
Sep 23, 2017
For a first test game as a new dev it was not a bad start. It was not perfect but overall a really good game in my opinion. It keeps me interested for possible future games.
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Asia Argento

The Golden Dragon Princess
Apr 14, 2020
Yup. Me too now that i know its a slur.

Are you the same person form TFGames? Wow you really chased me around the internet to shit on me huh?

You might have already read my response over there but if you haven't I'll give it to you here as well.

I honestly had no idea that the word tranny was considered a slur. The only context i ever see the word used is in porn. In porn it feels like its normal used in a similar way to how in straight porn the girl might be called a slut in the title of the video to let you know that shes into it.

The game is a simple kinetic novel told form 2 sides. The first one is one of the men in the house that sees the trans character as the victim of of another person in the house. The second POV is the trans character. In it you see that she is not only a willing but an eager participant. That's what i was trying to get across with the use of the word tranny as i understood it.

I apologies for my ignorance, i have learned and wont use word again in future games.
Maybe in future games, seek out a proofreader to help you, given your admission of dyslexia which makes it extremely painful to write. (kudos on even completing this with that disability)

People learn and grow. No one is trying to cancel you, we are just giving you ideas and aiding in your growth. It is entirely your choice to take it or leave it.
  • Haha
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Feb 29, 2020
You do know you are in the process of creating porn games right?
if you try to appease every woke idiot complaining easily offended sensitive genderfluid non binary carbon based lifeform you probably gonna end up writing politically correct lullabies.

I doubt anyone could ever write a Woke Porn game - the basic principle of Porn is not woke at all. In its intrinsic nature Porn IS offensive. (or should be)

New Title: How to sensibly show your non binary genderfluid friend the entire spectrum of human potential interactions taking into account that all activities are between fully responsible adults who fully understand and accept the true nature and potential consequences of all their consented legal actions and that nothing will happen that may harm anyone's either conscience virtue well-being moral political or philosophical beliefs or body integrity - consents will be publicly notarized at least 48 hours before any occurring.
yeah, this is exactly the response i was expecting to "can you not use a slur in your game's name"


Game Developer
May 11, 2021
Maybe in future games, seek out a proofreader to help you, given your admission of dyslexia which makes it extremely painful to write. (kudos on even completing this with that disability)

People learn and grow. No one is trying to cancel you, we are just giving you ideas and aiding in your growth. It is entirely your choice to take it or leave it.
Thanks. I looked at fiverr for a proofreader once, they're crazy expensive! I write so much that expecting someone to do it for free would be crappy - Sluttown, the sandbox game I'm working on is probably tipping 200k words and its barely even started. I'll just do my best and hope people aren't too harsh about it.

It was an honest mistake, I see the word used on pornhub and xvideos all the time. It never even entered my mind that it was a slur.

I've published fresh copys of the game with the name changed and sent links to the mods along with a request to change the title of the page so hopefuly this should put it to bed and i can crack on.


Mar 20, 2018
Not enough games like these where you're having some fun with a trans character instead of being turned into one. Will definitely be checking this out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
I briefly threw it into Twine to proof read and fix, but then I noticed I use a newer version of SugarCube than you do, so it would probably not re-import on your side. I was a bit gobsmacked that you put the entire first half of the story in just one passage, and the second part for Ella in another. With the functionality of the passage editor sucking donkey balls big time it must have been a royal pain in the ass to edit this thing.

"Currant Avatar." -> "Current Avatar."

"Lastly theirs you, you're the skinny but smart one of the group- and in this bunch that's saying something. At first when you all met there was a lot of intellectual one upmanship- it's kind of like the nerd version of dick measuring, but the others quickly gave up on that."


"Lastly there's you. You're the skinny but smart one of the group, and in this bunch that's saying something. At first when you all met there was a lot of intellectual one upmanship. It's kind of like the nerd version of dick measuring, but the others quickly gave up on that."

"to get in their panties- turns out we were wrong." -> "to get in their panties. It turns out we were wrong."

"You all agreed that if you had the chance to lose your virginity- even if it was to a tranny, you'd take it." -> "You all agreed that if you had the chance to lose your virginity, even if it was to a tranny, you'd take it."

"red bull and twizzlers" -> "Red Bull and Twizzlers"

"you plan on having a carrier " -> "you plan on having a career"

"I don't really like sweet stuff, get me a few bags of pretzels instead." -> "I don't really like sweet stuff. Get me a few bags of pretzels instead."

"work to our desktop's." -> "work to our desktops."

"explain that to doctor glass." -> "explain that to Doctor Glass."

"Dr. Glass didn't suspect a thing when he read the report and from then on you all got a lot better about making sure that you had local backups of everything- so all in all a good learning experience for everyone."


"Dr. Glass didn't suspect a thing when he read the report. From then on you all got a lot better about making sure that you had local backups of everything. So all in all it was a good learning experience for everyone."

"You sure. It looks like you were giving Mark a handjob?" -> "You sure? It looks like you were giving Mark a handjob."

"You can't say anything to the others man, seriously, Elton's parents are crazy religious, if they find out they'll disown him."


"You can't say anything to the others man. Seriously, Elton's parents are crazy religious. If they find out they'll disown him."

"Hay guys" -> "Hey guys"

"Yeah, defiantly." -> "Yeah, definitely."

"Elton didn't seem comfortable with any of what was going on and while that could just be Elton being Elton something felt off to you."


"Elton didn't seem comfortable with any of what was going on. While that could just be Elton being Elton, something felt off to you."

"I know right! If I'd known that Elton was into guys I would have gone for it myself!" -> "I know right? If I'd known that Elton was into guys I would have gone for it myself!"

"The three of you finish your drinks and try your best to ignore that right at that second upstairs, one of your friends was getting his dick sucked by another one of your friends."


"The three of you finish your drinks and try your best to ignore the fact that, right at that second upstairs, one of your friends was getting his dick sucked by another one of your friends."

"Hay guys I ordered" -> "Hey guys, I ordered"

"Smart kid- no lateral thinking power but he'll make a great researcher some day. " -> Smart kid... no lateral thinking power, but he'll make a great researcher some day. "

"I notices that one of you" -> "I noticed that one of you"

"Oh, yeah one of the guys- well not a guy anymore I guess-" -> "Oh yeah, one of the guys... well not a guy anymore I guess..."

"The Trans experience is still a relatively new subject of study, a subject with psychological training that can articulate the experience would be very valuable. "


"The Trans experience is still a relatively new subject of study. A subject with psychological training that can articulate the experience would be very valuable. "

"It's fine, she's just going to help Glass with something." -> "It's fine. She's just going to help Glass with something."

"YES! Haha! I told you I would win if we played a proper game- what are you guys looking- oh wow." -> "YES! Haha! I told you I would win if we played a proper game. What are you guys looking... oh wow."

"No Ella, you look great. Right guys, doesn’t she look great." -> "No Ella, you look great. Right guys? Doesn’t she look great?"

"She gives you a little twirl to show off her whole outfit, she's smiling and giggling the whole time." -> "She gives you a little twirl to show off her whole outfit. She's smiling and giggling the whole time."

"For the first time since you caught her and Mark together in the living room you feel the tension in your shoulders lift. "


"For the first time since you caught her and Mark together in the living room, you feel the tension in your shoulders lift. "

"Surely this must be who she really wants to be., if it wasn’t Dr. Glass would have found out." -> "Surely this must be who she really wants to be. If it wasn’t, Dr. Glass would have found out."

"You walk into the waiting room in front of Dr. Glass's office and take a seat, its already 4:45 and you settle in for what's probably going to be another long shift. You like Dr. Glass but he doesn’t really seem to care they you're supposed to finish at 5. If he gets stuck on a subject he finds interesting he has been known to keep people trapped in his office until well after 6."


"You walk into the waiting room in front of Dr. Glass's office and take a seat. Its already 4:45, and you settle in for what's probably going to be another long shift. You like Dr. Glass, but he doesn’t really seem to care they you're supposed to finish at 5. If he gets stuck on a subject he finds interesting, he has been known to keep people trapped in his office until well after 6."

"that lets see" -> "that lets you see"

"Look, she didn't want me to tell any of you guys this but, Ella, is a slut." -> "Look, she didn't want me to tell any of you guys this, but Ella is a slut."

"That- that's bullshit. He's her boss- not to mention that he's a psychologist and she's effectively his patient." -> "That... that's bullshit. He's her boss... not to mention that he's a psychologist and she's effectively his patient. "

"she likes to suck dick- I can prove it." -> "she likes to suck dick. I can prove it."

"once your done" -> "once you're done"

"I told you I like it!" -> "I TOLD YOU! I LIKE IT!"

"for you cock mouth first." -> "for your cock mouth first."

"Now that he has her so under his thumb that he can force her to suck him off in front of everyone he's only going to get more bold." -> "Now that he has her so far under his thumb that he can force her to suck him off in front of everyone, he's only going to get more bold."

"sitting together at lunch except for $M" -> "sitting together at lunch except for $m"

"One day after work you come in the door and crash onto the couch" -> There's an image macro for LivingRoom.jpg right after this line that has a misplaced quote so it appears as "<img src="Images/Misc/LivingRoom".jpg"" style="max-width: 45vw; min-height: 25vw;"/>" directly in the browser. It probably looks like addMiscPic LivingRoom'.jpg' when it should be
addMiscPic 'LivingRoom.jpg' in the Twine passage editor.

"all of you this summer has thought me" -> "all of you this summer has taught me"

"We are going to do you on our schedule not your slut- Justin!" -> "We are going to do you on our schedule, not yours slut... Justin!"

"You're not just meant to do what she asks, were supposed to be forcing her remember?" -> "You're not just meant to do what she asks. We're supposed to be forcing her.... Remember?"

"I know right. I thought I jerked off a lot before but after living with Ella my sex drive has gone through the roof!" -> "I know right? I thought I jerked off a lot before, but after living with Ella, my sex drive has gone through the roof!"

"The town I live in dude, everyone knows me and let's just say that" -> Not sure what you are trying to script here. Maybe something like "The town I live in dude, everyone knows me. Let's just leave it at that."

"Ha! I don't know about your school but at mine science nerds don't get invited to a lot of parties." -> "Ha! I don't know about your school, but at mine, science nerds don't get invited to a lot of parties."

"She didn't tell you? She transferred schools, we talked to Glass about her situation and he called up someone he knew at a college here in town. " -> "She didn't tell you? She transferred schools. We talked to Glass about her situation, and he called up someone he knew at a college here in town. "

"Nah, your right and all, she and I have something special but I don't think the amount of sex she needs is going to see her settling down anytime soon." -> "Nah, your right and all. She and I have something special, but I don't think the amount of sex she needs is going to see her settling down anytime soon."

"Nah, I want my own kids- not that there's anything wrong with adoption- you're not adopted are you?" -> "Nah... I want my own kids; not that there's anything wrong with adoption. You're not adopted are you?"

"On your bus ride home you feel I sudden itch in your mind, if feels like you forgot something but you can't quite get your finger on what." -> "On your bus ride home you feel I sudden nagging in your mind. If feels like you forgot something, but you can't quite put your finger on what."

"You don't know why, you've had a bunch of conversations with people that want kids they always end up expressing a similar sentiment." -> "You don't know why,. You've had a bunch of conversations with people that want kids. They always end up expressing a similar sentiment."

"For the first time you find yourself thinking how silly a thought it is. Having kids doesn’t really mean that part of your lives forever. Sure it may keep you memory alive but even at that, how many people could name their great grandfather, 2 percent, less?"


"For the first time you find yourself thinking how silly a thought it is. Having kids doesn’t really mean that a part of you lives forever. Sure it may keep you memory alive, but even at that, how many people could name their great grandfather? 2 percent? Maybe even less?"

I ran out of gas proof reading for Ella's section but blew through it again to catch the broken images:
addMiscPic 'Lippy.Jpg' -> addMiscPic 'Lippy.jpg'
addMiscPic 'M.Jpg' -> addMiscPic 'M.jpg'

Also you seem to have forgotten a whole section of Ella's POV during the MC's first anal sex. It basically goes from "hey there.." straight to her hands free orgasm with nothing in between.

And finally the following MP4 files need to be converted away from the greedy clutches of the rent seekers:

How To Train Your Tranny/Images $ find . -name "*.mp4"

Thanks for catching these for me bud. The .Jpeg .jpg thing was just a typo i missed. The carrier/career thing is just cause I'm an idiot lol. I'm dyslexic and if MS Word doesn't give me the squiggle i assume everything is OK.

Other than that did it all run fine on Linux?

Deleted member 440241

Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
I don't like how passive the MC is. The relationship between Mark and Ella/Elton is super supsicious and the MC just going with it because the blowjobs feel good creates a feeling of powerlessness and humiliation that I'd say is similar to ntr. I'd really have preferred playing from the perspective of Mark (especially if he was less of a whiny shit) so I can be the one dominating Ella and pushing the transition forward.


Oct 22, 2017
FINALLY!! please continue making this game, I hope the other devs start making games where you train a tgirl than forcing you to be one


Jul 27, 2017
Like the concept, only a few games like it, let's see the execution.

Edit: No, it's not at all what I had in mind. Extremely disappointed.
Last edited:


New Member
Apr 4, 2020
I loved this game and thought it was very hot, but I really appreciate you being open to and changing the title, thank you. It gets old and dehumanizing very quickly seeing that slur everywhere in porn whenever there's a trans person like me, so that was cool of you. Nice game!

I also had trouble with the first link, but the firefox one worked great

Asia Argento

The Golden Dragon Princess
Apr 14, 2020
You do know you are in the process of creating porn games right?
if you try to appease every woke idiot complaining easily offended sensitive genderfluid non binary carbon based lifeform you probably gonna end up writing politically correct lullabies.

I doubt anyone could ever write a Woke Porn game - the basic principle of Porn is not woke at all. In its intrinsic nature Porn IS offensive. (or should be)

New Title: How to sensibly show your non binary genderfluid friend the entire spectrum of human potential interactions taking into account that all activities are between fully responsible adults who fully understand and accept the true nature and potential consequences of all their consented legal actions and that nothing will happen that may harm anyone's either conscience virtue well-being moral political or philosophical beliefs or body integrity - consents will be publicly notarized at least 48 hours before any occurring.
Except I gave two good examples of sissification games already..... Sissy trainer and The Makings of a Slut. Both didnt give your sarcastic idea of consent, they tried it and liked it or were already a Femboy that liked bottoming and wanted to go full bottom.

Its his game to do as he pleases. Some people view my criticisms and tell me to go fuck myself, he chose another path. It is what it is.

Asia Argento

The Golden Dragon Princess
Apr 14, 2020
Thanks. I looked at fiverr for a proofreader once, they're crazy expensive! I write so much that expecting someone to do it for free would be crappy - Sluttown, the sandbox game I'm working on is probably tipping 200k words and its barely even started. I'll just do my best and hope people aren't too harsh about it.

It was an honest mistake, I see the word used on pornhub and xvideos all the time. It never even entered my mind that it was a slur.

I've published fresh copys of the game with the name changed and sent links to the mods along with a request to change the title of the page so hopefuly this should put it to bed and i can crack on.
Ask a supporter. Maybe offer it as a top donation tier or ask for volunteers on f95. I mean the ultimate bro Silentce translates games here for free. Someone would be willing to aid you.
  • Heart
Reactions: Silentce


Game Developer
May 11, 2021
I briefly threw it into Twine to proof read and fix, but then I noticed I use a newer version of SugarCube than you do, so it would probably not re-import on your side. I was a bit gobsmacked that you put the entire first half of the story in just one passage, and the second part for Ella in another. With the functionality of the passage editor sucking donkey balls big time it must have been a royal pain in the ass to edit this thing.
Holy shit dude! This is like, amazing! I can't believe you did this, thank you so much! I already made the changes and sent fresh links to the mods.

Literally 2 comments before you posted this I was talking to someone about how no one would be nice enough to do something like this- happy to be wrong lol.

Also. . . it's hey not hay!? I write hay in like every text conversation I ever have! How has no one ever called me out on this haha! . . .Do people just think I'm talking about grass all the time?


Game Developer
May 11, 2021
I don't like how passive the MC is. The relationship between Mark and Ella/Elton is super supsicious and the MC just going with it because the blowjobs feel good creates a feeling of powerlessness and humiliation that I'd say is similar to ntr. I'd really have preferred playing from the perspective of Mark (especially if he was less of a whiny shit) so I can be the one dominating Ella and pushing the transition forward.
Out of cureosity did you play the second half where you're in Ella's POV? I've had this kind of thing mentioned a couple of times and I think it might because people are only seeing half the story. (Ella's not being dominated by anyone, she's actualy super into it.)

FINALLY!! please continue making this game, I hope the other devs start making games where you train a tgirl than forcing you to be one
Good news!
I'm making a big old sand box game that'll have a character in it that should scratch this itch - not Ella, I basically used 90 percent of the content I could find for her in this game. This is just a tester to see how people react to my writing. The main game (Sluttown U.S.A) will have a character that can be taken down sissy/trans/dom/sub routes depending on what people want.

Like the concept, only a few games like it, let's see the execution.

Edit: No, it's not at all what I had in mind. Extremely disappointed.
I'm guessing that the main game i'm making will be more of what your hoping for? Follow me on here if you want to know when it comes out.

I loved this game and thought it was very hot, but I really appreciate you being open to and changing the title, thank you. It gets old and dehumanizing very quickly seeing that slur everywhere in porn whenever there's a trans person like me, so that was cool of you. Nice game!

I also had trouble with the first link, but the firefox one worked great
Thanks for your understanding, I appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt. I'm just dumb and not malicious lol.

Ask a supporter. Maybe offer it as a top donation tier or ask for volunteers on f95. I mean the ultimate bro Silentce translates games here for free. Someone would be willing to aid you.
Thanks for the advice, I'll reach out and see if anyone's interested.
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Engaged Member
Mar 10, 2018
Also. . . it's hey not hay!? I write hay in like every text conversation I ever have! How has no one ever called me out on this haha! . . .Do people just think I'm talking about grass all the time?
Probably just shrug it off as some off regionalism or quirky variation; compare British "oi". "Hey" isn't really a word as such, after all.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
I've seen "hay" before rarely, but it's probably been in a foreign context.

Apart from your dyslexia, I think the two things I noticed the most of your writing is the use of "-" when you probably want "..." and run on sentences.

I have to go worship at the altar of big Pharma today to get my 2nd Moderna vaccine. If I have the energy afterwards, I may do the Ella section for you.

Holy shit dude! This is like, amazing! I can't believe you did this, thank you so much! I already made the changes and sent fresh links to the mods.

Literally 2 comments before you posted this I was talking to someone about how no one would be nice enough to do something like this- happy to be wrong lol.

Also. . . it's hey not hay!? I write hay in like every text conversation I ever have! How has no one ever called me out on this haha! . . .Do people just think I'm talking about grass all the time?


Game Developer
May 11, 2021
I've seen "hay" before rarely, but it's probably been in a foreign context.

Apart from your dyslexia, I think the two things I noticed the most of your writing is the use of "-" when you probably want "..." and run on sentences.

I have to go worship at the altar of big Pharma today to get my 2nd Moderna vaccine. If I have the energy afterwards, I may do the Ella section for you.
Yeah I notices the "-" ". . ." change a lot. I usually use . . . as a long pause and - as a quick change or when someone jumps off subject for a second. Which i guess is wrong?

The run on sentence thing is something I got called up for even when I was in school. I think it's cause that's how I actually talk in real life. I'm Irish and we never use 4 words when you can do the job just as well with 14 lol.

I'm also really bad about not using contractions. I write "you are", "she will", things like that more often than I should. I'm never confident if I'm using them in the right place so I lean on the side of caution. It's not a big deal I don't think? I'd be curious if it bothered you while you were reading?

No need to worry about proofreading the second half bud you've already done me a huge favor as is. Besides because of how the game is structured you've basically done most of it already by doing the first half.

Thanks again and I hope you feel well after your shot.
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Deleted member 440241

Active Member
Feb 14, 2018
Out of cureosity did you play the second half where you're in Ella's POV? I've had this kind of thing mentioned a couple of times and I think it might because people are only seeing half the story. (Ella's not being dominated by anyone, she's actualy super into it.)
I have, but because I don't identify with Ella and because I had already read the story from another perspective the impact was greatly diminished. Hot videos but way less immersion in the second half. That entire first half is set up to create the impression that Ella is being forced into it and might not even be gay as a prelude to the rape play gangbang. I get that, but it also makes the MC super passive and forces readers to view the story from the uncomfortable perspective of someone watching a rape happen but doing nothing to stop it. That might be some people's fetish but it's not mine and once that bitter taste is there you can't get rid of the memory. A fairly simple solution would probably be to write the story from Mark's perspective and give readers a choice of who they want to be at the start. Although since you're already working on another game it'd probably be better to just focus on making sure your new MC does more to move the story forward.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Hyphen "-" is only used for breaking words across the end of one line to the beginning of the next and for bullets in itemized lists. Ellipses "..." are the way... William Shatner uses... as Capt Kirk... to say his lines... in Star Trek... The Old Series. So they come in handy when your character is hesitating in speaking, or having trouble coming up with the proper words to say.

I'm a little surprised you came out as Irish. I would have pegged you as under the influence of Spanish or French origins for your quirky use of tense such as when you just used "I notices" instead of "I noticed" or "I notice". People with this quirk also tend to create plural forms for words that only have a singular form such as using "informations" instead of just "information".

Yeah I notices the "-" ". . ." change a lot. I usually use . . . as a long pause and - as a quick change or when someone jumps off subject for a second. Which i guess is wrong?
3.60 star(s) 9 Votes