I was a bit tongue in cheek in my review. But the engine surprised me. Typically, as I'm sure you know, when people use Unity for VNs the results are clunky at best. So when I saw Timestamps using it I sighed a bit inside but trudged forward.
Then I played it and and learned the error of my ways. It just feels so damn polished. I said to myself, this needs to be bundled up as middleware for others to use! Next time I ran the game I saw the VNgine name and realized I was a little slow to the party.

In summary, very nice work.
I have noticed a couple little quirks, but I generally don't like to report things until I search to see if they are already reported. But I"ll be lazy and mention them quickly. Sometimes, usually after a scene/location change, I need to click twice instead of once to advance the text (if relevant, typewriter-mode off). I also sometimes found the animation bits a little unintuitive. Some seem to advance on their own and some seem to need to click on one of the GUI buttons (either or both are fine, but I didn't feel like the interface was letting me know). That could have just been me, though. Also, I had weird results with the "Last Decision" (or something like that, game not running atm) command. It would take me back to the decision, I'd pick the one I wanted, but then it would rewind all the way back to the beginning of the scene anyways.
I know throwing all that at you isn't super useful, but I'm guessing this is known stuff. If you need me to be more specific or try to make it reproducible, let me know.