
Jun 9, 2018
The patch has been re-uploaded now and updated on lewdpatcher. I checked the files but I couldn't find any difference between the modded shower scene and the original shower scene, so I am not sure why there is an issue there, perhaps it was the version of the patch that was not working correctly the first few hours of the release?

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Sep 28, 2017
The patch has been re-uploaded now and updated on lewdpatcher. I checked the files but I couldn't find any difference between the modded shower scene and the original shower scene, so I am not sure why there is an issue there, perhaps it was the version of the patch that was not working correctly the first few hours of the release?

Wow!!! Man, you're fast!!! Thanks for that!!!
I downloaded it without problems now, but if you allow me to say, I think you should use another server to host the file. In 4 weeks this link will be no longer available again, or better, it will be available only for those who buy an account on Uploadfiles. The other patches on Lewd I got were all hosted on Mega, and I know their site and interface sucks, but I never found a link that were unavailable or expired, and the patch files are small enough to never give us problems with their download limits.
Well, I'm new here and might be missing something I don't know, but I downloaded a lot of things from here already and thought it was worth to tell you this.

Thank you again for being so quick, and sorry for any writing mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
@cold_arctus not to be rude here but i'm only gonna quote part of your words for a reson, that reson being i don't want to get into an arguement over the way 3 country's conducted themselfs thats their right and nothing to do with me. But since you point out you are analyzing me, I prosume from my post about my interpritation of the charactors in this game. ie. ["I have to admit, your post is quite interesting - in psychological terms. The insight you gave me about yourself is: you don't trust your (best) friend or you just being selfish or narcissistic (pls don't take it personally! It is just, what I interpret from your post.)."]. How do's anybody not take it personaly when being referded to as narcissistic and selfish ?, but in this case i don't take the greedy part personaly . You see i could ofcourse be wrong but it seems to me your analysis of me is based on part of what i wrote and not the whole. I actualy trust my RL best friend with mylife (i'm just a realist he'd probly turn up late, he wouldn't mean too he's just bad at timekeeping.) however I also trust him with my girlfriend as he inturn trusts me with his wife and no we don't share, we tried that when younger, i think my girlfriend at the time ejoyed it but neither my best mate or I enjoyed it as much as we thought we would. do's that make me greedy I'm not sure. as for Narcissistic seems we have a difrent interpretation of that word. because to me that word means i love myself at the expence or detriment of all others, meaning i would have little reguard for any girlfriend or wife and would be more than happy to share or loan her services. with or without her concent, If in doing so it was to benifit me in one way or another. but that raises a question if im narcissistic would being called so actualy offend me. ok thats the last im gonna say on this subject this is after all supossed to be about the game and not an anlyassis of me. in future i will try to refrane from talking about anything not game related. my apoligizes to F95 and the Game Dev and anyone else for thsi being off topic.


Devoted Member
Sep 25, 2018
@cold_arctus not to be rude here but i'm only gonna quote part of your words for a reson, that reson being i don't want to get into an arguement over the way 3 country's conducted themselfs thats their right and nothing to do with me. But since you point out you are analyzing me, I prosume from my post about my interpritation of the charactors in this game. ie. ["I have to admit, your post is quite interesting - in psychological terms. The insight you gave me about yourself is: you don't trust your (best) friend or you just being selfish or narcissistic (pls don't take it personally! It is just, what I interpret from your post.)."]. How do's anybody not take it personaly when being referded to as narcissistic and selfish ?, but in this case i don't take the greedy part personaly . You see i could ofcourse be wrong but it seems to me your analysis of me is based on part of what i wrote and not the whole. I actualy trust my RL best friend with mylife (i'm just a realist he'd probly turn up late, he wouldn't mean too he's just bad at timekeeping.) however I also trust him with my girlfriend as he inturn trusts me with his wife and no we don't share, we tried that when younger, i think my girlfriend at the time ejoyed it but neither my best mate or I enjoyed it as much as we thought we would. do's that make me greedy I'm not sure. as for Narcissistic seems we have a difrent interpretation of that word. because to me that word means i love myself at the expence or detriment of all others, meaning i would have little reguard for any girlfriend or wife and would be more than happy to share or loan her services. with or without her concent, If in doing so it was to benifit me in one way or another. but that raises a question if im narcissistic would being called so actualy offend me. ok thats the last im gonna say on this subject this is after all supossed to be about the game and not an anlyassis of me. in future i will try to refrane from talking about anything not game related. my apoligizes to F95 and the Game Dev and anyone else for thsi being off topic.
@LWtbo I also want to apologize to you to characterize you as selfish and narcissistic without knowing you in person at all! This part of my post were unnecessarily personal and not really game related! I just felt your argumentation about Bacon and his relationship to MC were to one-eyed, like a person without personal experience on this subject would write. But of course, it is a game and every one of us have their own (sexual) preferences, and I think the Devs are doing their best to satisfy all of us - and so far I think they doing great! Thnx again!

@LWtbo lets share a "virtual beer" together and let us go back to enjoy this great game! :cool: Ganbei (干杯)!
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Deleted member 62788

Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
First time I played this was V4. Was blown away how awesome it was. Then the last update was a bit shit for me, but still consider this to be the only contender against Milfy City.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Sure. People here follow rules all the time. Like not going after one another personally and going way off topic.

But, yeah, unabashed plug unrelated to this game is, at best, bad form. Just a rookie mistake from someone who is obviously a big fan of stiglet. Which I am, too...I just do it there.


May 6, 2017
Hello. After reading the last few pages
after reading the long post on the last few pages I feel obliged to leave a comment here now.

But before I start I would like to refer to my other post .
And a little hint! i don't speak native english so i apologize for my grammar etc..

I have played and watched the game from the beginning. I have to say that the style that developed here is very good. The renderings are very clean and very good resolution. The details are very good. Visually everything fits together somehow. Very good.

I am also of the opinion that the implementation is also very successful. However, there are still a few criticism points here. (This is my personal opinion! I hope that I do not attack anyone with it personally! That is not my intention).
I am of the opinion that there is a lack of decisions. This means that I mean the decisions that influence the course of the game. As a small example: I am forced with the mother (yes I play the incest version) a sexual relationship to enter! In itself this is not too bad but I am not even asked if I want to do anything with the mother at all. If I want someone to watch me do it with the mother etc. and who says that I am interested in the milf at all?
I am aware that it is necessary for the story to make certain "actions" but I would very much like to be able to choose which decisions and ways I would like to take now. I think it would already help if you gave more decision possibilities like a normal healthy person (man) would make in real life.
"Am I going in now? Yes or no?", "Do I span? Yes or no?", "How long do I span?", "Am I trying to influence the sister? If so, how? Sexually? or do I show dominance? or blackmail? or do I want to bribe her?", "Do I try to influence her?
Do I allow a relationship between father (stepfather, boyfriend or whatever) and daughter? or do I try to stop it and win her (sister, girlfriend) over?
Do I want a triangular or quadrangular relationship? (girlfriend, sister and mother and so on) or do I only want 1 path?
Furthermore, you are currently still in a fixed story without real side courses. This means that if you click on the map you have to go to a certain location to do something. There is no really free choice what you want to do yet. This makes the story a bit one-sided and linearly predictable. You can imagine in advance what will happen now and what won't. In addition, I feel restricted in the activities in general. For example, when I play the drums and the mother calls, it doesn't happen anything at all. I asked myself the question what happens when I play 2 or 3 or even 4 drums and i am nude. Does the mother or even better the sister come in, annoyed, and then see me naked maybe even with an erection? But I was disappointed nothing happened. Or when the sister got annoyed or went to her room slightly angry after the stepfather / boyfriend had started to get at her I had the desire to follow her... but that was not possible because the mother came in between. Here also a decision would have been good.
So now enough examples. I think you already know what I want to get at.

The next thing I wanted to address are the short animation sequences. I am glad that they are so well succeeded however I am here the opinion that the animations are really.... are one-sided. A very short loop is made and finished. There are no variations or changes in the sequences. I think that's a pity. You could get a little more tension or at least flair out of it through small changes. For example, I don't have to see how the girl makes the same facial features 3 times when she is supposed to blow me, it just seems too artificial. Or 6x times the same body movement during sex. Breasts always move the same as the hands. I asked myself the question why you don't use Engine's own physics and play sequences in the Engine and use the physics, even that makes more realistic body movements for example when the breasts wiggle back and forth when bumping. Hmm so far for now.

Oh and one last thing. I think that the engine as it is used here is very sluggish and partly slow. I build my own games in Unity and therefore know that this is not necessarily necessary. Maybe you can still turn a few screws there.

I think that should be enough for now. I have a lot more but I think this is the most important one.

I repeat once again! These are my personal opinions and suggestions for improvement! I don't want to offend anyone and hope for the best.

Maybe one or the other can still be implemented.

(By the way!) There must be absolutely more contents with the sister. I am not so the Milf fan. Stand up more so (lolicon) sisters and so. Maybe it's because I've always wanted a sister.
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Master Chief VNGineer
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
Hello. After reading the last few pages
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Thanks for your feedback! Indeed the game revolves quite heavily against interactions with Juliana, this was always the intention with the game too so we don't want to strafe away from that too much or it... really kinda doesn't make any sense with the story. There are some skippable interractions but they also lead to some content that you don't get to see unless you go with the so called "Juliana path". Most if not all characters future interractions do also depend on your previous choices, not only with that character but also with some other dynamics, this will be more expanded upon as we move forward.

Regarding animations, first of all animations weren't actually planned to be added in the game until we reached a much higher support level, due to the fact that it requires quite the render machine to pull off good long animations.

Due to the fact that our support levels were not rising as expected, we decided to showcase a bit more with animations in the game in order to gain more support, and showcase the potential of it when motkeyz has the right tools. The problem right now is that it takes so long to render these 1080p animations so we have to compromise and make them shorter.

So the reason why animations are short right now is strictly really due to hardware constraints, mot is already running on two 1080Ti's and it's basically been running non-stop since the launch of timestamps, day and night (day for rigging and rendering, and night for rendering all the images and animations in queue). Frankly his PC is more and more starting to give up after this long abuse, It's working really hard. Ideally he needs a separate dedicated render farm to be able to much more reliably and faster push out these high quality renders.

You may notice this a bit with some of the first animations that the framerate was more unpredictable in some cases and the editing to do as much as possible with less, really to bring you as much as possible with the tools that we have at our disposal.

Again motkeyz is also fairly new to animating, but he is learning more and more as he goes, you can clearly see that as well for every release, and you will definitely also see it in the upcoming one.

In regards to having the game in 3d and animating, that requires a totally different set of skills, first of all we don't want to go that way due to it restricting people from playing, having a high quality model doing animations like that requires a lot of hardware from the player. Our animations are made with video files and hence it requires almost no processing power. If you look at games like the twist you can really see he went a lot lower poly on the models, and people still lag their assess off. My 780m before it broke lagged already when navigating between the houses, works well on my 970 though. That also requires a 3d modeller and a 3d animator as well as 3d enviromental artists etc. Totally different set of tools.

In regards to the game running sluggish, I am aware that the last release had a performance issue related to the dialogue history. The dialogue history had no cap on how much was stored in there, which i thought was fine on my PC. I have now tweaked it down to max 20 history lines, which has removed that slugishness completely.

The only other problem with performance we have had is regarding the save and load menu if you have a lot of saves, due to the fact that it loads all thumbnails at once, improvements on this will be made, it's been planned for quite some time, but there are so many other priorities.

Regarding the drum scenes those were just added as fun easter eggs, we will probably expand even more on this later in some ways :)

In regards to choices etc, i agree with you on many points, I also think we are doing much of it and have a lot planned but it's hard to show all of it so early in the story, seeing as we're only on day 5-6, only recently you really started to see differences happening with options.

The game itself is designed to be more linear than many other games, mainly because we have a personal preference against the too grindy games where you have to constantly click and navigate around and find the right timeslot and all that to trigger some scenes, or weekday etc.

You could say that this is just our style of making the game, not to restrict ourselves in any way, as we discover ways to make things better as we go, and we have some different plans as well for future chapters. We can't change too much of the fundamentals without having to rework a lot of the past.

So in summary; with the restricted funding and support with have right now we are overworking ourselves to show what we are capable of, it's a passion project for us. The game is focused around juliana but with a lot of things around it planned, even if some aspects of the game feels like on rails i don't think you can predict everything we have in store ;) Hopefully in due time we can really make it as we want, nothing stops us from at a later stage also re-define some older content to improve it once we have better tools at our disposal.

Thanks again for your valuable input!


Deep Thought

May 30, 2018
The animations might be short but I really appreciate that you guys added them. I just really prefer animations. That scene with Veronica having some solo fun is one of my favorite scenes in all the adult games/VNs I've played. Hell Veronika is one of the hottest female characters I've seen and I can't wait to see more and more and well you get the idea lol. The other women are smoking hot but Veronika is the reason I'm always checking on the updates for TimeStamps and the reason that I will be becoming a supporter in the near future. Just hoping the MC doesn't have to beat the father's ass to make her his cause I'll fight him to the death lol.


❤︎The Redhead Harem Master❤︎
Sep 3, 2018
The animations might be short but I really appreciate that you guys added them. I just really prefer animations. That scene with Veronica having some solo fun is one of my favorite scenes in all the adult games/VNs I've played. Hell Veronika is one of the hottest female characters I've seen and I can't wait to see more and more and well you get the idea lol. The other women are smoking hot but Veronika is the reason I'm always checking on the updates for TimeStamps and the reason that I will be becoming a supporter in the near future. Just hoping the MC doesn't have to beat the father's ass to make her his cause I'll fight him to the death lol.
Yaay another "Nika-Lover" :biggrin: That scene is my favourite scene in this game. (The second favourite is the one with Maureen while the mother was watching). Nika is in my Top 5 of hottest Sisters. I like all the other females in this game as well, but sadly the main focus is on the mother (not that I don't like her ;))


Active Member
Dec 18, 2017
@Aesouh Hello, a couple of suggestion for your Engine/UI:

  • Characters icons/face in the Messaging mobile app, help to know who is who
  • Notification icon on who texted in the Messaging app
  • Middle Mouse click to Hide text/UI
  • Colorized names for characters. Everyone is Blue actually, more help to quick read who talk, identify.
    Could be only 3 colors like MC/Other/Narrator or all main characters with unique.
    Ex: Bacon = Brown; Goth girl = Violet;...
  • Tooltips when you mouse-over a door for exemple "Bathroom".
  • This one is more Design but your indoor of the main house is really white and hard to navigate without any hints what doors mean what. This can been helped with some props close to doors like a laundry basket; posters; arts; shoes; carpets; dirt;... anything who would hint what behind that door.


Master Chief VNGineer
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
@Aesouh Hello, a couple of suggestion for your Engine/UI:

  • Characters icons/face in the Messaging mobile app, help to know who is who
  • Notification icon on who texted in the Messaging app
  • Middle Mouse click to Hide text/UI
  • Colorized names for characters. Everyone is Blue actually, more help to quick read who talk, identify.
    Could be only 3 colors like MC/Other/Narrator or all main characters with unique.
    Ex: Bacon = Brown; Goth girl = Violet;...
  • Tooltips when you mouse-over a door for exemple "Bathroom".
  • This one is more Design but your indoor of the main house is really white and hard to navigate without any hints what doors mean what. This can been helped with some props close to doors like a laundry basket; posters; arts; shoes; carpets; dirt;... anything who would hint what behind that door.
Thanks for the suggestions!

In regards to the messaging system, it was only a first simple version right now and i am redoing the message system to be more intuitive, including seeing easier who you actually got a message from, but its a total revamp of the message system on the way. I like the idea of the character icons/face in the message app, I will see what we can do there, we already have the name of the character and usually recieved is left and sent is on the right as on regular phone systems.

REgarding middle mouse to hide text/ui, good idea as well, im gonna run it past mot but it's easy to add.

Not sure how we want to do regarding colorized names, it has been brought up before but, im personally not a big fan of this but maybe it will turn out nice, i will investigate, maybe there is something else we can work out here, i will think about it.

Tool-tips on hovering on rooms, i have thought about this, this is something that is definitely planned just hasn't been prioritized, due to so many other things to do. You do have access to a house map as well with the N key for also faster navigation and tab for quick navigation between rooms for now.

IN regards to the inhouse design i know that mot really likes it the way it is now even though yes it makes it a bit more difficult to guess what is what from a simple glance. Also this would mess with all the renders that are already done. Don't think we will do anything with this.

Good ideas anyway! Taking note.



Master Chief VNGineer
Game Developer
Sep 16, 2017
The animations might be short but I really appreciate that you guys added them. I just really prefer animations. That scene with Veronica having some solo fun is one of my favorite scenes in all the adult games/VNs I've played. Hell Veronika is one of the hottest female characters I've seen and I can't wait to see more and more and well you get the idea lol. The other women are smoking hot but Veronika is the reason I'm always checking on the updates for TimeStamps and the reason that I will be becoming a supporter in the near future. Just hoping the MC doesn't have to beat the father's ass to make her his cause I'll fight him to the death lol.
Yaay another "Nika-Lover" :biggrin: That scene is my favourite scene in this game. (The second favourite is the one with Maureen while the mother was watching). Nika is in my Top 5 of hottest Sisters. I like all the other females in this game as well, but sadly the main focus is on the mother (not that I don't like her ;))
Actually we just had a vote for platinum reward pic for next month, and looks like there's a lot of nika fans around ;)

Deleted member 795684

Active Member
Aug 2, 2018
I have a question: Does mother's hair will be like this until the end or will you change it something more ''young''? It is the one of the things about mother that I am not %100 on board with.
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