Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

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Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Evil Earthworm Jim: Can't reproduce that error, either. Ah, it's a girl giving birth. No one-line fix for that one, but not too hard, either. I assume the bastion is the one where they shoot you with a cannon?

What I did get is another music bug, and erroneous damage feedback - displayed damage doesn't account for resistances, even if actual damage dealt does.

Eliont: Thanks for the heads up, looks useful. For the time being, I've just stored the spent AP and called the effects when the player gets back to the main screen. This is a bit better immersion-wise as well, since the notification doesn't hit you mid-event. But I'm not promising I'll go replace all 'spend stamina' calls everywhere, unless I really run out of better things to do. :p Only the problematic ones.
It is that one, yeah. Sorry, I had to sort of hit and run last night. I had nothing left in the tank haha. I found these ones when I stormed the dwarven kingdom. There where actually three this time however I think the trace back only logged the last of the three. I broke into the dwarven kingdom, destroyed the guards and then when you are prompt with a choice to - steal treasure or destroy shops and homes, I choose to steal the treasure. I killed the dwarven champion and that's when the errors popped up. :) I've still got the save, just before fighting the champion. Also a little tweak, when you've cleared them out you can claim it as a lair, it's listed in your recall list however as "e!_dwarven_lair". I think there's another recall location that does this but I can't remember what it is :p
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
There where actually three
I've fixed the birth issue and the champion fight background, but what was the third?

"e!_dwarven_lair". I think there's another recall location that does this but I can't remember what it is
Probably the elven Tree of Life after you're done with defiling it.

I'll also change the tavern tip so it only leads to the front gates and you have to find the backdoor yourself.

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
I've fixed the birth issue and the champion fight background, but what was the third?

Probably the elven Tree of Life after you're done with defiling it.

I'll also change the tavern tip so it only leads to the front gates and you have to find the backdoor yourself.
Ah, sorry. There where three back to back crashes after I defeated the dwarven champion. I ignored them, there where three. I still have that save though however, I don't think it logged the first two of the three (in the trace back), only the latest but I think each of them where background issues. I'll run through it again and see what it's says. I've just finished ending two unfortunately there was a huge amount of stuff I missed (because I just chose to fight the archont and kicked his ass out of the world) but there weren't any issues. Oh I didn't get as far as destroying the Alve kingdom. I know you said that saves during scenes are hard to use however this save triggers the bug immediately after you progress the dialogue just once (one mouse click). Something I did notice that was odd was that when the demon prince attacked I had 26 seals left however when I went to rest I only rested for 14 days. I wondered if there was some sort of random chance to spice things up, like the closer it got there was a chance he could come sooner or something :) Completed ending one, no issues :)
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
If you ignore an error, the subsequent errors are most likely caused by that ignoring, and thus useless for debugging.

The main problem with mid-interaction saves is that there's no rollback/exit interaction information, so any little thing that's different in my updated scripts or just wrong can lead to me being unable to use that interaction. So I have to go back to the main screen, possibly destroying crash-inducing data. Which makes it far better to just get a main screen save and instructions on how to reproduce a crash.

That's the theory, anyway. Simpler crashes, like missing pictures etc aren't all that sensitive.

Your save only has that same issue with referencing a nonexistent background picture.

The speed at which the seals crumble depends on how desperate people are (the Kingdom's 'fear' stat). Higher-tier sacrifices also destroy more seals if you don't save them.
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Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
I got another bug however I think it's the same issue with events interrupting combat however this time it's prisoner expenses that's causing it, I know you've addressed this already but I'll put this up here just in case it's something separate but as I've said I think you've already fixed it. I stand behind my previous comment though. You've done good buddy can't stress that enough, really, really enjoy your mod and can't wait to get round to playing properly :D


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Yeah, that's the living expenses thing again.

I'm trying to psych myself up to getting the Queen impregnation/Marianne events ported over properly, but that's mostly blocked by finding reasonable replacements for the 3D images. I'm leaning towards putting either Opala or Farah in there, they've got lots of material and at least Opala is recongizably 'queeny'. I also looked at Fate, but Artoria has very little suitable material in the 'Ruler' version, and way too much for others. Boudica has very limited monster pictures.

I don't really know of any other 'queens' that'd have all of orcs, bondage, group sex, maybe bestiality, and enough of these to make finding quality pictures possible.

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
I've just powered through to the fairy content. Just one thing to say. Nice. (y) I'm afraid I'm not sure about your queen issue. I'm not familiar with the content your talking about. Queens and orcs? Warcraft and Warhammer stuff might help out. If you're feeling up too it pal (no big hurry or importance) you could upload a new version of your mod (with all the changes made up to this point so I'm not wasting any ones time reporting fixed bugs) and I'll run through the game again, I can also look for some orc on queen action if you'd like. Elf conquest I think it was called had orcs defiling elf princesses I think.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Well, that's Arhin Mahariel's content from DW 1.4.1. You need to screw around with the Queen in the Capital to get access to the Witch and the Smuggler's Isle. She needs pictures for bondage, group sex, lesbian or maybe bestiality, some innocent conversation, and orc sex. The orc seems to be from Warcraft, but he's not that important. As said before, Farah from Legend of Queen Opala fits most of that, but she's... kinda exotic for a generic human King'. Opala is close, but has poorer variety and is also a southerner. I could possibly swap the orc with a lizardman or minotaur, but that gets me no closer to finding a suitable candidate.

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Okay so I've just started a new save to try figure out what's going on with the portrait. It seems to be defaulting to the first portrait it gave you at the start of the game. So if I was assigned at random (as my starting dragon portrait) a red dragon and switched it to a black dragon portrait it will still show the red dragon when in a scene even though I chose to change it, it'll revert to the one I was assigned at 'birth'.

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
I was wondering, is there a way to be intimate with your captives without impregnating them? now that there's a chance of them perishing from child birth, none of my captives survive after about the third pregnancy, which is a shame if there's a particular captive your found of. I assume it's in place to stop you farming high cores but perhaps rather than having them die after so many pregnancies you can just have them miscarriage or barren (ruined) or even just have it that playing with them doesn't result in pregnancy only actual mating does, also. Is it possible for your captives to fall in love with you, if you get there affection high enough. I can't remember but didn't it used to be like that pre-mod, that they could end up worshiping you, felt like it was the final breaking of them, and the dragon had finally taken everything, taken their soul. Made the dragon feel really legitimate, like having acolytes rather than just paid cronnies. I've been heading through again and I haven't found any new bugs. :) so it would seem that the greatest offenders are behind us :)
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Kyoshirog: Read the installation instructions.

Evil Earthworm Jim: Maybe the Dragon doesn't believe in recreational sex. :D Anyway, I haven't changed the 'die from childbirth' system, it was there from the beginning, I only tweaked it a bit. Maybe I'll tone it down a little.

'Egg-farming' is discouraged by another mechanic now: non-virgins only give half-quality eggs with lower-quality spawns, lizardmen instead of wyverns etc.

And if you want your favourites to survive, then
  • Don't impregnate them. You can 'play' with the girls and not push the 'final' button. :p
  • Convert them into minions.
  • Put them into Breeding Pits and Milking Farms.
The last choice is not usable indefinitely, but if you only store them at Pits/Farms when they're about to give birth, you can get dozens if not hundreds of children from a single captive before she perishes.

Or cultivate an exclusively demonic girl pool. Oni, demons and firelings all have very low chances of miscarriage, good enough for at least 10 births on average.

Affection isn't love; it's fear, awe and resignation. Dragon love is different. :cool: And they do worship you: have sex without fighting, join your minions, let themselves be robbed/eaten/killed... They're still getting 'paid' more than your monster followers, but that's because girls are delicate and require more maintenance. :D

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Kyoshirog: Read the installation instructions.

Evil Earthworm Jim: Maybe the Dragon doesn't believe in recreational sex. :D Anyway, I haven't changed the 'die from childbirth' system, it was there from the beginning, I only tweaked it a bit. Maybe I'll tone it down a little.

'Egg-farming' is discouraged by another mechanic now: non-virgins only give half-quality eggs with lower-quality spawns, lizardmen instead of wyverns etc.

And if you want your favourites to survive, then
  • Don't impregnate them. You can 'play' with the girls and not push the 'final' button. :p
  • Convert them into minions.
  • Put them into Breeding Pits and Milking Farms.
The last choice is not usable indefinitely, but if you only store them at Pits/Farms when they're about to give birth, you can get dozens if not hundreds of children from a single captive before she perishes.

Or cultivate an exclusively demonic girl pool. Oni, demons and firelings all have very low chances of miscarriage, good enough for at least 10 births on average.

Affection isn't love; it's fear, awe and resignation. Dragon love is different. :cool: And they do worship you: have sex without fighting, join your minions, let themselves be robbed/eaten/killed... They're still getting 'paid' more than your monster followers, but that's because girls are delicate and require more maintenance. :D
Haha Well maybe the dragon doesn't believe in sex for fun but I do remember, it's people playing as a dragon. People playing a porn game and so if the point is the dragon will act like a dragon, what's the point in any choice in the game, why doesn't the dragon always just do as it pleases absent our interactions because our choices in the game reflect how we want to play the game not the dragon :sneaky: and not being able to enjoy one of the fundamental mechanics of the game :sneaky: (the porn in a porn game) Is.. curious haha and that's the same for not finishing, at that point what you've created is a blue ball simulator and I get enough of that at home without it spilling over into my recreational time haha :LOL: as for converting them into minions too again it's the same argument. It's like those people who buy cars that go a thousand miles per hour and cost more than a space shuttle but only use it to got pick up their grocery you lose out on the reason you recruited them in the first place, their hot and you're horny. What's the point of all that asset hunting if we only get to see it a handful of times and it's gone for good, especially in unique cases like the fairy. You go through hell to get her, bed her a few times and that's that, in the end all you're going to do is stick her up on a shelf to gather dust because you don't want to lose her :(

I suppose a lot of what you've said about their affection may be true however they still run away from you even when they are terrified (max affection) which would suggest they aren't as devoted as one would think and although the dragon doesn't care, I do hehe, or rather it's irritating :) When they worshiped you it was just that, the dialogue during sex and when you spoke with them reflected this it showed that you had taken everything and once where a proud angel stood now there's a devote follower who would do anything for you, who longed to be in the dragons grace even when the dragon was mistreating them heavily they loved the dragon because they had learned to fear it, to be afraid to do anything else than to love it. My point is, it never feels like it's their choice, like they're doing it for the dragon because they want to. Like as you mentioned letting themselves being robbed, that suggests that they had a choice in the first place, the dragon takes what it wants that's why they are in this position in the first place :sneaky: and they complain about it, complain about everything (which is understandable obviously) but it doesn't suggest fear or love take it from someone who grew up in the shadow of a monstrous 'dragon' (although I should never give him that much credit) when you live in fear and your abuser wanted something from you, you kept quiet. You become a house plant with no personality and are little better animated, you let them take what they want or you got popped in the mouth, thrown down a flight of stairs, burned, beaten and actually poisoned once haha. (don't feel uncomfortable I'm happy to share these things simply because I'm a faceless nameless wall of text on the internet) It still suggests that these girls are defiant, aren't really yours where as before they did.

I hope I've been able to change your mind on some of these points but if I haven't fair enough :) Ultimately this mod is for you and I haven't lost sight of that, so don't worry about it. All I've been doing is resetting the girls 'death clocks' when they've been getting close and just reloading when they run away, I know that defeats the purpose some but as they are maxed out affection I feel they shouldn't be runing away from me now reguardless of the why. I'm not quite ready to start playing properly yet I'm still just bug hunting and then I need to think about starting to edit some of those images and trying to crack into Exhentai again.
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Well, if you want impregnation, you have to take care of the consequences, just like IRL. Or 'pull out'. ;)

You're playing a dragon how you want, true, but you're still playing a fundamentally inhuman character. So there are no 'romance' options for wooing the girls, no allying with e.g. the dwarves, no ability to go on dungeon crawls, being elected a town mayor, etc. You might want to do all these, and it's not quite impossible for the dragon to do these things, but they go against the theme of the game and the dragon's outlook on life. Not to mention that this will turn the game into never-ending development hell...

Your choices reflect different dragon behaviours. The 'lazy lizard', 'chaotic evil wyrm', 'dragon mastermind', etc. The game is all about being free from 'human' morality and pursuing something completely different. Well, that and resource management. :p

The chance to run away is also influenced by what kind of lair you have, the amount of guards/traps, and how powerful the girl is (the 'teal stat'). Even if she's totally terrified, if she sees a good chance to get away, she'll take it. If you want to be absolutely certain, you keep her locked up in a cage like all good treasure-hoarding dragons do. :D Or, you can torture/abuse her so she's physically unable to escape.

Basically, being terrified doesn't mean you're completely brainwashed. You give up your goods without making a fuss (the girls will do that when I update), but if the source of your terror goes away for a few days and forgets to lock the door, you're going to seriously look at going through said door. For me, the line between 'completely traumatised and without a will of their own' and 'terrified but have an intact personality' runs at 0 HP. Once you cross into mindlessness, you go insane, forget to watch where you're going and a misplaced trap or an angry goblin or the dragon not watching his step gets you. :sneaky:

Edit: And a lot of the dialogue isn't about 'love', there's a lot more about her praying like a maniac or just laying there like a broken doll, etc.

That being said, if you have examples of actually 'defiant' dialogue when they should be terrified out of their wits, do report it. I've already corrected the robbing part.

And you can always convert Dragon Priestess minions back to captives, and in the meanwhile have them 'top up' on other caged girls so they can stay in Pits/Farms longer when they return and get impregnated again. The tools are there, they just require a bit of work on your part. If you're a Lazy Lizard, don't expect everything to go your way. :p That's essentially the same thing as your 'reset the death clocks', but without cheating.

Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Please don't feel like I'm trying to upset you or just complain to you, as I've said I really enjoy the work you've done and all the quality of life changes you've made are great :)
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Nah, I'm okay with other people arguing their point of view. I can occasionally even be swayed by it. :cool:

My point was that the game already has most of the functionality you want, although somewhat gated by the quest chain or dragon evolution. For instance, half the point of having cages is that captives can't escape from there. And the idea behind 'girl power' is that if your dragon or lair is too weak to restrain an angel, demon or elf, why should she not look for a way out even when she's terrified? Or especially when she's terrified, for that matter? :p

Edit: I could also disable the ability to 'reload' your way out of escapes, but as a religious reloader myself, I'll pass. I'll just remind you of the lesson from X-Com (not to be confused with XCOM! :sneaky:) : once you let go of the idea that everyone must survive, you'll have a lot more fun.
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Evil Earthworm Jim

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2019
Well, if you want impregnation, you have to take care of the consequences, just like IRL. Or 'pull out'. ;)

You're playing a dragon how you want, true, but you're still playing a fundamentally inhuman character. So there are no 'romance' options for wooing the girls, no allying with e.g. the dwarves, no ability to go on dungeon crawls, being elected a town mayor, etc. You might want to do all these, and it's not quite impossible for the dragon to do these things, but they go against the theme of the game and the dragon's outlook on life. Not to mention that this will turn the game into never-ending development hell...

Your choices reflect different dragon behaviours. The 'lazy lizard', 'chaotic evil wyrm', 'dragon mastermind', etc. The game is all about being free from 'human' morality and pursuing something completely different. Well, that and resource management. :p

The chance to run away is also influenced by what kind of lair you have, the amount of guards/traps, and how powerful the girl is (the 'teal stat'). Even if she's totally terrified, if she sees a good chance to get away, she'll take it. If you want to be absolutely certain, you keep her locked up in a cage like all good treasure-hoarding dragons do. :D Or, you can torture/abuse her so she's physically unable to escape.

Basically, being terrified doesn't mean you're completely brainwashed. You give up your goods without making a fuss (the girls will do that when I update), but if the source of your terror goes away for a few days and forgets to lock the door, you're going to seriously look at going through said door. For me, the line between 'completely traumatised and without a will of their own' and 'terrified but have an intact personality' runs at 0 HP. Once you cross into mindlessness, you go insane, forget to watch where you're going and a misplaced trap or an angry goblin or the dragon not watching his step gets you. :sneaky:

Edit: And a lot of the dialogue isn't about 'love', there's a lot more about her praying like a maniac or just laying there like a broken doll, etc.

That being said, if you have examples of actually 'defiant' dialogue when they should be terrified out of their wits, do report it. I've already corrected the robbing part.

And you can always convert Dragon Priestess minions back to captives, and in the meanwhile have them 'top up' on other caged girls so they can stay in Pits/Farms longer when they return and get impregnated again. The tools are there, they just require a bit of work on your part. If you're a Lazy Lizard, don't expect everything to go your way. :p That's essentially the same thing as your 'reset the death clocks', but without cheating.
That's fair :) but remember girls don't ovulate every day of there lives, there are safe days and pulling out would be preferable to not finishing but I don't know if that's an option. I wasn't talking about the dragons affections towards the girls, I was talking about theirs (the girls) attitude towards the dragon my man :) And just how it is in reality with multiple religious faiths and abusive relationships Stockholm syndrome is a real thing loving a thing even your circumstances becomes first nature when you've lived that life for long enough. I do agree though that as per your example the game would never be finished however I'm suggesting reinventing the wheel or the inclusion of unique content, I'm talking about mechanics that where already available to us in the base game :sneaky: Ah I've just noticed your edit, I was remarking upon the dialogue in the base game. I'm not sure I've understood your point correctly though so disregard that if it isn't relevant.

As for them escaping, that's fair :) however if the point is that they get to a point that their affection is akin to something like whorship or love in your previous argument then shouldn't they under those terms never want to run away as they are completely broken. I wasn't aware you could turn dragon pristesses back into captives :) although I feel you arrive back at the same problem again if this doesn't reset them. They'll ether die from child birth or run away which would really not make any sense now because they have already worked for the dragon, they've been in a postion where they could have easliy escaped or worse openly opposed the dragon (now they have their weapons back).
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Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
The dragon is a magical creature, he doesn't care about 'safe' days. :D You're not getting a newborn, either, you're getting an egg. So how this all works in detail is pretty unclear, and I'm happy to leave it at that.

Pulling out is basically just ending the 'play' before the final cumshot. You'll 'waste' her virginity that way, though, so don't do it with virgins.

I was also talking about the girls' affection levels. Stockholm syndrome might be a thing, but I don't really know cases of it happening when the abuser is weaker than the abused. Which is what the escaping is all about, elven war maidens running out of a sleeping small dragon's cave that has a couple of goblins as guards and maybe a crappy spike trap.

Edit: The 'dialogue edit' was that I don't really recall much 'devotion' in rape dialogue. From what I can remember, only Danu/Aphrodite have that, and they're special cases outside the scope of that dialogue.
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3.50 star(s) 8 Votes