
Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
What I want to know is WTF is up with Flavia? She seems to hate the MC with a passion.
nothing new, old aristocratic disgraced and impoverished blood hates the new rich!

Its like MC did Lydia a favor removing her uncle from a position of influence, because all of that fell on her lap, and she was quite fast on taking advantage of it as she seems to be the one leading the faction now. Before she could only dream of becoming one of his concubines, and now has the chance of becoming Queen..and even if she doenst, depending on player choices shes his wife already...and one of the first ones. No one on her family would oppose her. MC seems to be dealing with a lot of potentialy dangerous women.
thats because the race is on for the 1st born male child..
once she has secured her trump card...
its harem politics unleashed ...
heirs dyeing by several diferent accidents of all possible origins!
all wifable girls are running after that creampie even just concubine status
does not preclude a possible future king that can be controlled by his mother and her chosen councilors!

so once the girls get a boy you better watch your back,
they are gunning for your gonads to make sure there is no future rivals!
if you become too troublesome or too "virile" sporting children left and right
and dare to even legitimize one of them... fuck you´ll be dead before the next full moon!

by the way... once they have a boy or a fair assortment of girls it will be cucking season...
they will spend money blood and give up even their asses to anyone who might be useful in securing their heir or heiresses position...
you might even see alliances and promises of future incest...
the rich, the powerfull, the information and power brokers, the military mighty all will be running knackered
with all the proposals that your children mother will be making upon them
by either direct threat bribe sex blackmail or whatever it takes...
to indirect selling off your daughters for whatever support will be most useful to them in the end!

Besides for queen status only Astrid works!
the military might of the vikings will keep your northern enemies at bay!
one secure border... the west is clean its only Ocean unless the Aztecs come rowing up from the west...
the south is desert sand, small raiding groups but no large army is coming up from the south except perhaps from Egypt
but Egyptian Legions can also be used to secure half of your eastern border so a 2 in 1!
you might even get the britanian lands as a dowery i mean girl brides bring gifts,
so you will only need 1 legion for Britannia and a navy
then you can join all your nothern legions if need be
and ferry them beteween your gaulish, germanic or Arkanian border and the isles!

the secret to your success will be your eastern campaign, secure men weapons and especially money!
those regions are rich, with that money you can provide public works in the west to keep the western parts pacified!
pay for bribes, build a proper Ocean Atlantic navy and a Mediterranean navy to keep piracy down that increases trade and revenue!

only issue will be political stability, but a viking army is a pretty good deterrent to those military minded!
economically you can build your army rather quickly if you don´t over do it military and instead go for public works!
the greatest problem will be the assassination attempts, but a good solution is a purge now and then!
and keep your fucking MC in the field surrounded by his armies, nobody is touching him and if someone revolts...
you can react effectively and make a proper example! how brutal you are will determine the dissuasive aspect
how merciful you are will determine how loved you are which will accrue more resources for the future...

his own fault, he added politics into this game.
some of us like Politics!
i mean its the most pornographic aspect of life!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2023
nothing new, old aristocratic disgraced and impoverished blood hates the new rich!

thats because the race is on for the 1st born male child..
once she has secured her trump card...
its harem politics unleashed ...
heirs dyeing by several diferent accidents of all possible origins!
all wifable girls are running after that creampie even just concubine status
does not preclude a possible future king that can be controlled by his mother and her chosen councilors!

so once the girls get a boy you better watch your back,
they are gunning for your gonads to make sure there is no future rivals!
if you become too troublesome or too "virile" sporting children left and right
and dare to even legitimize one of them... fuck you´ll be dead before the next full moon!

by the way... once they have a boy or a fair assortment of girls it will be cucking season...
they will spend money blood and give up even their asses to anyone who might be useful in securing their heir or heiresses position...
you might even see alliances and promises of future incest...
the rich, the powerfull, the information and power brokers, the military mighty all will be running knackered
with all the proposals that your children mother will be making upon them
by either direct threat bribe sex blackmail or whatever it takes...
to indirect selling off your daughters for whatever support will be most useful to them in the end!
Ahhh a fellow history buff of the feudal and monarchial times.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2018

Development of To Be A King is nearly always fun. Nearly. The last month or so has had me working on some of the things I find more boring and frustrating. This is the non-sexy side of adult game development, much like the cleanup crew on an adult film set, but I digress. Work continues with this, and I keep reminding myself it is necessary. The results will be very much worth the slog.
In happier news, I continue to get more comfortable in the new render engine. It feels like an old friend now (though an occasionally temperamental one). Renders get easier to crank out by the day, and that is a very good thing as I have around 2,000 or so for this next chapter.
I'm afraid this is one of the more boring development updates, as there isn't anything non-spoilery to show off, and the last few weeks have been the regular grind of development. While To Be A King's story is set and a fixed length now with a full outline and main branches, that doesn't make it any less daunting in scope. Curses on me loving large stories with a lot of choices. What's funny is that I spoke with another developer last week about doing something much smaller for next my game project. Then I looked at my story ideas board. I think I'm doomed to develop long narrative games, but first I've got to get this one to finish line.
Stay safe and healthy, and I'll be back in a few weeks with another update.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
With 15 queen paths, 5 faction paths and the choice which of the 15 girls gets the bedrooms, we're looking at an insane amount of work. Add in variable threesomes and then double all of the paths mentioned if there's possibility of pregnant and not pregnant versions. For example consider that 3 bedrooms to any of the 15 girls is already 455 different possible combinations.

Sorry to say it out loud, but this game is in serious danger of burning out and getting abandoned. That, or many of these decisions will not have impact... A shame, as I've been enjoying it.
having girls in rooms in your villa is probably just to have easy access to their nightly sex scene. i doubt the dev will go for scene variations in the villa with all the possible combinations. same for the queens and factions, the characters will only react to them if the topic is relevant to the current discussion. you might get an extra spicy scene with the queen you choose as a "reward" from her.

Just take Flora, Kaylan, Eliana or even Dinah, don't need 'nobility', even Diana is ''just'' a merchant, the richest one, but still.
but Kaylan didn't like the idea of sharing MC before he became king. she only allowed it for the princesses because they would bring power and status to the MC. i'm not sure she would be ok with women of equal or lower status than herself, if you are not king. :D
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New Member
Feb 5, 2024
Guys can someone please how these "chapters" work? for example if I wanted to download the game from this thread which says "chapter 11", will I get the whole volume 1 or a part or what? someone please explain thanks :)


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Guys can someone please how these "chapters" work? for example if I wanted to download the game from this thread which says "chapter 11", will I get the whole volume 1 or a part or what? someone please explain thanks :)
whole shit from 1-11 and same when 12 etc come.
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Engaged Member
Jul 26, 2023
Not on any of the princesses paths yet still forced into a threesome with Kaylan & Aelina, will this ever be fixed?
Are you on Kaylan path? If so, that's why you're getting it I think.

I have Aelina and not Kaylan and had the scene, can't remember if I had option to deny it or not. Don't think I did, I'll check.

EDIT: Just checked, and wasn't given a choice, was forced into it, even though I had turned Kaylan down. So pretty sure those on Kaylan not Aelina, would be the same.


Jan 14, 2023
if its you're first playtrough i'd say choose what you think is best,

personally i'd go whit option 3
Thanks and Yes first playthrough. I noticed you lose trust points with the Gauls. I hope the 3rd option won't close any future LI path in the gaul territory.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Thanks and Yes first playthrough. I noticed you lose trust points with the Gauls. I hope the 3rd option won't close any future LI path in the gaul territory.
not to spoil anything but 3rd doesn't lock anything.


Engaged Member
Jul 26, 2023
Thanks and Yes first playthrough. I noticed you lose trust points with the Gauls. I hope the 3rd option won't close any future LI path in the gaul territory.
But if you don't then can't gain an alliance with the Danes. You need to decide which alliance/LIs you think will be best (I don't think there is a right or wrong answer). I did take Estrid (even though I was pretty meh as an LI), cause they're good fighters, and I think an alliance will be useful down the track.

I have also taken an alliance with the Gauls, (I know Briet was offered as a bride, but can't remember if I've accepted or not, I will), so somehow, I need to make them both work.

Not sure how it affects LIs from different places, but I'm trying to keep it fairly balanced until having to make a choice. So I'm taking LIs from all factions and turning away from all factions too, but not overloading on one faction. Which would surely piss the other factions off. The choice of Queen is going to be a crucial one!

No doubt, when it's all over I'll go back and play other ways like a manwhore and a world domination. But, I'm enjoying the story and the decisions to be made, balancing preferred LIs against political decisions.


Oct 11, 2020
I want to make Estrid my queen because she's my favorite but I'm also skeptical about making a foreigner Queen. not just for domestic political reasons but because it might bite me in the ass when it comes to foreign policy too.
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