That's a bit different. She probably didn't get kidnapped and held captive by your father at an early age, when such a thing is at least somewhat possible. She most likely held that position because she had nothing else, and it would have made her life choices meaningless if she went back on that. So she had a lot of incentive to cling to that position, even if deep down she knew she was deluding herself.
The dragon's victims have none of that: their homes aren't always intact, but their extended family usually is. They're forcefully kidnapped, raped and tortured, pretty much explicitly against their will. They
need either a full, long-term brainwashing regimen or a permanent magical spell to overcome that. The latter I'm declaring nonexistent, because I don't like the implications, and the former is far, far harder for a dragon to achieve than just amassing lair security and growing a couple of extra tentacled heads.
The 'chances'
can actually become 0. And the only way for them to rise again if you change your lair somehow (releasing minions, moving, rebuilding), or the prisoners gain power by torturing other captives.
I said 'chances' because I don't know the exact circumstances of your victims' escape attempts. They might have had a, say, 6% chance of escaping, and a single lair move or half a dozen extra goblins would have eliminated that. So the next 10 attempts would have likely failed, and if you went for a few extra guards, no further attempts would have been made. Thus, 'chances'.
You do get them. Better lairs explicitly forbid certain races from escaping
at all, and most of them come with built-in defenses and increased 'inaccessibility', which reduces the chances to escape even further.
Most smaller lairs aren't expandable. And your total number of 'free-range' captives

will be capped by lair space.
Also, it's a PITA to constantly store and release girls. Anyway, the proper place for a pregnant girl is not a cage, it's a Breeding Pit or Milking Farm. They can't escape from there, either. All the tentacles, you know.
Does the combat comment come from actual playtesting or just as a general impression? Because evolving your dragon to be badass takes time, and you have only 666 days at most to start producing Sparks to stave off the demon invasion. I'm pretty sure you can't build a dragon badass enough to successfully fight Architot in just 666 days.
And my argument wasn't about combat
per se, but rather that I'd personally keep my favourite 'waifus'
around my dragon, not locked away. They can also
develop as minions, whereas they only
degrade as captives.
That's why you have several squads. If you're doing something
dangerous, you break out the big, bad and expandable lizardmen. When you're just chilling around, kicking puppies and scaring peasants, you take your 'waifu team'.
And you build up your lair to meet the standards of the girl before you approach her, obviously. Again, just like IRL.
No. Just try it.
Angels can escape from underwater, too. I think only the Forgotten Temple suppresses them. But that's the
hard cap. There's also a
soft one. A run-of-the-mill angel with 111 affection (the max) would have a
100 + 9*10 - 42 - 111 - 2*25 = -13 -> 0%
chance to escape from a freshly conquered cloud castle and a
100 + 9*10 - 0 - 111 - 1*25 = 54%
chance to fly away from an impregnable but otherwise bare mountaintop.
Sure. But I don't like the lore or aesthetic implications of
powerful and
permanent mind-affecting magic. Nothing good has ever come from stories that try to play around with this, IMO.
And sending out your minions and getting consistent results is really only viable when you're on the brink of invasion as is. Furthermore, I'm not particularly keen on implementing girl-tracking mechanics when just stealing a new girl will serve that purpose most of the time just as well. If I wanted to do anything more in-depth there - which I really don't - I'd actually go for Arhin Mahariel's 'girl fates' system first. Which, unfortunately for you, involves a lot
more escaping.
I'm not sure the dragon actually differentiates between different (virgin) smells.
I can smell pancakes, I can't track down one specific pancake even if my life depended on it.
I can understand that worry and I can assure you that if you hire enough goblins, nobody will escape your lair ever again. No, the Goblin Union isn't paying me to say that, honest!
Grow wings, make your lair on a mountaintop, and don't go after demon or angel girls. Problem solved until you start wanting angels, then you need to get a better lair and build some defenses. You'll need them anyway, or the Knights/Thieves will rob you blind. There are lots of intermediate options as well that don't require you to live like a hermit, but discovering them is the fun in the game.
There's always 'accidentally breaking her'. You're a dragon, not a teddy bear. Don't play with your toys when they're leaking the red stuff.
'Leveling' means lair leveling. A big, scary max-level dragon in a crappy cave or gully is just an invitation to run away.
Fortunately for you, 'fake' moans already exist, if you've paid any attention to the sound effects. That's another thing higher affection gets you, moaning instead of screaming.
If you want to take a stab at a submod and add a 'mind-broken' branch to rape_labels.rpy, be my guest. I could even include it and make it a game option if anything actually useable comes out of it. But I'm not doing it myself.
As for 'spaying' girls... I think the 'magical condom' is enough, and actually has a minor cost as well. What if you
wanted to get her pregnant again at some point? I'm not going down that rabbit hole, at least not now.
Obviously, we have different fetishes which can't truly coexist in a single setting. You want total control, I want great power with attendant pitfalls. In my experience, the latter makes for more interesting gameplay as well. YMMV.