do do with whether she accepts his advances, namely whether she can beat them off. :)
Hi buddy don't sweat it :) you yourself mentioned that some bugs might have slipped the net :) I thought I would do something that would actively help the development of the mod :) getting those scenes are important but making sure everything is playable is at the top of the chain at the moment. I'm really enjoying everything I've seen so far though (even though I'm just power through at the moment) I'm really pleased with the changes you've made, chin up my man :D Something else I've noticed is that when the MC is in dialogue with someone or in a scene with someone (like sex) the portrait defaults to a red dragon rather than the one you've picked, it's small but I thought I would bring it up.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Something else I've noticed is that when the MC is in dialogue with someone or in a scene with someone (like sex) the portrait defaults to a red dragon rather than the one you've picked, it's small but I thought I would bring it up.
Can't reproduce that immediately. Do you have a save where this happens consistently?

Edit: Maybe I accidentally fixed this when I implemented girl portraits, hard to tell.
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Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Mmhmm, I haven't made any bug changes yet, I've just finished watching the tut on how to edit rpys. :oops: Here's that file.


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
game looks pretty good ...i played another one something like this....your a dragon and ya escape and build an army
was a while ago and it was an awsome game too...normally dont play games like these BUT i dont mind trying them out
no regrets so far :D

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
I've tried adding those fixes, I've managed to apply successfully that second fix however the first fix (the girl sacrifice) doesn't go in, just breaks the game. I've tried applying it every which way around line nine (above and bellow) and it just breaks the game. Sorry, this is the first time I've done anything like this and I'm an idiot. o_O


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Evil Earthworm Jim: Don't send me saves from mid-interaction, they're borderline useless. Only from the lair or main screens.

What text editor/API are you using to edit .rpy files? These might mess up things if they try to apply formatting. At worst, post your changed summon.rpy and I'll tell you what you did wrong. :)

str8up: The game isn't mine, it's... Old Huntsman's, then Ahrin Mahariel's and then Eliont's work. I'm just adding a few finishing touches on top. The other game was most likely Ravager.

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Evil Earthworm Jim: Don't send me saves from mid-interaction, they're borderline useless. Only from the lair or main screens.

What text editor/API are you using to edit .rpy files? These might mess up things if they try to apply formatting. At worst, post your changed summon.rpy and I'll tell you what you did wrong. :)

str8up: The game isn't mine, it's... Old Huntsman's, then Ahrin Mahariel's and then Eliont's work. I'm just adding a few finishing touches on top. The other game was most likely Ravager.
Ah okay, I'll remember that in future :) and I'm using notepad++ but as I've mentioned I've successfully already applied one of your fixes :)

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Okay so I altered line 9 "if sacrifice_level == 1:" to your proposed change of-
"if sacrifice_level < 1:
sacrifice_level = 1"
and that seemed to work or rather it didn't crash the game out right this time.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
No, no, you need both:
        if sacrifice_level < 1:
            sacrifice_level = 1
        if sacrifice_level <= 1:
Otherwise 'level 1' (the wimpy cultists) will still crash you.

For the other issue, I'm not certain what causes the portrait to change (or not change, actually). Unless you cheated your lizard and thus bypassed normal character creation for him. :cautious:

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Got it (y) I did cheat (power through the game. bug hunting) However I didn't actually mess with the game mechanics, I simply gave myself money and exp. Do you still want a save? I've spent most of the day today just rolling through the game and I haven't found any more bugs so for the time being it would seem you may have got the worst of them :)
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
I also found a serious music bug from your save, so that's okay, I got what could be gotten from it. No need to re-post.

The picture thing is puzzling, because normally, both debug and regular game create your dragon and set his portrait to whatever it is instead of the default red one. Unless you've recreated your dragon mid-game, this shouldn't be an issue. Or somehow bypassed game creation, although how that'd be possible, IDK. o_O

Did the dragon have a 'normal' picture at one point, and then reverted to the 'red', maybe?

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
I also found a serious music bug from your save, so that's okay, I got what could be gotten from it. No need to re-post.

The picture thing is puzzling, because normally, both debug and regular game create your dragon and set his portrait to whatever it is instead of the default red one. Unless you've recreated your dragon mid-game, this shouldn't be an issue. Or somehow bypassed game creation, although how that'd be possible, IDK. o_O

Did the dragon have a 'normal' picture at one point, and then reverted to the 'red', maybe?
I've been playing without the audio so I can't say I've noticed the audio bug :D I'm afraid I don't recall, but the only thing I've done is give myself gold, exp and satatiy and a refreshed the number of seals, nothing crazy. Everything else I've done through the game.

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
I've just tried to enter the Dwarven bastion (for the first time, after fighting the guards) and I received this bug. Trying to ignore it just kicked me back to the main menu. I haven't looked too closely at it I need to get some sleep :)


Game Developer
Jul 16, 2018
Cannot start an interaction in the middle of an interaction, without creating a new context
Haunts me for a long time XD.

A fragment of code to avoid this issue from my another project:
        def notify(self,header,text):
            except Exception:
screen multiline_alert_action(header,txt,action=Return(True),textalign=0.5):
    tag notification
    modal True
    zorder 10001
    frame background Frame('gui/frame.png',100,100) align (0.5,0.25):
        padding (50,50,50,50)
        maximum (int (config.screen_width * 0.75), int (config.screen_height * 0.5) )
        vbox spacing 10 xalign 0.5:
            text "%s"%header align center
            for line in txt:
                text line align (textalign,0.5)     
    use fullscreen_button(action=[action,Hide('multiline_alert_action',transition=dissolve)])
screen fullscreen_button(action=NullAction(),solid_bg=(0,0,0,0)):
    modal true
        xfill true
        yfill true
        idle Solid(solid_bg)
        hover Solid(solid_bg)
        action [action,Hide('fullscreen_button')]
    def call_screen(*args, **kwargs):
        renpy.call_screen(*args, **kwargs)
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Evil Earthworm Jim: Can't reproduce that error, either. Ah, it's a girl giving birth. No one-line fix for that one, but not too hard, either. I assume the bastion is the one where they shoot you with a cannon?

What I did get is another music bug, and erroneous damage feedback - displayed damage doesn't account for resistances, even if actual damage dealt does.

Eliont: Thanks for the heads up, looks useful. For the time being, I've just stored the spent AP and called the effects when the player gets back to the main screen. This is a bit better immersion-wise as well, since the notification doesn't hit you mid-event. But I'm not promising I'll go replace all 'spend stamina' calls everywhere, unless I really run out of better things to do. :p Only the problematic ones.
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3.50 star(s) 8 Votes