traps can be demolished can be lost when you move lair and during that time you can lose all of your hard work (the girls), it's that simple
if the girls can't run away because of something you do to them you never need to worry about anything happening to upset the status quo this is the point I'm trying to get across.
Traps can be lost, true. Minions are not lost, and you can also temporarily turn your girls into minions while you rebuild. That's exactly the point: lair movement is a risky business and requires extraordinary effort on your part.
And upsetting the
status quo of your girl security is another challenge I happen to like. You can
prepare for moving lairs, by stocking up on satiety for some emergency cages, stockpiling minions and raising affection, all so that you can weather the storm.
As for that 0.1% I wasn't being literal, I was choosing the smallest increment to illustrate my point
Okay, but even then your point is missing the fact that the smallest 'increment' is
It's true that if you argument is that the girls would run away from a cat dragon they would of course, I would assume but I don't think they should at all when you are maxed out, by your premise they shouldn't, using the logic of your point, yes your lair should be kitted out by then however again keeping your argument in mind the dragons size should greatly influence that run away positively as much as it does negatively.
You'll get the dragon.fear modifier that basically grows with size. In other respects, a big bad
sleeping dragon is an
incentive to run away whenever you can.
however where as you need defense to protect yourself against thief's and knights and what have you don't really need it for keeping the girls from running away like in the base game.
I guess that's where we disagree on the basics. A trap works both ways, the girls don't get any special 'trap tours'. That's also how it worked in the original Defiler Wings, girls getting killed by traps while escaping. At least here they don't even try.
And guards, well, they're a
staple of keeping stuff captive.
If your concern though is that tiny wimpy dragons shouldn't be able to intimidate girls into not running away, you could just have it that when you up grade your body size it doesn't happen any more.
My concern is not a tiny
wimpy dragon, it's
any dragon at all. Dragon fear will only work to a degree, and if the girl is some sort of warrior-type (i.e. has some 'power'), she can suppress that fear somewhat. To be
absolutely sure, you need guards, or traps, or cages, or pits or another sort of security measure that
works while you sleep.
You've said that there is a lair that universally garantees no escapes, which one is it.
There's no
universal lair, that's the beauty of it. The Forgotten Temple is angel-proof, the Abbey and Underwater Palace are demon-containing, the four Giant castles work on all but angels, demons and the respective girl type, Impregnable Peaks only let angels and demons escape.
you can awaken them (break them finally make them completely under your control) and if you don't want to, don't
In my experience, games that make core features optional don't become better for it, even if at first glance it looks like they should. This basically amounts to saying that 'don't use the security buildings unless you want to larp as a nest-building dragon'. Players
optimise this kind of stuff.
Essentially, what you're advocating for is gutting the lair-building part as far as meaningful decisions go and only rely on one of the dragon stats. I don't even know
which one: size, level, evolution, power, perhaps even infamy? I'm obviously not a fan of any of this.
I'm willing to change the content (tentacal pits) but If I'm going to I'd rather go the whole hog. Is all the information pertaining to TPs in this file?
No, there's a message in date.rpy (search for 'girls_breeding_death'), the actual birthing and stat-draining mechanics in 'lair - classes.rpy' and room unlocking in Main_story_quests.rpy. And the image to go with the message is 'bg event breeding_death.webp', which definitely has some
serious tentacle action.
Edit: There are also Milking Farms, which also provide safe births and drain the girls a bit faster. The info for those is in the same places.
Although again this seems like a much bigger change than it needs to be, it might be easier to simply turn off pregnancy death.
Well, I suppose you could just add 'self.added_chance_per_birth = 0' at the end of girl generation. That's in Girl.rpy, roughly line 313. Mind the indents. I'm not really certain
why you'd want to do this, though
. You can skip pregnancies for your favourites, and if some of the others die, so what? This is a pseudo-medieval setting, this kind of stuff happens regularly.
I've been looking at the chance of someone dying when they give birth or rather how much it goes up by, why is the princess such a.. well princess
Yeah, nobles aren't as hardy as the others. 'Princess' is a misnomer, the 'princess' origin covers all sorts of nobility, not just royals. Currently, I think the first birth is 'free' and the next goes up by the percentage. I'm changing it so the first birth has a failure rate as listed, and the increase is only 10% of that percentage. You're probably going to dislike that even more.
I can see why now there can be so many bugs though, with how important grammer is
Nah, most of the current bugs are just lack of testing and tiredness or forgetfulness on my part. You've seen
nothing of how bad and well-hidden a proper bug can be.
I don't know how some one could find this uninteresting though, in fact sourcing game assets like art and what have you seems like the pain when all you need for this is a tool to edit the code with.
Say this again when you've done it for six months.

I'm actually taking a break from my other mod with Deranged Dragon, because it's at least an order of magnitude simpler.
I changed it, but it didn't work. Maybe I did something wrong?
Probably, because it worked for me. Post your 'lair - classes.rpy' so I can take a look.