
Devoted Member
Sep 25, 2018
When there is money in a "hobby" (and we talk about 5k$) this is not a hobby, ths is a job. No exeptions.

If this member do all the work for free, a modo can erase my previous message and i will apologize.
Not my job, and I'm a team member - actually recruited from this thread here.

The major work is done by Motkeyz and Aesouh. Motkeyz is the artist and Aesouh the coder, who use his own (frame-) engine in Unity. Both work full-time in their regular jobs and during their free time on Timestamps.

The rest of us team members are freebies. Helping Mot and Aes as much as we can by taking over small manageable tasks. But the bulk of work is done by Mot and Aes.

I m not Superman, in France the stoppage of work for lost a familly member (Father, Mom, Bro etc...) is 3 days.
I can't let you say 3 week is normal, because it is not,
I can tell you that 3 weeks can happen - I personally experienced it.

Taking personal days / vacation is a matter of your employer and not regulated by law here in Germany.

My father died in 2008, and I was the last person who spoke to him. My boss told me to hand in a sick note from my doctor and take my time to sort everything out. I was on sick leave for 3 weeks and could even extent it.

I m sorry, but i disagree.
For an external person it might look strange, because you guys don't know who died and how relationship between them were. You also don't know the circumstances how this person died. Further, funeral regulations differ among countries and religions. So, all of this is unknown to you guys.

I don't care about the delay, i don't pay so i shut my mouth and i wait
Ranting like the other guy isn't an option, because it doesn't solve the problem. So, as you said, the rest of non-supporters can just sit and wait.


Jun 3, 2017
So while it's not necessary i'm gonna throw my 2 cents in. When I lost my uncle when i was younger it sucked and took me a while to deal with it, but i was pretty functional after a few days or a week. After I lost my grand parents, I was ok after a few days. When my little brother, whom i spent more time raising than my parents did, died it broke me, it took me probably over a year to get my shit together.

Basically what i'm saying is that it depends on the situations, the bonds, the person you are, etc. for how long it takes to deal with shit. Saying crap about how long it takes ppl to deal with grief is naive, when you think that 3 days is enough, or that things should be done by now.

People need whatever time they need to deal with loss, it's not a cut and dry number that fits every person.

To whomever is dealing with the loss take the time you need to heal and come back when you can.


Deleted member 484637

Keep it on topic, be civil and preferably move on if you hate a game/dev that much, coming back here does no good to one's sanity.
sure i did, but you just deleted my post. it would have been enough if you had edited my post, so my post is now completely gone. just sayin... :whistle:

how ever... i saw that Motkeyz noticed my post about ms delington, so pls fullfill my wish. :love:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2017
With all the DRAMA and EXCITEMENT going on I feel it's time for more:

-FAKE- Breaking News -FAKE-

In our first story the voices in my head report that the TITLES of FUTURE chapters have been LEAKED,

TimeStamps Chapter 3: The MOOSE awakens.
TimeStamps Chapter 4:The Last Squirelle.
Timestamps Chapter 5: The Rise of Moose and Squirelle.

Our next bit of NEWS is that Motkeyz will be unable to release the December 2021 update on time due to delays caused by the UPCOMING Holiday season, and being forced to enter REHAB for his CHOCOLATE addiction.

Finally it has been REVEALED that I am a silly person. :)

-End of FAKE news-

So the Stitches are out and I have limited ability to do stuff now. I will therefore do something EXCITING,, Gonna take a NAP.

Just some (silly) thoughts.


Active Member
Dec 30, 2019
Ok... almost finished day 9, just 1 day left for until I hit the end for now, but I couldn't resist I had to give my impressions now.

Fondamentally this game is awesome (I mean, awesome) but I the same time there are some details that are not for me. I mean, I kind of appreciate mother stuff in general but I have to admit the heavy emphasis toward the mother was a bit too much for my taste, especially considering I just find her pretty but not at the same level as some other characters.

Can we just all agree that Maureen is the best girlfriend-type character ever made ? Not only absolute beauty, but also an unusual mix between the "good girl" type and the "incredibly slutty" type, and she's... understanding, so much it's scary. Love it, or at the very least I did until I got worried during that day 9 I just did. My "experienced vn player" alarm rang when her mother said "I dont know where she went" in the evening, I really hope Maureen isn't some shady antagonist for the story or something. And if she was just with a guy I'd still be conflicted, I wouldn't mind sharing her a bit but I'd prefer if it wasn't behind mc's back but more with his invitation.
I also like the little sister a lot. I feel like mc is very often neglecting those characters in favor of the mother, and you have no control over it.

One of the huge upsides of this game for me (apart from Maureen :3) is how perverted the girls are. I even wonder if it's not because of some time manipulation or something (they didn't seem so wild at the beginning, also surprised at how attractive the mc and bacon are considered to be), but if it's just porn games' magic I'd be perfectly satisfied too ahah.
Well anyway I enjoy dirty minded girls in games, hope to see more kinks in the future maybe some exhibitionism since it seems there'll be other photoshoots.

As for the SF plot I'm surprised. Because at first when Bacon began to talk about the time machine I was like "oh no not this sf stuff again I just wanted a porn game", but now I'm theorizing about what's happening and the reasons behind it. Well done author, entertaining plot.
I like the sexy clothes in the game btw, especially Maureen's.

Yes I became obsessed with Maureen, save me. Yes I wrote too much, I hope at least one guy will read.
I'll consider becoming a patron soon.
Last edited:


Dec 26, 2019
When is the next update because I'm at the part where his friend (Girl Roommate) gets kidnapped.


Oct 6, 2018
Maybe a stupid question. But i can't seem to find a detailed explanation to what's different betweem regular and platinum version?


Jun 14, 2017
Ok... almost finished day 9, just 1 day left for until I hit the end for now, but I couldn't resist I had to give my impressions now.

Fondamentally this game is awesome (I mean, awesome) but I the same time there are some details that are not for me. I mean, I kind of appreciate mother stuff in general but I have to admit the heavy emphasis toward the mother was a bit too much for my taste, especially considering I just find her pretty but not at the same level as some other characters.

Can we just all agree that Maureen is the best girlfriend-type character ever made ? Not only absolute beauty, but also an unusual mix between the "good girl" type and the "incredibly slutty" type, and she's... understanding, so much it's scary. Love it, or at the very least I did until I got worried during that day 9 I just did. My "experienced vn player" alarm rang when her mother said "I dont know where she went" in the evening, I really hope Maureen isn't some shady antagonist for the story or something. And if she was just with a guy I'd still be conflicted, I wouldn't mind sharing her a bit but I'd prefer if it wasn't behind mc's back but more with his invitation.
I also like the little sister a lot. I feel like mc is very often neglecting those characters in favor of the mother, and you have no control over it.

One of the huge upsides of this game for me (apart from Maureen :3) is how perverted the girls are. I even wonder if it's not because of some time manipulation or something (they didn't seem so wild at the beginning, also surprised at how attractive the mc and bacon are considered to be), but if it's just porn games' magic I'd be perfectly satisfied too ahah.
Well anyway I enjoy dirty minded girls in games, hope to see more kinks in the future maybe some exhibitionism since it seems there'll be other photoshoots.

As for the SF plot I'm surprised. Because at first when Bacon began to talk about the time machine I was like "oh no not this sf stuff again I just wanted a porn game", but now I'm theorizing about what's happening and the reasons behind it. Well done author, entertaining plot.
I like the sexy clothes in the game btw, especially Maureen's.

Yes I became obsessed with Maureen, save me. Yes I wrote too much, I hope at least one guy will read.
I'll consider becoming a patron soon.
Yeah I don't get it, the mother is ugly and there were so many scenes with her. I'm not into incest so I prefer to think of her as a step mother or something. Veronika needs to have a lot of focus in the next chapter IMO.

We've been at 75% on testing forever and I've stopped contributing financially.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
Yeah I don't get it, the mother is ugly and there were so many scenes with her. I'm not into incest so I prefer to think of her as a step mother or something. Veronika needs to have a lot of focus in the next chapter IMO.

We've been at 75% on testing forever and I've stopped contributing financially.
If you think the main love interest is ugly, and you don't like incest (and don't seem to understand that the default game doesn't have incest), and you don't seem to understand the reason for the release's delay...have you really "stopped contributing financially"?

I mean - you can't stop what you never started.
4.10 star(s) 236 Votes