Mod Ren'Py Abandoned Time For Dragons - Defiler Wings: Deranged Dragon Mod [29-07-2020] [Jman]

3.50 star(s) 8 Votes


Aug 25, 2020
Frankly, I'm not in favour of blocking evolutions since it makes little sense to me. A dragon can grow its heads, muscles or whatever without knowing exactly what he's doing. He's not a geneticist :D, despite what the (still slime-y) deAd storyline tells you.
I think it's less genetics, and more 'needs a mystical tie-in'. Not that I'm really much of a fan of it myself.

Then I have no idea how you got that error. o_O

Try this: enter the forest, console
and then save the game pre-fight. You may have to also add some mana for this with 'dragon.mana += 10'. Then give me that save.

Use the new landmark.ini from the OP.
Righto, one save inside the temple but pre-necromancer fight. And thanks' for the new landmark.ini bit.

... Sudden thought, not really related to what we were discussing... but moving lairs. Does that alter how long it takes for the knight&thief to find you? If so, that would explain why they haven't found me yet. (Sidenote, my current lair actually has a sacrificial altar! I've definitely slowed the seal decay a fair bit, but I don't think I've reversed it yet. Found a demon girl in the darkwood, by the way. Which is where I got that minion from.)

Edit: Huh. Reloading that save takes me out of the temple, but punching it into the console again and winning the fight doesn't produce the error. Very strange. Almost certainly something wonky on my end, based on that, however.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Moving lairs causes them to go to the old lair and take a severe hit to their location knowledge. Different lairs come prebuilt with some buildings.

If you catch the thief she turns out to be a demon. Defeat the knight in battle and she turns out to be an angel. Letting your minions or traps kill them gets nothing.


Aug 25, 2020
Yeah, that definietly explains some of why they're taking so long. I've been upgrading my lair whenever I get a new one. I went from Ravine->Cave->Undersea Grotto->Manor.
Aug 18, 2020
So, sorry for the long response, I was tryingto figure out where arenas are stored and what they look like, and trying to do the same with loottables. But I didnt really put too much focus into that, and thus failed in that endeavor. So I just edited a few things around but kept code from the ogre encounter, specifically the arena called. I also removed the loottable. The rest should be good to go, copy pasted fame increase of 7, satiety increase of 60, etc etc. Since it is just one code segment, Ill attach it here instead of in a file.
label event_plains_ogre:
    'A stink unmistakable can be smelled. An Ogre. It is probably looking to steal a cow or two from the farmland.'
        'Find and do battle with the brute':
            call arena(encounter=['ogre']) from _call_arena_63
            show bg dragonfire at eventpos with dissolve 
            '[] lets loose a proud roar, none may poach his hunting grounds!'
            'The Dragon takes a while to rip through the tough flesh of the Ogre, but the energy rich food is a deserving reward.'
            'Stories of an evil beast capable of killing an adult Ogre spread around the countryside.'
            jump region_full_view

        'Keep a healthy distance' if dragon.rage < 5:
            jump region_full_view
TBH I have no idea why the fame gain and fame text needs to have a # and an additional space of indentation, so I just removed those and added some less generic text. Anyway, here is the "code" you need to add to the plains.ini to get the event. Weight of 3 and called Wandering Ogre. Again, I didnt know why the names were copy pasted from the code name so I added something more unique.
name = Wandering Ogre
base = 3
multiplier = const 1
regen = 20


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
All enemies? The big demon affected by fear sounds abit funny.
Yeah, I guess I'll subtract twice the defender's 'power' stat from the 'fearing' chance. The big demon will then only be affected when he's half-dead, or when you have ungodly amounts of fear (over 88, currently impossible to achieve but will go up to 100 in the future).

I think it's less genetics, and more 'needs a mystical tie-in'. Not that I'm really much of a fan of it myself.
Well, my vision of the dragon says he's got his internal mysticism under control. :p It's just 'formal' spellcasting he has problems with.

Righto, one save inside the temple but pre-necromancer fight.

Reloading that save takes me out of the temple, but punching it into the console again and winning the fight doesn't produce the error. Very strange. Almost certainly something wonky on my end, based on that, however.
I wouldn't go that far, but I don't really know how to address this, since I never get that error. :(

Does that alter how long it takes for the knight&thief to find you?
Yes. They find the old lair first, have a tantrum, and then start looking for the real lair. If you can stomach the building loss, you can pretty much troll them indefinitely. :D


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Yes. They find the old lair first, have a tantrum, and then start looking for the real lair. If you can stomach the building loss, you can pretty much troll them indefinitely.
I've got plenty of food heheh


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
...I was tryingto figure out where arenas are stored and what they look like, and trying to do the same with loottables.
There's just one arena for most of the game. You don't really need to know much beyond that, unless you want to modify combat algorithms or screens.

Loot tables are at the end of 'texts.ini'. Weird place for them, I know. :cautious:

'A stink unmistakable can be smelled. An Ogre. It is probably looking to steal a cow or two from the farmland.'
That text should be improved a bit. :p You might also want to introduce an option to extort the ogre. And pretty much all I need from you are the text and preferably a suitable picture, I'll need to rebalance the rest myself anyway.

TBH I have no idea why the fame gain and fame text needs to have a # and an additional space of indentation
# is for comments, it disables that line. Indentation is just for readability.

Again, I didnt know why the names were copy pasted from the code name so I added something more unique.
What names? Encounters don't exactly announce themselves...

I've got plenty of food heheh
Not when the new release comes out you don't. :p
Aug 18, 2020
How about this for the intro text: 'As the Dragon wanders the countryside, it smells the disgusting scent of a sweating Ogre.'
As for a picture, I am deathly afraid of copyright, and I do not see why a regular plains background cannot just be used as the arena. Same goes for the ogre portrait. I'm going to engage in a long ass bath after I send this message off, and then I'll have to figure out how extortion works, and then I'll get back to you on extorting the ogre. Not sure what you would extort the fleshbag of, past his loincloth and club, though I guess if one of us is willing to put in a lot of work it could be presssed into the service of the dragon as the extortion reward.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
As for a picture, I am deathly afraid of copyright...
Mods (and imageboards, for that matter) have been violating copyright as long as they've existed. TfD is largely just theft in that regard. No-one's making money here, though. Well, maybe Eliont scrounged up a couple of dollars. :cautious:

If you're that afraid, you might give F95 a pass altogether, since it's a real den of villainy wrt to respecting copyright. :p

...I do not see why a regular plains background cannot just be used as the arena.
I meant a picture of an ogre wandering around (preferably in 16:9 format). Ogre combat pictures already exist.

I'll have to figure out how extortion works, and then I'll get back to you on extorting the ogre.
No need, I just require an extortion text and what resources the extortion should give you.

Not sure what you would extort the fleshbag of, past his loincloth and club
Ogres are known to carry treasure around. Kill a cow, rob his master's house as a bonus. :D Run into dragon when going back home. Poof, some slightly charred treasure to add to the hoard. :)


Aug 25, 2020
Yes. They find the old lair first, have a tantrum, and then start looking for the real lair. If you can stomach the building loss, you can pretty much troll them indefinitely. :D
Something along the lines of 'They finally got a glimpse of the dragon... right as it took off and left'? I had that event trigger twice on the knight.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
That is one of the knight ability grant messages.

"Eh? This lair is abandoned! I\'ve spent all this time on a wild goose chase! The fiend! My vengeance will be terrible to behold indeed! ..."
"Continuing his angry rant, the Knight rides off and starts looking for the real lair."

The messages and events are found in game\_script\lair\ knight.rpy and thief.rpy. Notepad++ can read them


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
You can tinker with the event odds if you want to, though a full party knight can be hard to beat.

How does the release minions thing work?


Aug 25, 2020
You can tinker with the event odds if you want to, though a full party knight can be hard to beat.

How does the release minions thing work?
That actually DID show up in search!

Returning girls from minion status is done via Lair - Orders - Release minion. Girls become captives again, dragonspawn go and rampage around the Kingdom, mercenaries just leave.
In short, if you've got a favorite priestess and want to knock 'em up, that's how you do it.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Too many minions actually so that would be a great way to turn them into food again.
Aug 18, 2020
So I didnt find a wandering ogre picture, but I did find this, a new yorker cover, which I think is neat. Also, for the loottable on killing I just added a jewler table, the same as the tribute from a tier 3 plains settlment.

$lair.add_random_treasures(amount = random.randint(1, 1), loot_table = 'jeweler')

For the extortion I just did the following code:

'Demand possesions' if dragon.fear >= 10:
'The brute gives you all he is carrying'
$lair.add_random_treasures(amount = random.randint(1, 1), loot_table = 'jeweler')


Aug 25, 2020
Too many minions actually so that would be a great way to turn them into food again.
Huh, I guess that works. Maybe sacrifices, if you can do that. For some reason some of my girls stay sacrifice able even after giving birth a few times.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
virginity only affects egg quality. You get half the egg quality from a girl who has already birthed. So you need to keep shopping for new virgins.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
Something along the lines of 'They finally got a glimpse of the dragon... right as it took off and left'? I had that event trigger twice on the knight.
I think that's the 'Liberator' message.

Too many minions actually so that would be a great way to turn them into food again.
Turn them into tribal settlers. Settlers give you fish faster and cheaper. Doesn't work with girls, obviously. You can just eat those. :D

So I didnt find a wandering ogre picture, but I did find this, a new yorker cover, which I think is neat.
Too blurry for me. I guess I can just reuse the combat background then.

Also, for the loottable on killing I just added a jewler table, the same as the tribute from a tier 3 plains settlment.
That's probably a bit too much. I think a 'laired' ogre gives treasures from the 'klad' table?

Come to think of it, a village shouldn't give out 'jeweler' loot, either. Need to check those.

For the extortion I just did the following code:
No worries, I have a whole template set up for that, which will be easy enough to adapt.

For some reason some of my girls stay sacrifice able even after giving birth a few times.
Sacrifices don't need to be virgins. The WIP version has them give twice as many sparks/seals, right now you get nothing. :cry:

virginity only affects egg quality. You get half the egg quality from a girl who has already birthed.
You will also be able to get special monsters (basilisks, drakes, wyverns, manticores) only from virgins.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2019
Are there changes to the 2 big caravan events, that use the same bg? Both are almost the same, to me.
3.50 star(s) 8 Votes